
The Land Of Trouble

This Novel is For general audience. It is the second part of my previous Novel (not continued). It has Adventure, Mystery, Suspense and Drama. 4 friends were living their happiest lives before a disaster occurred.

urwa_tul_vusqa · Fantasy
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18 Chs

(chapter 3) Ancient Times.

Lindy realized, she was living on an isolated Land left all alone. She was starving like she hasn't eaten anything from days. So she went to a store. Lindy picked up some food to eat from the store, anything she wanted. She felt kind of Illegal to take stuff in free and not paying for it but there was not a single soul except herself. She ran back to her house, but she found out that her house has not been constructed. It was a huge mansion in the replacement of her house. She went inside and explored it. Lindy was a bit scared of the big mansion, she saw some pictures hanging on the wall. She saw a frame on a shelf of two women, they were wearing some old fasioned clothes but were royal. Lindy thought that the house was very old because everything in it was very old and antique. She went in the dinning room there was a long table and some chairs, she sat on one and started to eat. Hours passed, she was still exploring and searching for anything that could give an idea of where she was. She went outside the mansion. Lindy thought of something that might help and she quickly went to find the office of newspaper publishers. She was searching for it everywhere, and at a place 5 miles away from the mansion she went inside it and found that it was the office. She smiled and started searching for the newly published newspapers. She found a newspaper and looked at the date. She shocked when she saw the date written on the newspaper. "3rd April 1974? I wasn't even born in that decade! Why am I here". She looked on the page's top left, she read, "the weather of today is cloudy, a change in wind direction and wind speed blowing at hight altitudes has been captured. The weather is not great today might have a chance of thunderstorm from the cumulonimbus cloud.. WHAT?! a thunderstorm? No no, I should not stay outside." she ran back to the mansion holding the newspaper. She was riding on a cycle to reach hurrily but still was 2 miles away when the clouds turned dark and strong wind started to blow. It was so strong that Lindy couldn't ride properly and the wind made her fall. She checked up on every house's door but all were locked. The storm started to get severe and she rescued herself and took shelter under an unlocked car showroom. Suddenly a tornado was formed. Lindy hid under a strong table, she was so scared of it, it was higher than the tornado which had got her here. It lasted for more than 13 minutes. When she stepped outside, she found all the dust over the place. She ran back to the mansion and rested a bit. While, Sophie, Elena and Josh were still searching for any clues that how did Lindy disappear. "We've been searching for her since the morning and not a single clue has occured, we should think of someone from whom we could get help" said Josh exhaling deeply. Sophie looked at Josh and smiled, the same way Josh looked at her and smiled like they had an idea. Elena saw both and asked, "What? Do you guys have an Idea?". "Oh yeah! we actually do, and it's only possible if you could help" said Sophie smiling at her. "of course, why would I even deny?!" said Elena happily. "Well okay then, Go ask Leo how did Lindy disappear." said Josh. Elena got confused and asked, "Is that the idea, I thought you guys really had an idea. He wouldn't tell me. Remember, when we were asking him but he ran away?". "Yeah, but this time only you will go and ask him maybe he would tell you?" said Sophie. "because he admires you! Now go if you want Lindy back." replied Josh. They all went to the cafe where they might find him. Elena was sitting there for 2 hours. When she finally decided to go back, Leo came. She sat back down again. When he went to order something and looked around, Elena slightly waved at him. Leo went to sit in front of her. "So umm.. hey! Can I ask you something?" asked Elena. "Sure!" replied Leo. "How long have you been a wizard?" asked Elena. "Well, I lost count but approximately, I was 19 years old when I became a wizard and it was 1974 so I guess, it's been 46 years till today" answered Leo. "where were you all those years?" asked Elena. Leo said, "I know you are trying to slowly expose me and you are here because of Lindy, and I'm actually amazed". "smart!" said Elena. "I know, but let me tell you one thing, Lindy is at a place where I was all those years. Goodbye gorgeous!" said Leo and went. "Oh my god! Where would she be? Damn it! I know he has her."