
The King? The Copy? The Soul?

A world heavily inspired by jujutsu kaisen with a power system that's pretty confusing This book is about our main character named Tori a human that's half monster after he merged with the strongest monster of all named Yoru a monster stronger than everything his sensei Jin has gotten him and let's Tori decide to Die or Live until he eats the 8 souls Tori has to eat the 8 souls of the level 8 monsters the strongest level and true monsters that will do anything to achieve there goal they want to kill Tori to gain his power and be the king of everything He has watched his sister Sanya die from a heart problem and cancer and he knows he has to live on for his sister even if he knows he'll die at the end will he carry it out or will he break the deal? Tropes/genre: fiction, dark, adventure, action, fantasy, sad, inspired by jujutsu kaisen, diseases, good characters, multiple arcs.

yaboinethertank · Action
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24 Chs

Chapter 9: a journal or Bible?

Someone grabs a Bible and smiles there top half covered with a mask that's black and red where eyes should be(the mask covers his eyes) the Bible says "The King's Bible: I"

Person(male): have finally found the first Bible

The man teleports into a cave they start walking to a star and stand in the middle of it and the man drops the Bible in the middle of the star the star glows and the book flys up and opens reading the first chapter of it

Voice(book): Chapter 1: Thou one Shall not Fall

Thou as a king shall not let thy citizen's

die Thine king is to be protected by thou

Thou must protect thy king with thy

Own life ye shall fall but thou not die

As thou will be remembered in history's time

Dragon's thou protect

Snake's shall die

Thy exterminator's protect thou

Thy king shalt sought to assay "protect thy Dragon's Destroy thou Snakes as they're pure III(evil)"

Base King shalt not be sought to die

Thy evilness shalt be sought to be removed

As thou feels they have sinned thou shalt be baptized

Person: now I just need to find the other 2 bibles The Copy's Power's and The Soul's Purity and I need to make another Star but that was a lot of resources i needed Redstone, Dia-

Gari runs to Waru and punches him and Waru kicks Gari then Gari grabs waru's leg and slams him into the floor and Waru punches Gari's Arm putting a Hole in his arm but Gari kicks Waru but then Tori jumps in Sending Waru back far Tori and Gari smiles and runs to Waru Gari kicks Waru in the stomach Tori kicks Waru in the neck Gari punches Waru in the face Tori Punches Waru in the stomach and Waru flies back

Gari: why do you kill?

Waru: because I can!

Wary laughs

Gari: not everyone needs to be killed not everyone's a killer! No one needs to be punished by you!

Waru: everybody's a killer... If you push them far enough... Gari you killed your own mother

Waru laughs and Gari looks angry