
Entering Umbrella

[The spacecraft entered a habitable planet, initiated stealth mode, and began searching for a suitable landing site.]

[Collect information on the civilization of this planet.]

[Execute wake-up command.]

A mist-like gas gradually emanated from the chamber's wall. It wasn't long before Varion, who had been in a deep sleep, slowly regained consciousness. His head throbbed with intense pain, and he felt disoriented.

"Mousse, have we arrived?"

Mousse, the artificial intelligence of the spacecraft, integrated with the memories of the Zar family's housekeeper on Krypton, responded.

"Based on the preset information, this planet is known as Earth."

With a sigh, Varion began to review the information collected by Mousse, taking his time to piece together the identity of this new world.

"It's Earth, how intriguing."

In his previous life, this world was well-known, sought after by many, and the setting for numerous novels and stories.

Resident Evil, a world filled with zombies.

The Umbrella Corporation, often referred to as just "Umbrella," was a central element in this world. The name derived from the company's logo, which resembled an open umbrella.

This multinational conglomerate spanned various high-tech industries, including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and defense. However, the true source of interest lay in their undisclosed high-tech military technology, biotechnology, and classified projects related to biological weapons.

The corporation had a broad reach, infiltrating virtually every sector of society.

Due to their involvement in highly classified fields, they even maintained their private security firms, which rivaled the military strength of some small and medium-sized nations.

In Varion's memory, the Umbrella Corporation possessed nuclear weapons, an astonishing prospect for a private company. The implications were clear: with such power, they could easily disrupt or destroy small and medium-sized nations.

"I need an identity for this world. Mousse, can you assist me with this?"

"Of course, Mr. Varion."

Within a short time, a complete identity was fabricated for Varion. From his early years to adulthood, his background was meticulously crafted, making it nearly impossible to detect any discrepancies. 

"I want to join this corporation. Do you have any recommendations?"

Almost immediately, Mousse presented Varion with a range of methods to seamlessly infiltrate the Umbrella Corporation, covering various positions and roles within the organization.

"The impending Resident Evil crisis had not yet erupted, meaning that the 'clean-up operation' had not yet commenced. I still had a chance, a glimmer of hope in this world, starting from the ground zero of Metropolis."

Varion was curious about the T-virus and its potential effects on Kryptonians. By all accounts, Kryptonians should exhibit greater resilience and potentially develop more tailored abilities than humans when exposed to the virus.

In the original narrative, Alice, a clone infected with the T-virus, gained the extraordinary ability to perceive and control satellites in low-Earth orbit. Even in the Marvel or DC universes, such powers were considered exceptional.

Low-Earth orbit, at a distance of approximately 2,000 kilometers, was truly remarkable, even if it was a mere illusion.

"Mousse, are you finished?"

"Sir, everything is in order. You are now a disheartened scientist at the top tier."

As Varion disembarked from the spacecraft, an overwhelming wave of nausea, dizziness, and weakness washed over him. He hastily retrieved an injection from his bag and administered it, taking considerable time to recover.

It was evident that Varion had underestimated the situation, given that he was merely a Kryptonian created from the template of a scientist. Even formidable warriors like Zod couldn't instantly adapt to this new environment. Fortunately, he had prepared the antidote in advance. If such an incident occurred in the city, it could spell disaster for others.

The consequences were unpredictable.

Equipped with a small flight device, Varion made my way to the nearest city, ultimately heading toward Raccoon City. Yes, the very same Raccoon City where the catastrophe was destined to occur.

This city appeared to be under the dominion of the Umbrella Corporation, with over 80% of the city's industries controlled by the company, all in an effort to conceal the underground hive base.

Varion's attire had transformed into a sleek and self-assured suit, enhancing his already tall and handsome appearance. 

Sitting by the window in a café, Varion ordered a cup of coffee, and his attention was drawn solely to an email on the computer before him.

The email was addressed to Dr. Isaac, the enigmatic figure rumored to be the hidden puppeteer of this world.


Dr. Isaac, stationed in the Umbrella Corporation's high-tech facility, had intended to venture to the underground base for an experiment. However, an unexpected email had appeared on his computer screen, a device carefully guarded by the company's advanced artificial intelligence systems, allowing only thoroughly vetted content to be displayed.


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