
The Korean playboy

Joshua Park, doctor by profession gets entangled with an actor in a whirlwind romance

Rikbom_Gibo · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Next morning I woke to birds chirping outside my window. I love this part in the morning when the air is fresher than in the afternoon, along with birds singing to themselves. I got up from the bed got freshened to get myself for the long day ahead.

Last night after dinner was a he tic load. My mom and sister wouldn't stop bugging me, clinging on to me asking things I didn't want to answer. I somehow escaped from them with the help of my father. Thank god I have someone who could save me from those two.

I walked downstairs to have my breakfast with my backpack clinging on to my shoulders. My mom has already packed me my dinner. I dont like eating food from restaurants at night, my stomach gets upset so I asked mom to pack some for me as I had a night shift tonight. After having breakfast I said goodbye to them and headed out. I was about to leave the gate my sister called me out.


"Yes" I looked towards her.

She came running to the gate.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't forget the autograph ok" she said huffing.

"Ok. If only I see him today ok" I replied and gave her a smile and walked towards the lane.

It was around 9 when I reached the hospital. I walked into my cabin and rested for a while before going to do my rounds.

After few minutes of rest I gathered all my interns and residents to ho the rounds. Once it was done I went back to my cabin to see out patients.

"Doctor we have an emergency" a resident came running ty o my cabin.

I got up from my chair took my stethoscope and wore my coat and rushed out along with the resident.

"Brief me and what's his status" I asked the resident.

"Kim ri Joeng, male 30 years old. Her wife found him on the floors thirty minutes ago. He slipped from the stairs and hit his head along with a fracture in his right legs a d elbow" he said.

"Stats?" I asked him.

"I gave him two shots of epinephrine. And his BP and saturation dropped on his way here" he answered.

"Ok" I said as we rushed to the patients.

I reached the nurse station.

"Emma please ask Dr. Ji hyun to take over my out patients until I am done ok" I said to the head nurse as I rushed to the emergency room.

I checked the patient and asked the resident to get the OR prepped. I comforted the patients guardian that it will be alright as I rushed to put on my surgical gown.

It was around half past 10 when the operation was over. I walked out the operating room cleaned myself. When I came out the patients wife came rushing to me.

"Don't worry. The surgery went well. I have asked the orthopedics to look at his fractures. We can't say anything yet. He is unconscious. We will know when he wake up ok" I said to them in korean.

"Thank you doctor" they replied.

I walked towards ca bn in but before that I went to the nurse's station.

"You can let the patients come now" I said to the nurse as I walked ti towards my cabin.

When I entered my cabin I saw bouquets of flowers all over my cabin. I looked around the room, Roses and calla lilies were all over my room. I called the nurse in.

"What is all this?" I asked her.

"This all came for you doctor" she replied.

"For me? Who sent them?" I asked.

"Don't know doctor. There may be a crad" she replied.

"Ok go" I said.

"Ah! Doctor there is no more out patients" she said.

"Thank you" I said. She walked out the door leaving me confused who would send me flowers that too my favourites.

I searched through the flowers to see if there was a card. I searched each bouquet and finally I found it in a bouquet of calla lilies.

I opened the card.


As soon as I read it he came in to my mind. I searched for my phone. When I looked into it I had four missed calls. I opened my call logs to see his name popping in red. When is this idiot gonna stop bothering me, I thought to myself.

I got really irritated as I called a ward boy to come to my room. After few minutes my cabin door flew open.

"Take all this away" I said without looking who it was.

"Wow flowers!" Ji hyun squeaked out.

"Dr. Park are all this for you" she said in a playful manner.

"Dr. Kim" I said.

"Who is this well wishers or should I say admirer?" She said in a teasing manner.

"Some manner less idiot" I answered.

We both broke into laughter. Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in"

"Doctor you called for me?" The ward boy said.

"Ya. Remove all this flowers from my cabin" I said.

"Where should I keep them" he asked.

"Its upto you. Keep'em or throw'em its your wish" I said. "I just want them out of here" I added.

"Dr. Park then can I keep these?" Ji hyun asked holding a bouquet of red Roses.

"Ya sure" I said giving her a smile.

"Oh! I almost forgot I need to check on my patient" I said th o her as I walked past him and the ward telling him to get rid of all this fast.

I walked past the nurse station to the residents room.

"Young joon come with me" I said through a slight opening the door to the room.

