
THE KNIGHTS OF GREY: The Second Life of Galen Alexander Grey

After being crushed to death by a pile of HP books, the MC finds himself in an endless expanse of white facing an ASB. Offered the chance to be transmigrated into the Potterverse with his memories intact and 10 wishes, he agrees without much hesitation. Armed with common sense, foreknowledge and some OP perks, watch as Galen Alexander Grey takes the Wizarding World by storm...

Joya_Zuni_Shikdar · Book&Literature
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Ouch...my head hurts. My body feels strange. And I am reliving memories that aren't my own yet at the same time they are.

These memories belongs to a four years old boy named Galen Alexander Grey. He lived in London with his mother Helena Grey nee Evans, a woman with blood red hair and emerald green eyes in her late twenties. His father Alexander Grey died in a plane crash when Galen was six months old. He took after his father in the looks department with violet eyes and hair the color of dark chocolate.

He was a gentle and intelligent kid and was a bit of a mama's boy. He loved eating chocolate cookies that his mother baked. He was set to start school in a few months.

His last and most vivid memories depicted of his mother being shot to death by a mugger in front of him. And then came some hazy ones where he was brought to a hospital and being asked if he had any relatives. He told the authorities about Uncle Harold aka Harold Evans. Then he fell asleep and I took over his body.

Whatever, I am Galen Grey now. The soon to be the strongest wizard in history. I can already feel my bloodline awakening. I can hear the thoughts of everyone around me in a five kilometers radius. My body feels strong, flexible and full of vitality. I can think in an incredible speed and I know that I can move in supersonic speed. All of my senses feel incredibly sharp especially my eyes. I somehow know that my eyes are EMS with the power Kamui and I know how to use them instinctively.

I can feel my soul bound wands and Philosopher's Stone inside my Kamui Space. And I am wearing a ring made of some kind of pitch black metal that has intricate silver patterns all over it in the middle finger of my left hand which I know is my Ring of Invisibility.

From my new memories I came to know that the year is 1964. Which means that Lily Evans is currently four years old same as me. So is Batboy aka Sevvy Snape. Which means I would have a few years to prepare before Hogwarts.

Well, now all I've to do is to wait for Uncle Harold to arrive.

Wait, did Lily Potter name Harry Potter after her father? Food for thought...