
The Lands and Whites

The Lands and Whites is about a contractual pre destined marriage arrangement made by two prominent families with totally two different ways of living made on behalf of their not yet birthed children so as to seal a business deal.The irony of the story is that though the business deal is sealed , are we certain about the deal being a continuous success following the twists and turns coming from the successors of the business deal made that is Diana Lands as the heiress and Alfred White as the heir to the empire.Let us watch and explore these two people's lives together for a positive outcome. This book has dramatic dialogue and so just Incase you are not interested in it's format of writing you can kindly skip it.

Katas · Urban
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41 Chs


Many guests are invited and the party is held in the company hall where the room is filled with golden wine glasses, tables filled with fruits and a bar filled with different wines such as tequila, martinis and whiskeys .

On the opposite side of the hall is a buffet of barbequed meats such as chicken, pork, beef of all type and to to add topping to the sauce ,there is a snack party right next to the mouth watering beef party. The snacks include sandwiches, sausages, fries, dumplings, fried plantain , Viennas , sausage rolls and a fountain of milk chocolate to accessorise the snack party. Every thing in the party is quite enough to cater for all types of people ranging from the diet based to picky and impulse eaters.

While at the party, people are interacting with each other while in the back ground slow music is heard just the right atmosphere needed for a cock tail party.

However the atmosphere changes when a lady all dressed in a silk long red dress all tight clipped to her body showing her curves with red lipstick and all curly blonde hair with a smoky eye enters hand in hand with a handsome young gentleman all dressed in a black tuxedo with a belt two piece suit with a milk white shirt exposing part of his chest as it's the design of the collard shirt since there are no buttons.

The couple in question is none other than that of Diana and her husband Alfred White and once the two step at the centre of the hall, claps are heard, screams of excitement fill the room just by the mere presence because the aura they bring in the room is that of the planned rich babies with brains and once the noise is zeroed down, Daniel takes on the floor as the master of ceremony.

Daniel suggests that rather than speeches, he prefers that the young couple do an opening dance to entertain the guests because they are here to celebrate yet another success not to lecture anyone about their works since everyone present has a unique story behind their spectacular success.

Diana is led at the centre of the room by Alfred and " stuck on you " by Lionel Richie is played .

Alfred picks Diana's hands and places them on his shoulder and then he gently places his hand on Diana's small of the back which is very visible as the dress is an open back and then Diana directly looks into Alfred's eyes while he looks into hers . While swaying their hips according to the rhythm of the song, communication is made between the two of them and like they say , eyes are the windows to someone's soul, emotions are intense as Diana for the first time feels her heart pounding blood not pumping it and Alfred becomes Abit sweaty and red that he doesn't know whether the room is hot or Diana is the one making everything hot around him. After that position, the position is adjusted where Diana is pulled closer by Alfred then spun around to turn to her back and then Diana faces the public while Alfred is at her back while they are dancing . Next to her ear while facing the people, Alfred musters up all the courage .


Diana can not believe her ears, she gets star struck and widely open her eyes while her face turns pink out of embarrassment so in the fit to cover it up , she changes their position to face Alfred so she clearly makes sure she is not imagining things and while directly looking back into his eyes, he repeats his love confession that Diana feels like she wants to run away but like the boss she is , tries to stand her ground and before she knows it, Alfred tells her that even if she doesn't admit her feelings to him, he is so sure and very hopeful that she likes him and he goes ahead to compliment her dress as she is the most outstanding person to him at the party and by the time their song is done, people are all blushing about their president and CEO while the parents of the lovely couple are sighing already seeing their lovely grand children.

After the dance, claps are heard a symbol of a good entertainment and with that the new business venture is exposed to the public and followed on the agenda is people eating anything they feel like coupled with more interaction.

Dialogue between Alfred and Daniel.

Daniel: Wow man! Wow!

Alfred: What?

Daniel: Don't think I didn't see what you were doing there . I should say you are a pro at what you do , quite an inspiration.

Alfred: I am not interested in knowing what you have to say.

Daniel: You should thank me for putting there an event that was not on the agenda that is the least you can do.

Alfred: Okayyy , thanks.You are indeed my wing man.

Daniel: You owe me and just know you will pay one day.

Alfred: Will see.

In another corner, Alexa moves over to meet up with her bestie.

Alexa: Mommmmmm, awww the sweetness is all over we can't even digest all of it.

Diana: Whatever, ofcourse we got only sweet things for people like you do enjoy them when you still can.

Alexa: No, no babe , not this, I mean the DANCE.

Diana: What about it?

Alexa: It's okay when the time is right you will definitely tell me your self.

Diana: Okay girl, I am in love with my husband and much as I don't want to show it , I realize I can't control it so huh, I guess I am trapped in this scum of a marriage.

Alexa: Actually he loves you more than you love him so you don't need to worry about being in a one sided relationship.

Diana: Can you see it as well?

Alexa : Everyone can see it. Congs baby girl , I cant wait to see his face when he knows you love him as well.

Diana: Shut up and have this Mocktail.

Alexa: Hahhhhhaaaaaa

While the two ladies are having their banter they are interrupted by Daniel.

Daniel: Helloooo lovely ladies!

Alexa and Diana: Hi.

Daniel: You look soooo hottt that all eyes are on you.

Alexa: Thanks.

Diana: I knew I looked good even before I arrived in this place.

Daniel: Cocktail or mocktail which of the two suits you lovely ladies.

Diana: Get me a martini cocktail please.

Alexa: Mocktail will do for me.

Daniel: Am at your service.