"Yes doctor" he said as he came rushing towards me.

"Did you check on the patient?" I asked him.

"Ya. He seems alright. His BP and saturation are normal" he answered.

"Is he awake yet?" I asked him.

"No. Doctor" he answered.

"Ok. For now let's wait for him to wake up and let's go check on him" I said as we headed to the ICU.

After checking the patient I asked the resident to inform me once he wakes up. I started walking towards my cabin that when my phone rang. I took it out from my pocket to see who it was.

'Idiot' beamed in it. I rejected the call as I started walking to my cabin again. My phone rang again. I just ignored it this time.

It was around noon. I got a call from the nurse station that my patient has woke up. I rushed to him to check on him.

"Are you alright sir?" I asked the patient.

"Ya I think so" he answered.

"How do you feel? Do you feel pain somewhere or on the surgical site?" I asked.

"Ya it pains a bit but not that unbearably" he answered.

"Ok. Even if the surgery went well, the surgical site can bleed out. You can fall unconscious develop a speech impediment become paralysed or have a seizure. Those are the risk" I said to him.

"Thak you doctor" the patient said.

"Don't thank me yet. First get well soon" I said smiling at him.

I turned around to Young joon.

"Observe him a bit longer and get a CT scan if there are anomalies . If his status doesn't fluctuate move him to a room" I said to him.

"Yes doctor" he answered.

"Then I'll see you later sir" I said to the patient as I walked out the room.

"Young joon call all the residents and interns to the nurse station and call the fellows too" I said to Young Joon.

"Yes doctor" saying he went running to the resident room.

After they all gathered at the nurse station they all greeted me.

"So today is my first night shift here in the hospital so listen carefully ok" I said addressing them.

"First thing I'll be in my room. Call me if you need me" I said.

"Yes doctor" they replied.

"I don't know how your attending are but never call me for trivial things ok" I said.

"Ok doctor" they replied.

"Only call me if there is a life and death situation" I said to them.

"And listen to your fellows they will heading the emergency tonight ok. Understood" I said to them.

"Yes doctor" they all replied in unison.

"That is for now" I said dismissing them.

"Ah I almost forgot. Fellows go to do the rounds after an hour and brief me on the conditions of the patient after the rounds" I said to the two fellowship doctors.

"Then I'll tell if anything is to be changed in thier medications" saying I walked away towards my cabin.

I got to my cabin and decided to take a nap until they decide to call me.

It was about 4 in the evening when I woke up from my nap. It felt amazing. I hot up hot freshened. I just came out of the bathroom when the fellow doctors came in.

"May we come in doctor?" the taller one asked.

"Ya. Come in" I said as I walked towards my desk.

"We are here to brief sir" the other one said.

"Ok" I said.

The 5aller one was about to start. I cut him off.

"This is your first night here right?" I asked them.

"Yes sir" they replied in unison.

"And I think I don't know your names" I said smiling at them.

"Ah! Sorry sir. I am Kim Joong ki" the taller one said.

"I am park sung joon" the other one said.

"Nice to meet you" I said.

"Great to meet you too sir. Big fan" kim joong ki said.

"Why don't you both sit and brief me" I said gesturing them to sit.

After that they briefed me on the patients condition one by one. After it was done I decided to have a coffee. I walked towards the canteen got a cup of coffee. I came back to my cabin. When I took the first sip of my coffee, a resident came rushing to my cabin.

"Doctor we have an emergency" he said.

"Aish" I cursed to myself.

I gathered my things got my white coat as I ran outside along the resident.

"Brief me" I said to the resident.

"15 years old , boy. He was hit by a motorbike on his way home. He is bleeding out from the right knees, wounded skull and a fractured arms. His BP and saturation keeps on fluctuating" he replied.

"Ok" I said rushing to the emergency room.

"Ask Dr. Joong ki to come, we are going in to surgery as soon as possible. Tell him to prepare the OT at once" I said.

"Yes doctor" he said rushing to get the fellow.

"You there, come we with me" I said pointing to the resident standing at the nurse's station.

"Yes doctor" she came rushing to me.

After we reached the room I looked at the patient thoroughly.

"Can you feel my hand?" I asked the patient while pressing his palm.

"Ok. You will be alright ok" I said to patient to calm him down.

"First let's stop the bleeding from the knees" I said to the resident.

