
The Laments of a Guilty Soul Eater

When Kai is pulled through a portal into nothingness, nothing seems to happen. Days, months, years, decades, nearly a century later, Kai is released from his prison. But something has changed. He no longer has a body, a form, and instead is a being of pure mental energies. To survive, he must feed on the crux of what makes us human- our emotions. A journey of small joys found in the ocean of stresses and sadnesses in life, and the eventual end of one beautiful thing leading to the birth of another. AUTHORS NOTES - The first volume (1-34) issues with the consistency of the actions of the main characters. The gap time taken between posting the final chapter of the first volume and the beginning of the second volume was to ensure these issues would be remedied for the rest of the novel. I personally think the ending of the first arc really makes up for all the issues with the novel, so you should totally give it a try!

Teddy_910 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Kai was messing about in Kyle's mind as he slept, seeing what changes he could make, sculpting the clouds as one does, when he noticed something odd. He was sculpting with two thumbs on each hand as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

He paused, staring at his hands for a while.

With a bit of focus, the extra thumbs melted away.

The incident had gifted Kai with a flash of inspiration. What if he wasn't limited to the constraints of what he had assumed to be his body, however non-physical it may have been? What if his intangibility had freed him from physical constraints?

With a pop, he was suddenly a floating orb of energy.

Kai felt as if he had done the most wonderful stretch in the world. The only problem with this form was his inability to affect his surroundings.

Wisps of energy shot out from his core, moulding the world around him. Influencing Kyle's thoughts had become infinitely easier. Kai even wondered if it would be possible to direct multiple humans at once.

What about animals?

The possibilities were endless!

With an inward smirk, Kai got to work.


Kyle arrived at school early the next day. He was excited to see his friends! He wandered throughout the main entrance, looking for Logan. He saw Logan's back and walked up to him, only to quickly do a 180 as his face flushed.

Who would've thought that seeing two clothed teenagers making out could be so embarrasing?

Even Kai was disgusted by this public display of affection.

With a grunt, Kyle turned and headed to his class unusually earlier. After all, Kai had decided to postpone his plans for the early morning in lieu of the… previous event.


As first hour ended, Kyle headed to the football field as always. The field was much busier than usual.

<Of course it took the imminent playoffs to get some of these numbskulls to practice tossing a ball around…>

Kyle shook his head, attempting to mask his contempt for the lazier members of the football team. He grabbed a football, found a partner, and got to tossing the ball.


Logan and Ashleighe were playing hooky, hiding in the football locker rooms. They were unexpectedly not snogging. Instead, Ashleighe was taking the time to listen to Logan's thoughts.

"I'm just so worried about this upcoming game, babe. If we lose this game, we won't qualify for the playoffs… which could cost me a scholarship! I'm sorry… I know it's pathetic of me to worry like this in front of you…"

Ashleighe moved her hand from his shoulder to his chest before looking up into his eyes.

"Logan, do not ever- and I do mean ever- feel ashamed of expressing your emotions to me. I'd be more concerned if you WEREN'T worried about this scholarship, considering it's the only way we can avoid heading to a long distance relationship after high school. I will always love you, emotions or no emotions."

Logan took a deep breath. Ashleighe leaned in for a hug.

"I love you."

"Love you too, babe."


Halfway through his free hour, Kyle began to think of Logan. Perhaps he should go find him. He'd make a better practice partner or something, probably.

He set down the football absentmindedly, ignoring the protests of his previous partner.

<I guess he'll just have to play catch with himself.>

He wandered into the school, his eyes peeled for his friend. His pupils zipped back and forth erratically, scanning for any trace of Logan.

<Logan. Where is Logan?>

He made sure to rotate his body at times for maximum angle of vision.


His back against the wall, he ignored any stray students he bumped into.


Kyle noticed his eyes were burning. He had forgotten to blink.

After a few more minutes of frantic searching, he honed in on Logan passing him by in the main hallway. Suddenly, he lost interest in returning to football. Instead, he clasped Logan's shoulder and steered him to the locker room. He almost felt as if he needed to say something.

Kyle was sure he would remember when he got there.



Upon a very basic cursory inspection of my work, I have noticed that it is, in fact, missing a lot of key plot points. I forgot to make a timeline first. Whoops.

Over the next few days, the first 16 chapters will be overhauled to bring us to this point. Anyways, if you're reading this, that means that I am not finished yet. So, uh… thanks for reading!! I will continue to post at least a few words daily no matter how exhausted I am.

welp... this is gonna be a lot of work lol

I'm praying it'll just be additive. Either way, I'll leave a note when I'm finished in case you just want to go to the beginning one time and reread. Hopefully that'll fix the quality issues I have been feeling I have been having. Anyways, nini. Take care of youself!

Teddy_910creators' thoughts