
The Kung Fu Baby is Four Years Half and has 17 Pampering Brothers

Gu Miaomiao was born with an ancient martial arts system but was caught in dimensional turbulence that sent her back to ancient times, where she trained to become a female artist. When she was four and a half years old, she returned to the present world and assumed a journey to look for her family. When netizens learned that a certain star was bringing a child to a variety show, all the netizens were convinced that he would suffer a blow to his public image and felt sympathy for the child. Scene one: Star trying to sleep in while the child pulls off his blanket.Netizens: The game is over. The star has always been known to get cranky when he wakes up. He's going on a rant now! Miaomiao: I'm hungry. Cook something for me, okay? Star: Right away.Netizens: That's not the star we know!Scene two: Star falls into a pool when he tries to make a grab for food ingredients.Netizens: That's going down as the star's lowest moment! Screenshot it right now! Miaomiao: It's alright! I'm coming to save you! Walking over to the water, Miaomiao carried the star to the solid ground while carrying the food basket in the other hand.Netizens: Screenshot that! It's a highlight! Miaomiao is a strong female lead boss! Scene three: Children gathering food ingredients in a villageNetizens: The star would definitely tell Miaomiao to hoard. In fact, the star was quietly following Miaomiao, worried that she would get bullied. Netizens: So that's how you really are, Star!

Drunken Blue Bridge · General
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40 Chs

You're The One I Smashed

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

[What's going on? Why did it end so quickly?]

[The group of six has no gaming experience.]

[They're even confused.]

[Play the game properly. What do you mean by hitting their faces? Did you do it on purpose?]

[Shee must have done it on purpose. My Zhou Yan was bullied by Gu Che and now he's being bullied by his sister. Is there any justice in this world?]

[Do you think you're great just because you know martial arts?]

[I don't think she can do this even though she knows martial arts. You might as well suspect that there's a machine in the sandbag and that the remote control is in Gu Miaomiao's hands.]

Zhou Yan covered his face with one hand and also had the same doubt.

He revealed an ugly smile, "Miaomiao, it's not right to cheat. Did you put something in the sandbag?"

Gu Miaomiao revealed a pure and innocent expression.

"No, the sandbag was given to Miaomiao by the second brother after the staff gave it to him."

Zhou Yan didn't believe her and asked for a check.

Little dough stood at the side, holding her hands pitifully. Gu Che's heart ached as he watched him check.

Gu Che originally didn't want to take another look at Zhou Yan, but now he thought it was better to ask his manager to spread something. His sister couldn't be wronged for nothing.

The ancient martial art system saw the familiar expression and started to have a headache.

It was wondering why the host had been so obedient and honest these days.

It seemed that she was new and unfamiliar with the place. She was not sure if her sibling would accept her, so she was a little cautious. However, after two days of interaction, she realized that Gu Che would grant almost all of her requests. He cared a lot about his sister and she immediately revealed her true nature.

[Ancient martial art system: Take it easy.]

[Miaomiao: I don't understand what you're saying.]

[Ancient martial art system: Actually, Zhou Yan had done something bad to Gu Che before.]

[Miaomiao: What was that?]

The result of the examination by Zhou Yan was that the sandbag just contained some fine sand inside.

Someone's face darkened.

[It's a slap in the face.]

[Questioning a child in public. This is all you can do.]

[He's been slapped in the face (in the physical sense).]

[My Zhou Yan is only questioning reasonably. You guys don't have to mock him, do you?]

Tang Tian didn't want to spoil the child's mood, so he smiled and asked Gu Miaomiao how she had made such an earth-shattering effect.

"This is also a kind of ability."

"No, no. It's just a coincidence."

Little dough stood obediently next to her second brother, looking a little shy, "Miaomiao was just lucky."

Tang Tian gave it a thought and didn't think that little dough could throw sandbags that could turn every time.

"Then, shall we start over?"

Tang Jing quickly pulled him back and lectured him with a straight face, "A loss is a loss. You can't renege on your promise."

Tang Tian, "Then it'll be mixed battle 1:0."

The second round began.

It was the little dough who got the sandbag again.

Director Qian was a little conflicted. For a moment, he didn't know if he wanted what had just happened to repeat itself or to end this segment smoothly.

While he was struggling, the little dough had already been thrown at Zhou Jun.

Zhou Jun shouted at the top of his voice, "I still want to play! I still want to play!"

