

Chapter 1


I wake up to three figures standing before me, I heard this was so called a lobby to chose one of three kingdoms. There was a Lifesteal, Lunar and Earth smps to chose from. I reached out my hand to the middle one because I felt a connection to it. Then My vision gets burry and I feel like I'm falling tho the sky. I close my eyes in fear if this is the end of my life.

I wake up to many noises, people talking, laughing and more. I sit up slowly and look around seeing a weird place I never seen before. I get up from a gold floor and stand to see my surroundings. I look up to see a big scary dragon which spooks me and I fall down the stairs.

Someone catches me and says "Woo there be careful! It won't hurt you!" I turn quickly and back away to see the figure before me.

A mask I saw first, a devil mask with red and two black eyes. Their clothes is also black just the mask that I noticed.

He says to me, "Yeah sorry about that, this mask scares people but I don't bite" he says with a chuckle.

I giggle and smile seeing this could be my very first friend in this strange land.

He says, "Name Lunar! What is your name by chance?" I thought to myself, what was my name?

"A-Anathina" I say hesitatly due to me not talking for awhile.

"Nice name, it reminds me of a goddess of the river, May I call you Ana for short" he says while tilting his head.

I nodd and give him a smile due to it being my first nickname.

"Hard to talk right?" I nod hesitatly.

"It's ok! If you need any help use this" he holds out a fist and appears a little notebook and a flower pen.

"When you write here, it will notify someone that you need help ok?" I smile and take the notepad.

"Enjoy your time here ok! And welcome to the lunar smp!"

Then he disappears in front of me. I look around and see no one around me, I smile and put my notepad in my backpack I received while waking up here.

I walk around this area so called a spawn and explore. I see figures or so called statues with different titles. Some says Skills, Players Warps, Jobs, Quests, Daily Key and more. I see stairs before me and I walk up to see what it leads too. There is a much of crates I see with colors and names. Some names are like Daily, Vote, Pluto and more. I smile and touch the Pluto crate due to it my favorite color. Then I get a gush of wind and get pushed back violently. I fall down the stairs and grone in pain on my stomach. I thought to myself is this a emergency, do I write in the notepad? I take out my notepad in pain and write {Help}

Then I see before me after writing two people with a mask but it wasn't Lunar. They had a similar mask as Lunar but can a split color of two. Pink and blue I saw, but one had it left of pink and right was blue and the other had it switched. I get scared tho due to the people I never seen before and try to back away but in pain on my stomach. The two figures looked at each other and started whispering about something.

Then one appoarched me slowly and crouched before me saying "Hey it's ok we won't hurt you, you wrote you needed help so we came. Are you in pain" she said kindly like I knew this voice from somewhere before me. I nodded my head and I pointed to my stomach.

Then the second figured appoarchrd me and crouched like the female saying, "Where or how did you get hurt?" They sounded concerned about me and I pointed at the crates.

The female gave me a gold apple and said, "eat this will help you" she said and I felt like she smiled at me so I ate the apple.

"My name is Carmen and this is Evo, be careful with those crates ok? Since you don't have keys it will push anyone" she said in concern for me.

I nodded and looked at Evo who looked at me for awhile, "We might need to tell Lunar about that, she got hurt badly and we don't want anyone else to get hurt". Carmen looked at Evo and nodded and they both looked at me.

"What's your name dear?" I open my mouth but couldn't say any words so I touched my neck and look at them sadly.

"Can you try to show us on the floor with your hands like your writing it?" Evo said concerning while looking at Carmen.

I nodded and looked at the floor writing out {Ana} and looked back at them with the name Lunar gave me.

"Yaa so your little Ana we have heard!" Carmen said happily while I titled my head confusingly.

"Lunar told us and the others about you and some details about you so we can best help you" Evo said standing up and holding out his hand to help me up.

I smile and take his hand to stand up and smile more as a thank you.

"Well we got to go do our jobs but enjoy and be careful!" Carmen said while giving me some diamonds.

"Yes be careful and use the notepad for help ok?" Evo said while giving me some iron.

I get shocked and put the ores I received in my backpack. I looked up to thank them both but see they disappeared already like Lunar did before. I smile tho happy knowing I just made two more friends. I walk about to the statues and looked at one that said Wild. I reached out my hand to this statue and I felt the same feeling I got before of falling tho the sky. I smiled and closed my eyes knowing this is the beginning of my journey in the Lunar SMP.