
The Land Of Trouble

This Novel is For general audience. It is the second part of my previous Novel (not continued). It has Adventure, Mystery, Suspense and Drama. 4 friends were living their happiest lives before a disaster occurred.

urwa_tul_vusqa · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Season 2 (Chapter 6) The War.

"She is a really powerful witch and She will definitely do whatever she wants" replied Leo. "So what do we do now?" asked Sophie. "I'll first have to undo the link between me and Lindy" said Leo. "And.. what about you?" asked Elena nervously. Leo didn't answer as he knew he was gonna die soon. He started to recite the spell. As he finished, Leo tried to inject a needle on his palm to see if the spell worked but Lindy still got hurt and saw the mark on her palm too. He tried to do the spell again but it didn't work again. "You sure this is the correct spell?" asked Sophie. "Yes, it is! ..something's wrong" said Leo. "I guess, it's my fault!" someone said behind them. They turned around and saw Elizabeth. "I took your powers and you didn't even notice" said Elizabeth. "Give him his magic back" said Elena. "Relax! I took it so that he doesn't do anything behind my back.. though he's not powerful enough but I want to avoid those little stupid spells he would do" said Elizabeth. "Give me my powers, I won't do any spell but just this one (un-linking). Please, I promise" said Leo. Elizabeth denied and vanished in the air. "Let's run from here" said Lindy. They went to hide in the basement of Sophie and Lindy's home. "So there's no way to defeat her?" asked Elena.

"Probably none" said Leo. "She's got even more powerful because she has Leo's magic too" said Sophie. In the morning, Lindy was worried and tensed but she didn't tell anything to her friend. Every morning, when she used to see Joseph, she used to ignore him or turn her face aside. 3 days passed, Sophie, Lindy, Leo and Elena couldn't think of a good plan, they were all helpless. Finally the day came, when Leo had to die. They were hidden in the basement, because she didn't know about it. there was knock on the door. Uncle Liam opened and asked up. "Uncle, I'm actually a friend of Lindy and Sophie, can you call them?" said Elizabeth. "They are probably in the basement, downstairs" said Uncle Liam. Sophie could hear everything she said. "She's coming here" said Sophie. "Hello, frenemies! it's time we have a war" said Elizabeth. "go away from my house, no one will get hurt" said Sophie. "If you don't come out and come with me then I'll have to.. kill your sweet uncle" said Elizabeth with an evil smile. "No.. no, don't do anything to our uncle" said Lindy. "Then come with me!" said Elizabeth. They agreed to go with her. She took them into a deep dark forest. "Alright girls, I have nothing to do with you so I will only take Leo with myself. You guys stay here. Any last wish, Leo?" said Elizabeth. "give me my powers back!" said Leo. "What will you do with it? you're gonna die anyway" said Elizabeth. "I just want to undo the link" said Leo. "Enough! come with me" said Elizabeth. She took him ahead, Sophie ran as fast as she could to stop her and so did Elena. When Elizabeth saw them coming, she made a huge fire circle around Sophie and Elena so they don't get out. She tied up Leo with heavy chains. She hit Leo with an axe in his feet. As Lindy felt it, she couldn't walk so she crawled towards them in pain. "You killed my sisters, you thought that you'll live peacefully?" said Elizabeth. "No, please stop it! Please" begged Lindy. Elizabeth took out the knife and said, "Look Lindy, I surely don't have a personal issue with you but I can't give him his powers.. and I don't care if you get killed because of him" said Elizabeth. Sophie and Elena were screaming but they couldn't help or save anybody. "Please don't kill anyone! Please, I beg you" cried Lindy. "I have to and you can't stop me because you can't even walk" mocked Elizabeth. "Please, don't kill her" asked Leo. "Like I said, I don't care if anyone dies" said Elizabeth. "Let's finish this business" said Elizabeth. She pointed the knife towards Leo's heart. She could hear everyone screaming but the fire in her eyes didn't let her stop. "This is for my sisters!" shouted Elizabeth.

*Any idea, what will happen next?*