
Blood Mutation

Closing the scroll Naruto takes an oath to avenge his clan. Sitting in silence for five minutes Naruto moves on, look at the other scroll Naruto sees that its made of much sturdier material than the other. Inside the scroll lists names of Jutsu and how to perform them including the clans famous Fuinjutsu. One fuinjutsu, in particular, caught his attention Adamantine Sealing Chains. Naruto felt like the Jutsu was made for him, reading the description Naruto realizes that the Jutsu was completely out of his league. Still, he wanted to try at least once searching for his chakra Naruto starts to gather it in his palm. Closing his eyes Naruto imagens a chain, like a mold he starts to fill the chain with chakra making it stronger and stronger. Opening his eyes Naruto sees a chain six inches long and as thick as his pinky disappointed by the outturn Naruto dismisses the chain.

As the chain starts to disintegrate into the air Naruto noticed that the light emitted by the red orb started to pulse. Moving closer to the orb Naruto places his palm on the somewhat warm ball and slowly starts to push chakra into the artifact. As he increases the amount of chakra output the ball pluses faster and after a minute naruto starts to feel a drain on his body. Starting to panic naruto takes his hand off the orb or so he tries to. His hand won't separate from the ball, as if sensing his attempt to escape the drain on his chakra speeds up rapidly. When another minute passes Naruto runs out of chakra, collapsing to his knees he thought the worst of it was over. Then he felt the tiniest of pinpricks letting a single drop of blood into the orb, then the pain came. It was a slow burn spreading up his arm causing waves of extreme cold and heat.

Letting out a scream Naruto saw his veins press against his skin swelling to twice their original size. Then he felt nine distinct energy sources flood into him, seven of them caused intense emotion to well up in Naruto many of them he has never felt before. Somehow the names of them all came to his mind in order, Lust, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Pride, Sloth, and Gluttony. As for the last two they felt as if they were everything and nothing at the same time, polar opposites that couldn't exist without each other. The nine orbs of pain travel through his veins coming to a stop in the middle of his back where they formed a circle.

While the Nine pains had stopped a whole new pain had overtaken his body. His muscles started to tear themselves apart before reforming themselves stronger than before. The last bit of pain was coming from his eyes, he felt blood leak from the corners of his eyes, and slowly a red ring formed on whites of his eyes.

As all this was going on the orb started to shrink becoming the size of marble until even that was gone. Slowly standing up Naruto gathered his thoughts, he realized that he felt much stronger.

' Kurama you said that you could display my strength can you do that now ' Instead of responding a window appeared in front of his eyes



Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Race: Kitsune

Lvl: 1


Strength: E

Dexterity: D+

Agility: D

Chakra: C

Charisma: B






Uzkumaki: 50%

???: ???


Eyes of Greed [ Nothing is able to escape greed it consumes all, Allows host to store objects in a separate space only accessible by the host ]


' Kuruma can you explain these how the stats work ' Letting out a yawn like he just woke up from the longest name ever Kurama lets out alone explanation.

' Stats are graded from D to S with D being the worst and S being the best. As you train and fight more the grade of your stats will increase. You will have the option to increase your leave once one of your stats reaches A rank. However, I strongly suggest that you don't when you increase your level I will send more of my chakra into your body. If your body isn't strong enough for the level of chakra it could cause severe damage. Moving onto your bloodline will mutate when certain conditions are met. A mutation is one of the ways to greatly augment your strength without backlash. For now, I suggest that you continue to build a sturdy foundation so later you won't collapse under your own weight. I'm going to take a nape bye. '

Frowning at his sudden disappearance Naruto realizes that he's been in the shed for around thirty minutes and he can hear Kakashi banging on the invisible barrier and if he focused he could even hear his heart rate increasing from worry. Coming back to his senses Naruto quickly activates his eye of greed, a black portal opens behind the bookshelf sucking it into the black void.

Opening the door Naruto winces at the sun which has not moved so he knows that he wasn't in their that long. Looking at Kakahi the white-haired ninja Naruto sees that his mouth is agape and he's pointing at Naruto.

" What do I have something on my face " Kakashi slowly stutters out " Y..your hair, your eye and your tail " Touching his head Naruto realizes that his blonde hair has turned a dark red with streaks of black running through it and has grown to reach the middle of his back. While his tail became the same color what really changed about him was his eyes. With a red ring on the edge if one stared into it for too long they would start to feel like those eyes owned them and everything they loved

Sorry its late my internet was buggy for most of the day.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts