
The King of Time - DXD

Stories takes place in the world of DxD with elements taken from the Fate Series. === Reincarnated time and time again in a fictional world for thousands of years, after being taught by the greatest that the world could offer, befriending the most legendary of heroes, fighting countless of battles and even defying the gods themselves, I have finally been reincarnated into the modern era. Armed with the Principle of Time, Magical Knowledge, Kamui, and a duck, will I ever live in peace with my loved one? or will my bad luck kill me once more? === Don't read this garbage it's trash. I only wrote this because I have much time to waste. If you feel like it's a copy of another fanfic, well it is just with my elements so don't bother to comment that. The Fanfic is called King of Blades so stfu. === https://discord.gg/cRFx2yGZG3

ARandomDream · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:


The air suddenly picked up as the sound of a tick of a clock reverberated throughout the school grounds, Rias' peerage flinched as chills ran down their spines.

The feeling of the boy's words gave the illusion of what could only be describe as death hovering their skin.

[I-impossible!] Ddraig's voice rang out which caused them to snap out of it.

"W-what is it Ddraig?" Issei asked as the others began to pay close attention to his gauntlet.

[That word… I-impossible!]

"Ddraig you're not giving answers here!"

[It only belongs to one person.]


[The strongest human to ever live.]


Kokabiel had cold sweat drip down his back, "Impossible! You have been gone for over 700 years! I thought you were finally dead!"

"Hahah! I finally got reincarnated a couple years ago. I think you got my bad luck when I was about to leave!"

"𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙏i𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚!"

The people in the surroundings heard the clock tick once more as the air on the surroundings picked up and started to heat.

"Hmm… that seems about right… Oh yea! Still got it"

Rias' peerage and the other stood in shock as behind the boy, a black colored dragon which could only be described massive began to manifest. First only to two, then three. The heat increased much more as the dragons were awaiting his command.

Kokabiel's face twisted in anguish as he heard the final words before his inevitable death.

"Umu, what is it again? Oh yea… 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙚"

The dragons began to launch at Kokabiel who was trying to out flight them, as he attempted to project a large light spear and lots of other light spears, the dragons began to breathe fire at him.

Rias' peerage and the others watched as the dragons were about to disintegrate him when suddenly the barrier surrounding them shattered and a man draped in menacing white armor with glowing blue wings entered,

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that"

The boy dressed in gray raised a brow, "Oh? You think you can stop me, Albion?"

The White armored man scoffed before turning towards Issei, "So this is all you amount to Red Dragon Emperor?"

"W-who are you?"

"Your rival apparently, too bad you're weak. Maybe this kid will be some fun- "


Vali's instincts screamed at him as all the observers covered in cold sweat.

"Haa… This is why I hate devils' pride as well as the 'rivalry' of both of you dragons…"

The boy face palmed and sighed while Vali froze like a deer in headlights as Issei and the others watched as behind the boy 1 more dragon emerged ready to attack him… The others felt like their life was getting drained just by feeling the heat oozing out of the dragons.

[Do NOT ever anger this man, Partner.]

"I- I understand." Issei replied as he was feeling dread from the heat.

[[S- so, it was y- you! VALI, retreat at once! This isn't someone you could handle!]]

"Oh? Finally remembered Lil old me, Albion?" As the dragons increased the heat its oozing out.


"But, Azazel said-" Vali replied while headed towards Kokabiel only to watch as his body gets engulfed by the blue flames leaving nothing in that area.

"Oh wow… You actually have balls of steel than your coward of an ancestor."

"You know-?"

"Hahaha, yep I encountered that pest once before, let's just say, he never appeared before me again."

[[Vali, retreat now! He still has a move that can-]]


Vali felt an intense amount of pain at his left wing, looking towards it he noticed that it's gone… The ones watching were gob smacked seeing that the boy only looked at the white armored man's wing disappear without even using any kind of magic.


Albion's voice was disrupted due to the wings still regenerating and was conflicted but ultimately decided to listen to his words. He glanced over at Freed in debate whether or not to save him, only to see him get burned by the flames leaving nothing behind only a large crater.

"Tsk" He whined out before quickly retreating by using his reserves to hasten the regeneration of the other wing, flying away leaving only Albion's voice trailing behind.

[[I'll await our match in the future, Red One.]]

Issei and the others released a breath they didn't even know that they'd held in as the dragons faded away.

The boy clapped his hands before saying, "Heh, troublesome brat." Then he slowly walked away before getting engulfed in a vortex disappearing from the scene.


Rias' Peerage stood in shock until they were snapped out of it by Sona's yelling,

"Rias! Did you win?"


Issei collapsed on the ground as Asia ran over to begin healing him.

"No, we didn't win, two people interfered… Well, one of them was the White Dragon Emperor."

Sona was shocked before she quickly reeled it in, "So the White Dragon Emperor took care of it?" She asked while glancing at Issei.



"I don't know who it was, Ddraig seemed to know about him. Even Albion told his host to retreat."

Sona's eyes narrowed at the thought of having such a powerful person slip in unnoticed, but even more so gave her a sense of dread at such a powerful person.

Soon Issei began to sit up and asked the question everyone had on their minds,

"Ddraig, who the hell was that?!"

The gauntlet glowed green before replying,

[That was a man you never want to have against you, he has had many names over the years as he reincarnates every few generations, similar to sacred gears.]

They were all surprised at this information,

[He possesses the power to control time itself… It's like he's Time but as a mortal being]

"How is that possible? Does he hail from the Agares and got cursed or something?" Rias asked towards no one in specific while Sona began to recall an old memory.

Ddraig ignored her question and continued talking,

[That man has killed some of me and Albion's partners in the past even in their prime.]

Everyone who heard his words had their hairs stand on end at the notion of such a person,

"Isn't he just a human?" Issei asked.

[Don't underestimate humans, especially not him. He is recorded as the strongest human to have ever lived and has had many titles throughout the centuries.]

"…Like what?" The rest couldn't help but ask the question even though it gave them a feeling of dread at the answer.

[The Mage of Time, God Slayer, Champion of Men, The one who saw the End, and his most prevalent one, the King of Time]

They all felt like they had been dipped in cold water, "D-did you say G-god slayer?"

[Yes, he is the one of three humans recorded in history to have the title.]

They all had the sense of dread at the words but still had the same thought, "There's still 2 more?!"

[He hasn't appeared in well over 700 years, it's said he only ever appears in major events in history]

Ddraig's words gave them a looming sense of dread. Sona's eyes widen in realization before deciding not to tell them all and instead tell them to get some rest and help repair the school.

'I need to talk to Onee-sama'

No need to comment that this shit is stolen, I know already.

Why am I doing this? I guess to learn how to write shit and satisfy my mind.

ARandomDreamcreators' thoughts