
The King? The Copy? The Soul?

A world heavily inspired by jujutsu kaisen with a power system that's pretty confusing This book is about our main character named Tori a human that's half monster after he merged with the strongest monster of all named Yoru a monster stronger than everything his sensei Jin has gotten him and let's Tori decide to Die or Live until he eats the 8 souls Tori has to eat the 8 souls of the level 8 monsters the strongest level and true monsters that will do anything to achieve there goal they want to kill Tori to gain his power and be the king of everything He has watched his sister Sanya die from a heart problem and cancer and he knows he has to live on for his sister even if he knows he'll die at the end will he carry it out or will he break the deal? Tropes/genre: fiction, dark, adventure, action, fantasy, sad, inspired by jujutsu kaisen, diseases, good characters, multiple arcs.

yaboinethertank · Action
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24 Chs

Chapter 14: The Bible

Some guy smiles as Gari is Infront of him kneeling and he walks to Gari

Guy: we need you to join us

Gari: yes sir higher up 4 "Ossein"

Ossein smiles and Gari stands up

[It switched to a dark cave]

Jorini is holding The King's Bible and he opens it

"Chapter 1: Thou one Shall not Fall

Thou as a king shall not let thy citizen's

die Thine king is to be protected by thou

Thou must protect thy king with thy

Own life ye shall fall but thou not die

As thou will be remembered in history's time

Dragon's thou protect

Snake's shall die

Thy exterminator's protect thou

Thy king shalt sought to assay "protect thy Dragon's Destroy thou Snakes as they're pure III(evil)"

Base King shalt not be sought to die

Thy evilness shalt be sought to be removed

As thou feels they have sinned thou shalt be baptized

Chapter 2: Dragon's & Snake's

Those who seek thy's Bible

Are called snake's

Snake's shalt not gain this Bible

As it holds power beyond thine dragon's

Shalt not pass if controlled by thou Snakes

Eliminate if thou Dragons need too

Chapter 3: the hint

For those to seek the second Bible

Nor shalt seek

It shalt not find the Second Bible"

Jorini smiles

Jorini: I finally finished 'this' Bible

Jorini walks to a triangle and he crouches and puts the Bible on the top corner and energy crackles and explodes making a portal and the energy is so strong it makes a crack in the dimension

[We go back to Gari who is Infront of the leader]

Gari is kneeling in front of the leader of the exterminators/dragons

Gari: master, I think you should meet a boy named Tori

The Leader: the brat that's going to be execu-

Gari cuts off the leader

Gari: it turns out Tiyori is it's own entity and doesn't truly merge with the user

The leader: oh, Then that kid will be a good subordinate.

Gari: yes sir master Haere

Haere: leave

Gari leaves

[We switch to Yana]

Yana is fighting a level 6 snake and she does a knee kick to the neck then a roundhouse kick into a spin kick into a uppercut into a double backhand that goes into a double right hook but then the level 6 snake/monster which is called "Nalix" stabs Yana in the stomach and yana teleport's behind Nalix and roundhouse kicks him and they do a little back and forth but then Nalix smiles then Nalix Crouch's down as his back starts moving around and wings burst out of his back

Then Nalix's pupils turn into a upside down cross and he summons a air particle and puts it in the ground and explodes earth splitting it in half

Yana(surprised): oh no

Nalix jumps down into the core but Yana teleports behind Nalix and Stabs him in the heart and Nalix explodes now the earth starts to close back up and Yana teleports back up barely escaping and she walks to Tori

Tori: oh you're done already?

Yana: yeah

Gari walks to them