
The Kitchen Cultivator

Lin Xiao is a young man who is reincarnated into a cultivation sect and is initially disappointed to be assigned as a kitchen boy. However, he eventually comes to appreciate his new role and begins to learn the principles of the Kitchen Dao, a powerful culinary art that can be used for both nourishing and defending others. Lin Xiao befriends Mei and the fox spirits, who help him on his journey to becoming a skilled cultivator. Along the way, he faces challenges and obstacles, such as a cooking duel with the rival Spice Sect and a quest to find a powerful dao artifact. Despite these challenges, Lin Xiao remains determined and uses his culinary skills to protect and help those in need. Through his journey, he grows and learns, becoming a true Kitchen Daoist and fulfilling his destiny as a cultivator.

Chizaruu · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Quest for the Dao Artifact

As Lin Xiao continued his journey, he stumbled upon a small village that was being terrorized by a group of ruffians known as the Fu Fighters. The Fu Fighters were a band of ruthless thugs who bullied and extorted the villagers, demanding food and supplies in exchange for protection.

Lin Xiao was horrified by the plight of the villagers, and he knew that he had to do something to help them. He decided to use his culinary skills to defeat the Fu Fighters and restore peace to the village.

Lin Xiao spent the next few days cooking up a storm, using the principles of the Kitchen Dao to create delicious and nourishing dishes. He worked tirelessly, experimenting with different ingredients and techniques, determined to create the perfect meal to defeat the Fu Fighters.

Finally, the day of the confrontation arrived. Lin Xiao faced off against the Fu Fighters, armed only with his cooking skills and his trusty frying pan. The Fu Fighters were shocked and confused, unsure of how to deal with this unexpected challenger.

Lin Xiao smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Gentlemen, I have prepared a feast for you," he said, gesturing to the spread of dishes he had prepared. "Please, join me and enjoy the fruits of my labor."

The Fu Fighters were hesitant at first, but the aroma of the food was too tempting to resist. They sat down and began to eat, and as they did, they felt their strength and energy returning. They looked at each other in amazement, realizing that they had been defeated by the power of Lin Xiao's cooking.

Lin Xiao smiled, pleased with the outcome. "Gentlemen, I hope you have enjoyed your meal," he said, bowing to the Fu Fighters. "I wish you a pleasant journey, and I hope you will think twice before causing trouble for these good people again."

With that, Lin Xiao left the village, leaving the Fu Fighters to contemplate the error of their ways. As he traveled, Lin Xiao continued using his culinary skills to help those in need and to defend himself against any dangers that he encountered. Along the way, he stumbled upon a clue that led him to the location of a powerful dao artifact that was rumored to be hidden in an ancient tomb.

Lin Xiao knew that this was a rare and valuable opportunity, and he decided to set off on a quest to find the tomb and retrieve the artifact. He traveled for many days, using his skills as a Kitchen Daoist to survive and navigate the treacherous terrain.

Finally, after weeks of searching, Lin Xiao reached the tomb and entered the dark and mysterious depths.