
The Kingdom of Versimoil

Seventeen years old Anneliese consumed by books and adored by her parents & sister was living in her own world. She dreamt of a simple life surrounded by the people she loved but her whole world turned upside down when she was captured by royal soldiers and found herself in the Kingdom of Versimoil!!! Anneliese realised struggling or pleading is futile, the only way to go home is to escape from the royal palace. But all her plans were shattered when a cold pair of eyes laid on her which refused to leave her!! Vincenzo Thornburn, the lord of Versimoil Kingdom known for his selfishness is considered to be the most cunning immortal! When he encountered a brown haired mystery soul from Sicilian Empire, he couldn't help but to unfold the concealed layers hidden behind her crystal blue eyes! All it took is one drop of tear from her mystic eyes to turn his self centred world, revolve around her and he realised, he could burn the hell for her!

Dreamer_princy · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Shadow man

The king of Versimoil Kingdom, Lord Vincenzo Thornburn came to Sicilian Empire to inspect the town of Windborn and to attend the Board's meeting regarding the catastrophe of Windborn. While returning to Versimoil Kingdom, he decided to take a stop at the forest.

Hands behind the head, He was laying on a branch of one of the many trees when he heard the soft sound of footsteps coming from afar!!

Turning his head to where the sound was coming from, He saw a figure walking on the forest ground!!

His blood red eyes can clearly see in the dark, He observed the girl walking in brown muddy boots with narrowed eyes as if trying to see in the dark. The wind made her slightly wet hair move infornt of her face covering most of her face before she tucked them behind her ear. Her right hand holding an umbrella while her wet dress hugged her body enhancing her womanly curves. Looking troubled, she stopped right under the tree he was laying on. He watched her leaning on the tree before she closed her eyes.

Moving his body, he set upright on the branch and saw the girl looking up before her eyes widened and she jumped away from the tree.

Narrowing his eyes, Vincenzo jumped from the tree and landed on the forest ground.

Seeing the shadow on the ground, Ann panicked. She raised her right hand which was holding the umbrella in an attempt to hit the shadow but the shadow got hold of her umbrella and irritatingly said, "What the hell do you think you are doing!!"

Before Ann could think of anything, she realised, "It's a person!!" And quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't see in the dark and panicked!" .

Not receiving any reply, she continued, "I was on my way to home when i got lost in the forest!! I am trying to find my way to home since last two hours".

Pursuing her lips, she looked down and slowly asked, "Could you please help me find the right path which leads to the town?"

Not receiving a reply, she looked up only to see the person has already started to walk. Not having an alternative, she followed him!

To fill the awkward silence, Ann introduced, "I'm Anneliese Levine!" and waited for the man to give his name in return! Realizing, the man has no plans to disclose his identity, doubts started to rise in her mind.

Without moving his head Vincenzo watched the girl shiver lightly before folding her arms to hug herself. He noted her wet clothes before glancing at her umbrella.

When she parted her lips to speak again, she heard his deep voice, "You do know the purpose of carrying an umbrella! Don't you? Ms. Levine".

It took her a moment to understand the meaning behind his words. She looked down at herself, even though she has an umbrella, her dress is still soaked!! While trying to find the right words, Ann replied, "Ahh that.... It slipped from my hand and i got drenched while trying to get hold of it!"

Ann continued speaking, "What were you doing in woods in this weather?"

After a moment, when Ann thought the man has no plans to answer, she heard him, "Resting"


Ann stared at him with dumbfound face! Before she could retort, He stated, "Walk ten steps straight and turn left! You'll be able to see the town."

Taking a step forward, Ann started speaking before turning around, "Thank...." & the words stopped mid air noticing the shadow man was already gone!".

Exhaling, she began to walk forward while counting her steps. On turning left, Anneliese indeed saw the town and a sigh of relief escaped from her lips. Looking around she murmured, "Thankyou! Mr. Shadow man"

On reaching near her house, Ann caught her father exiting the house before he saw her and hurried towards her while removing his coat.

Wrapping his coat around her shoulder, he exclaimed, "Ohh Ann, Where were you? You got us all worried dear!! I was just leaving for Mr. Herondale's house!!"

He sighed before continuing, "What took you so long? Why are your clothes drenched?"

Ann hugged her father tightly, before saying, "I'll tell you everything papa just let me hug you for a while!" Hugging her daughter back, Edmond asked, "Are you alright Ann?"

"Hmmm" Ann hummed

Reaching home, Ann explained what transpired in the forest leaving the shadow man's part.

After freshening up, Ann had her dinner in drawing room sitting in front of the fireplace. Exhausted, after dinner, she went straight to bed and fall asleep quickly.