
The Kitchen Cultivator

Lin Xiao is a young man who is reincarnated into a cultivation sect and is initially disappointed to be assigned as a kitchen boy. However, he eventually comes to appreciate his new role and begins to learn the principles of the Kitchen Dao, a powerful culinary art that can be used for both nourishing and defending others. Lin Xiao befriends Mei and the fox spirits, who help him on his journey to becoming a skilled cultivator. Along the way, he faces challenges and obstacles, such as a cooking duel with the rival Spice Sect and a quest to find a powerful dao artifact. Despite these challenges, Lin Xiao remains determined and uses his culinary skills to protect and help those in need. Through his journey, he grows and learns, becoming a true Kitchen Daoist and fulfilling his destiny as a cultivator.

Chizaruu · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Last Words of a Master

Lin Xiao and Rei were shocked and devastated by the destruction they saw in Jade Falls. They wandered the streets, searching for any survivors, but they found only death and ruin.

As they made their way through the city, they heard a faint voice calling out for help. They followed the sound, and they came upon a familiar face lying on the ground.

It was Master Chen, Lin Xiao's former master and mentor. He was badly wounded, and he was barely hanging on to life.

"Master Chen, what happened?" Lin Xiao cried out, rushing to his side. "Who did this to you?"

Master Chen looked up at Lin Xiao, his eyes full of pain and regret. "Lin Xiao, my dear student... I'm so sorry. I came here to warn you about the Shadow Chef, but I was too late. She's a powerful and ancient being, and she's on a mission to destroy everything in her path. I tried to stop her, but she was too strong for me."

Lin Xiao was filled with anger and determination. "We have to stop her, Master Chen. We can't let her destroy everything we hold dear. We have to put an end to her reign of terror."

Master Chen shook his head weakly. "Lin Xiao, it's too late. The Shadow Chef is too powerful, and she won't stop until she's accomplished her goal. You have to leave, my student. Save yourself and flee this city before it's too late."

Lin Xiao refused to give up. "No, Master Chen. I won't leave you here to die. I'll find a way to defeat the Shadow Chef and save our Kitchen Dao!"

Lin Xiao and Rei tried their best to tend to Master Chen's wounds, but it was clear that he was not going to survive. As he lay on the ground, fading fast, Lin Xiao held his hand and tried to offer words of comfort.

"Master Chen, you have been like a father to me," Lin Xiao said, tears streaming down his face. "I won't let your sacrifice be in vain. I will defeat the Shadow Chef and restore peace to our Kitchen Dao."

Master Chen smiled weakly, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Lin Xiao, you have always been a strong and capable student. I have no doubt that you will succeed where I failed. But remember, the Shadow Chef is a cunning and ruthless opponent. Don't underestimate her."

Lin Xiao chimed in with a bit of humor. "Don't worry, Master Chen. We've got this. We'll just use our superior cooking skills to outsmart her."

Master Chen chuckled, his eyes closing as he drifted off into unconsciousness. "You always did have a knack for making me laugh, even in the darkest of times. But be careful, my student. The Shadow Chef is no joke. She is a force to be reckoned with."

With a final breath, Master Chen passed away, leaving Lin Xiao to carry on his legacy and stop the Shadow Chef once and for all. They vowed to honor his memory and protect their Kitchen Dao at all costs.