
The Kitchen Cultivator

Lin Xiao is a young man who is reincarnated into a cultivation sect and is initially disappointed to be assigned as a kitchen boy. However, he eventually comes to appreciate his new role and begins to learn the principles of the Kitchen Dao, a powerful culinary art that can be used for both nourishing and defending others. Lin Xiao befriends Mei and the fox spirits, who help him on his journey to becoming a skilled cultivator. Along the way, he faces challenges and obstacles, such as a cooking duel with the rival Spice Sect and a quest to find a powerful dao artifact. Despite these challenges, Lin Xiao remains determined and uses his culinary skills to protect and help those in need. Through his journey, he grows and learns, becoming a true Kitchen Daoist and fulfilling his destiny as a cultivator.

Chizaruu · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Cooking Duel

Lin Xiao continued to practice and grow as a Kitchen Daoist, learning new techniques and refining his skills. He was happy in his role as a kitchen boy, and he enjoyed working alongside Mei and the other chefs in the sect's kitchen.

One day, as Lin Xiao was chopping vegetables for the evening meal, he heard a loud knock on the kitchen door. He looked up, curious, and saw a group of men in colorful robes standing outside.

"Greetings, kitchen boy," one of the men said, looking down his nose at Lin Xiao. "I am Master Fu, the leader of the Spice Sect. We have come to challenge you to a cooking duel."

Lin Xiao was stunned. "A cooking duel? What do you mean?"

Master Fu sneered. "It's simple, kitchen boy. Our sect specializes in creating delicious and exotic dishes using exotic spices from all over the world. We challenge you to a duel, where we will each create a dish using the same ingredients. The winner will be decided by a panel of judges. Are you up for the challenge?"

Lin Xiao was hesitant. He had never competed in a cooking duel before, and he wasn't sure if he was ready. But Mei stepped forward, her eyes blazing with determination.

"We accept your challenge, Master Fu," Mei said, her voice firm. "Lin Xiao and I will represent our sect in this duel. We will show you the power of the Kitchen Dao, and we will emerge victorious."

Master Fu sneered. "We'll see about that, kitchen girl. The duel will take place tomorrow at noon. Don't be late, or you'll forfeit the match."

With that, Master Fu and his entourage turned and marched away, leaving Lin Xiao and Mei to stare at each other in shock.

"A cooking duel?" Lin Xiao said, still trying to wrap his head around the idea. "This is crazy. I don't know if I'm ready for this."

Mei smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Of course you're ready, Lin Xiao. You've been practicing the Kitchen Dao for months now. You have the skills and the talent to win this duel. And besides, it's going to be fun."

Lin Xiao laughed, feeling a surge of excitement and determination. "You're right, Mei. Let's do this. We'll show Master Fu and the Spice Sect what the Kitchen Dao is all about."