
Chapter 3

Jake wakes up next morning with a headache. Jake climb off the bed massaging his head.

Jake: Even though I am ruler of the universe I am having a hangover from alcohol laughable.

Jake changes in a black pant with a black shirt and coat. He goes go have dinner. There are many luxurious dishes present there. He eats his lunch and goes to roam around his castle.

Jake: Hmm.. I am bored. What should I do? I don't have work and all the planets are being overseen by the supervisors. Lets go visit some planets.

Jake calls Darcu who is a dragon and one of the supervisors who oversees 50 planet.

Darcu: Prince you called me.

Jake: Yes Darcu I am bored so I wanted to visit some planets. Do you have any recommendation?

Darcu: How about Mockz planet? They founded magic like 50 years ago and it has some beautiful places.

Jake: What kind of civilization is there?

Darcu: Its in middle age with some technology advancement made by magic and it run in noble system.

Jake: Hmm... ok I will visit this planet and speaking of magic how do you create the chants to use magic.

Darcu in low voice: I copy it from anime.

Jake: What did you say?

Darcu says in a loud voice: I copy it from anime.


Darcu: Anyway prince do you want me to escort to the planet?

Jake: No I will go there myself and maybe I will find something interesting.

Jake leaves for the planet mockz and arrives there after 12 hour from spaceship even though he can teleport but that is another story for another day