Once the bleeding was in control I asked the resident to get a full CT scan of the patient asked him to bring the patient along with reports to the OT.

It was around 8 in the evening when I was done with the operation. I asked the fellow to shift the patient to the ICU and asked him to all me once the patient was up.

I walked out the OT. I met the patients guardian and comforted them telling them the operation went well. I came th o the nurse station the fill the patients details to the charts.

"Ah! Doctor someone came looking for you" the head nurse said.

"Who?" I asked confused.

'Who would come to see me this late at night's thought to myself.

"He didn't tell his name?" She said.

"It was a guy?" I asked.

"Yes doctor" she replied. "He left just now" she added.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"Towards the entrance" she replied.

"Thanks" saying I rushed towards the entrance.

Once at the entrance I looked around then I saw JungHoon's van.

'Why would he come here' I thought.

I ran towards the van but it drove away as I neared it.

'Why was he here?'

'Is he in pain again?

'Then why did he leave?'

All sort of thoughts started flowing through my mind.

'Am I being too cold hearted? It was me at first who hurt him, he was just trying to help' Guilt came rushing through me.

'Should I call?' or 'should I not?'

I was conflicted inside. I didn't know anymore what to do. I threw away all my thoughts as walked th towards my cabin.

The day went on. The patient woke up around 9. I had my dinner after seeing the patient. I was in my cabin when my phone rang. It was my mom.

"Hello" I answered.

"Did you have your dinner?" My mom asked.

"Yes ma. Just had" I replied.

"How is it going?" She asked.

"Its going fine ma" I said.

"Get some sleep if you get time ok" mom said.

"Ma. Don't worry" I said.

"Is dad asleep?" I asked.

"No. Why?" She asked.

"Cause you're annoying me instead of dad. That's why" I said chuckling.

My dad broke into laugh at the background.

"Ok ma. I have ty o go ok. Goodnight" I said.

"Ok take care" she said.

I disconnected the call and set the phone aside. I decided to lay down for a bit. As I was about to do so my phone beeped. I took my phone to see. It was as message from Jung Hoon.


I read it feeling confused, what does he mean by texting fighting.

'First he came here and now this. What is he thinking?'

'Did he just leave because I was having a night shift? The text would explain that'

'I am going mad. What is he doing to me?'

Again the train of thoughts. I thought that I must be going crazy. I decided to call him but again he must be sleeping by now. What should I do? Came to my mind.

'Never mind Joshua. Ignore him" I said to myself.

My first night shift went on swiftly. I felt it to be so peaceful compared to my residency days. No mich complications, it went as smoothly as it could.

I woke up from my nap around 8 in the morning. I got freshened up washing my sleep craze face. After getting myself a coffee I went towards the nurse's station.

"Where are the residents?" I asked the nurse at the post.

"They must be exhausted. They must be in the room taking a nap" she replied.

"Ok" I said.

"Should I get them?" She asked.

"No. You come along with me to the rounds" I said to the nurse.

"Yes doctor" she replied getting herself a notepad and coming along were with me.

It was around 8' 45 I was done with the rounds. I gave as ll the instructions to the nurse and asked her to give them to the residents.

"Ah! Wake them up around 9 ok" I said to the nurse as I walked towards my cabin.

I gathered as ll my belongings as I locked my cabin and walked towards the nurse's station.

"I am off now. Have a good ray" I said to the nurse.

"To you too doctor" she replied.

As I turned around to walk towards the elevator Young Joon called me out.

"Ah! You woke up?" I said smiling at him.

"Sorry doctor" he replied.

"Its ok" I said.

"I am off for the day. Wake your friends. Other attending may not be as kind as me" I said laughing.

"Yes doctor" he replied.

"Doctor your morning rounds?" He added.

"I am done with it. I have given eff n the instruction to the nurse. Get it from her" I said.

"Thank you sir" he replied.

After that I continued walking towards the elevator as I exited the corridor.

I was damn exhausted. I wanted to reach home as soon as possible. I slept all the way in the cab

Once I was in the lane leading home I walked as fast as I could.

As I neared home I saw a sports car near our entrance. Is some guest home I thought to myself. I ignored it as I walked past it to enter the gate.

"Mom, I am home" I said as I pushed the front door open.

As I let go of my shoes and looked up I met with a pair of eyes looking towards me. As soon as I saw him I stood there frozen.

All sorts of thoughts running through my mind.

"You?" I shouted out loud.