
The Kings Blood: High Dragon

WARNING: Story may contain violence & sexual violence. This story is a bit evil. It involves a dominate man and a powerful female. It is a romance novel but this relationship is built throughout the chapters. Do not expect love at first sight. ----------------Excerpt----------------- Alora felt a wave of intense heat radiate from Eldon's body. The drumming in her ears became overwhelming. With the sword still at her throat, she turned to look at him. Pieces of his black hair fell just above his orange-red eyes, his face was unreadable. He placed his other hand on the back of Alora’s head, she stiffened. A small smile flashed on Eldon's face but quickly faded. Never letting the sword drop from Alora’s neck, he stared into her pure black eyes. He gripped her pinned hair, pulling gently to tilt her head further back and moved his face closer to hers. She could feel his warm breath on her lips as he whispered, “You’ve kept me waiting Alora” He paused, tightening his hold on her hair before continuing, “and you will learn not to do that”. His fire eyes flickered with the demand then suddenly his lips were on hers. ------------------------------------------------------------- Eldon is a king who inherited the high dragons blood from his ancestors and their magic abilities. He has a taste for killing and conquering lands. He is strong, ruthless, powerful, and bares no weaknesses. Alora, a newly noble woman who appears to be educated, elegant and refined, is not what she seems. She harbors magic abilities. Such abilities threaten the royals, and causes one to be hunted and killed. She has spent years gaining control over her abilities to hide them so no one ever finds out. But her emotions can tip her over the edge, to a darker side. A side she craves to be.

TimelessxDiamond · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Not a Lady: Part 1

The two guards clear the walkway to the main hall and Eldon enters the room. As soon as people catch a glimpse at him they all stand and bow him. He smiles broadly at everyone and walks to the high table. He motions his hands up for everyone to resume the feastivities as he takes the large seat in the middle of the table.

"Good to see you, King Eldon." a distant cousin of Eldon's said.

"I wouldn't miss an opportunity to see my family." Eldon says while taking a look at everyone at the table. "It is rare for all of us to be together." He sips his wine and begins to look out at the crowd in front of him.

"You seem in a good mood today, Brother." Holden nods to Eldon.

Eldon just smiles and continues to watch the crowds.

"Alora my feet hurt" Ayla complains.

"Just a bit further." Alora looks around the hall. She doesn't know where they are or where to go. After bumping into that man her magic stopped leading her.

"Where are we going?" Ayla whines to her sister.

"We are headed…" Alora trails off as a loud bang and screams are heard in the distance. Ayla looks at her sister then the direction they came from. Her eyes are full of fear. Alora opens the door to the nearest room. Alora covers her sister's ears and they stand in that room in silence. All Alora hears is screams, banging, and scattering footsteps. About ten minutes pass and she lets herself calm down. She feels everyones fearful energy. It is overwhelming her senses. She is unable to detect any oncoming danger. She does her best to focus, until the door to the dark room swings open. Alora looks at the man with wide eyes, he has a long beard, long hair, and has a foul smell that rolls off of him. He sheaths a small sword that was in his right hand and grabs Alora and Ayla, dragging them out of the room and into another direction.

"You will make a lovely prize for when this is over." He whispers in Alora's ear, the stench of his breath almost making her gag. He continues to drag them toward a group of other men in what looks to be the kitchen. She notices a backdoor that is open to the outside, that would provide a great escape for her and Ayla if she can get rid of these men. With that sliver of hope, she is unable to restrain herself and sends a burst of arcane magic through her arm where the man is touching her. He and Ayla are knocked back. Ayla takes a hard fall and is knocked unconscious but the power was not strong enough to hurt the man. Her arcane magic was not known to be harmful, it was more helpful and guiding. It spoke to her and the energy around her. She was able to do small attacks with it, but since her mana was down from the high usage this week it was pretty much useless. In a panic, Alora looks around the room to find a weapon. She sees a knife on the counter and runs over to get it.

The man gets back up quickly and Alora does something she never thought she would purposely do. She took the knife from the counter and cut a deep gash on her left palm. She watched the blood drip to the floor before she reached up to remove her choker.

She felt like her insides were on fire. Like every organ in her body was being charred. She made sure to place her choker within her brassiere of her dress. With the way the man looked at her, Alora knew her irises and the whites of her eyes were now a pure black color. He looked scared. This made Alora smile a wicked smile. She felt all good leave her body, and be replaced by evil. The need to create chaos, destroy, and kill. She was able to differentiate between friend and foe, but she felt no leniency toward the enemy. No mercy or forgiveness. This was her curse. Black magic. Or more specifically - blood magic.