Zhou Yan's face was already in pain, and he was annoyed by the noise. He roared, "Shut up!"

Zhou Jun was frightened and did not dare to cry anymore.

The audience was also shocked.

[His expression is so scary.]

[No matter what, he's still his cousin. I don't think it's good for him to be like this.]

[Zhou Yan is just too annoyed. After all, his cousin is really a naughty child.]

[Fans of Zhou Yan, you said that Zhou Jun was still young and that he could be forgiven. You asked the audience to be more tolerant. Now it's your Zhou Yan who is not tolerant. How is it Zhou Jun's fault?]

[Double standard.]

Liu Yue hid behind her sister and stuck out half of her head. She looked at Zhou Yan's gloomy face. This big brother was so scary.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you," Su Zhaomu said with a smile.

After a pause, he turned around and tried to say this to Gu Miaomiao.

However, Gu Miaomiao was staring at Zhou Yan's face in high spirits. He shivered and felt that this younger sister was a little scary.

Zhou Yan gave his game quota to Zhou Jun, which made Zhou Jun not so afraid of him.

He sat to the side to rest, feeling a little vexed. He felt that everything was not going smoothly for him.

He wasn't labeled as 'the best cook parent', didn't get to ride on Gu Che's popularity, didn't get to build a good relationship with seniors like Su Hanjiang and Tang Tian, and didn't even get to use Gu Miaomiao's experiences in the past four years to get on the hot search.

What went wrong?

Zhou Yan was puzzled. Gu Che was clearly cold and arrogant, and he couldn't bear having grit in his eyes. Gu Che should have exploded long ago when tried to draw his attention and talk to him.

He didn't know that he and his cousin had really made it to the hot search, but it was a negative hot search.

The manager looked at the negative hot search and quickly contacted the assistant who was following the show group. He asked the assistant to find an opportunity to tell Zhu Yan that he didn't request him to become popular, but he just asked him not to fail!

The competition between the guests was all for fun.

Except for the first round when little dough suddenly used the move, everyone was doing good the rest of the time.

After the mixed battle ended, it was time for the parents and the children to compete.

When Zhou Yan drew the lots and found out that he was in the same group as Gu Che, he immediately had a plan.

This was a great opportunity!

At this moment, he heard a sweet voice.

"Uncle director, this is so boring. How about we, children, fight against adults?"

Zhou Yan subconsciously wanted to object, but then he had given a thought. The schedule of the show group had been planned long ago, so the director would not agree.

Without those changes, the director would not have agreed.

However, it was almost time to fight for the ingredients, which was the main event. The game time of throwing sandbags was much longer than expected, especially Zhou Yan and Zhou Jun, who had wasted too much time.

The director also wanted to shorten the time.

"Alright, let's do that. Do you want to throw or hide?"

"Let's do one for each."

Little dough had completely adapted to the rhythm of the show and pulled her little sisters along.

The little boss, who naturally didn't want to be alone and always pulled Su Zhaomu and Zhou Jun together, strongly urged the children to be in a group.

Zhou Yan cursed the director in his heart for not having a bottom line. But on second thought, he could still be in the same group as Gu Che and achieve his goal.

The five adults were squeezed into the game area.

Zhou Yan tried to move toward Gu Che.

Su Hanjiang pushed him back.

Zhou Yan, don't walk around. If you follow my previous arrangement, we'll definitely win against the children.

Among the five adults, only Su Hanjiang had a strong desire to win.

This was also related to his son's character.

If he lost, his son would keep mocking him on the show. Then he would call his wife and laugh at him with her.

Didn't he care about his face?

Zhuo Yan was pushed back mercilessly, and his face was numb.

It was still little dough who threw the sandbag.

She aimed at Su Hanjiang and said, "Uncle, you'll be the first person Miaomiao wants to deal with."

"Come on. Uncle won't lose!" Su Hanjiang said heroically.


Hearing the familiar voice, Zhuo Yan's face reflexively hurt.

However, his face really hurt.

The sandbag hit his nose and rubbed against his cheek before landing on the ground.

Su Hanjiang's proud voice rang in his ears, "Miaomiao, did uncle manage to hide?"

The three boys were huddled together.

Zhou Jun saw that his cousin was hit, so he threw the sandbag in his hand excitedly and it hit Zhou Yan's leg.

"I also won! I'm the most powerful!"

Zhou Yan was speechless.