
The King? The Copy? The Soul?

A world heavily inspired by jujutsu kaisen with a power system that's pretty confusing This book is about our main character named Tori a human that's half monster after he merged with the strongest monster of all named Yoru a monster stronger than everything his sensei Jin has gotten him and let's Tori decide to Die or Live until he eats the 8 souls Tori has to eat the 8 souls of the level 8 monsters the strongest level and true monsters that will do anything to achieve there goal they want to kill Tori to gain his power and be the king of everything He has watched his sister Sanya die from a heart problem and cancer and he knows he has to live on for his sister even if he knows he'll die at the end will he carry it out or will he break the deal? Tropes/genre: fiction, dark, adventure, action, fantasy, sad, inspired by jujutsu kaisen, diseases, good characters, multiple arcs.

yaboinethertank · Action
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24 Chs

Chapter 5: execution or executioner?

Tori wakes up in a room filled with a void and seals around with floating objects it's like a infinite prison

Jin: you up?

Tori looks around surprised and on defense he tried to move around but he is bound to the chair

Jin: don't try it's impossible to escape that chair

Jin has a smile on his face a bit to calm Tori looks at Jin

Tori: why am I here...

Jin: because now your the vessel of Tiyori a name I came up with combining Tori and yori the strongest monster ever

Tori looks surprised a eye and mouth appears on his cheek

Tiyori: HAHAHAHHAHA so your still alive!... Wait your not... Interesting your the descendant of him...

The eye and mouth disappeared Jin grabs Tori by the face and lifts him in the air Tori is breathing heavy

Tori: LET ME GO!

Jin: I have a idea how about you eat every one of the top 8 strongest monsters souls and when you eat all 8 you get executed because that's when your in your final form and Tiyori will take control

Tori looks with fear but calms down

Tori: fine...

Jin: Nice!

Jin drops Tori and Tori stands up and looks around

Jin: follow me

Tori follows him