
The King of Time - DXD

Stories takes place in the world of DxD with elements taken from the Fate Series. === Reincarnated time and time again in a fictional world for thousands of years, after being taught by the greatest that the world could offer, befriending the most legendary of heroes, fighting countless of battles and even defying the gods themselves, I have finally been reincarnated into the modern era. Armed with the Principle of Time, Magical Knowledge, Kamui, and a duck, will I ever live in peace with my loved one? or will my bad luck kill me once more? === Don't read this garbage it's trash. I only wrote this because I have much time to waste. If you feel like it's a copy of another fanfic, well it is just with my elements so don't bother to comment that. The Fanfic is called King of Blades so stfu. === https://discord.gg/cRFx2yGZG3

ARandomDream · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

A/N: Sup bitches, I probs won't post a chapt within the next 4 days or so, so here's 2 chapters. Tell me where the mistakes are at by commenting there, I'll edit it later on.



Chapter 9:

The afternoon sun bore down on my skin as I continue to walk forward. An all to too familiar sense of loneliness welled up within my chest ever since I left Layla.

I truly hate this job, haaa…

The endless cycle of lives has dulled me a bit, but ultimately, I'm still the same clueless boy who woke up in a fictional world six thousand years or so in the past.

I hate that woman making me do a favor for her, heh. But I suppose since she saved me twice...


"—The world moves even without God." Were the final words spoken by Azazel as the meeting entered into its conclusion.

"…And is that it?" Sirzechs asked a loud, the various representatives looked at each other before giving a sigh of relief.

A lighter feeling came into the room as the meeting concluded. Everyone seemed to have entered a positive mood.

The three faction leaders soon turned to Issei and Vali before asking what they wanted for the future.

Vali was indifferent, only asking for more battles in the future. While Issei was unsure until convinced otherwise by Azazel.

In Issei's mind, no peace equals no oppai after all.

The meeting concluded, until suddenly all the surroundings froze. The strongest there were unaffected, with Vali breaking out soon after followed up by Issei, Kiba, Rias, and Xenovia.

"It seems we're being attacked by terrorists."


"Would you like to take a look outside?" Azazel muttered while gesturing towards the window with his chin.

The group watch as outside the school, hundreds of men and women draped in heavy dark robes surrounding the building,

"I suppose those are magicians…"


"Yep." Azazel replied, "They are humans who uses a system of magic created by the legendary wizard Merlin, who recreated the magic Devils use for humans through sorcery. Hmm… I'd say about any one of them are about strong as a Mid-Class Devil.

Azazel sighed before continuing, "I suppose they used the half-vampire kid's Sacred Gear to cause this."

Rias started shaking in her shoes, thoroughly enraged, "T-they used my servant as a weapon?! I've never been so insulted in my life!"

Azazel sighed before conjuring a multitude of light spears in the sky, Rias' peerage flinched at the familiar move before Azazael released them all upon the Magicians surrounding the building.

The light-spears quickly found their target, destroying any attempt by the magicians to defend themselves, impaling them before the spears caused them to implode them into ashes.

Rias' peerage shivered at the familiar sight.

Azazel quickly started analyzing the situation, "The school is enveloped by a barrier, but despite this they were still able to get in… So, by stopping us here with their fierce attack they intend to destroy each building the instant our time is stopped!"

Soon enough, magic circles began appearing one after another in various places around the school's campus. Rising out of the magic circles were even more Magicians!

"Just like right now! They will keep getting inside over and over again like this and attack us in waves. However… their timing and knowledge is too good, we most likely have an unexpected traitor!"

The group was shocked, but Azazel stayed composed, explaining their first priority should be to rescue Gasper from them to stop the time from freezing. He also continued how the faction leaders won't be able to do it themselves as they have to maintain the barrier and prevent this from leaking to the outside world.

Rias and Issei quickly volunteered and used a technique called, Castling, to trade places with an unused Rook Piece placed inside the club room.

Azazel tossed them two power nullifying to use on Gasper and also one for Issei, he also ordered Vali to set up a distraction,

"Wouldn't it be easier to just destroy them all together…?" Vali asked aloud with a sneer.

Rias' peerage became enraged at the prospect of just killing Gasper while Azazel sighed and explained that he shouldn't speak like that, especially just after finally establishing peace.

Vali soon accepted with a nod and left,

[[Vanishing Dragon: Balance Breaker!!]]

Vali yelled out, activating his Balance Breaker, as his body became covered head to toe in menacing white armor as soon, two bright glowing blue wings emerged from his back as well.

Vali threw Issei one last glare before flying off into battle.

No need to comment that this shit is stolen, I know already.

Why am I doing this? I guess to learn how to write shit and satisfy my mind.

ARandomDreamcreators' thoughts