
The king of the zombies fell in love with me

The end of the world is coming, and the zombies are surrounding the city Charlotte Devlin found a handsome boy, but she didn't expect that the little boy was actually the king of the zombies? Charlotte doesn't know what secrets are hidden, nor how he will affect the fate of the world. However, Charlotte knows one thing, that is, she cannot leave the man who has grown into a war god beside her. Even if the world has become so cruel and merciless, the strongest king of the zombies in the world will be beside her, braving all obstacles for her.

Dreamtracker · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

A boy looked at her, not speaking, not afraid, just looking straight at her face.

Charlotte eyed the boy and was surprised to discover that it was actually a boy. Hidden under the long, messy hair was a pair of clear, bottomless eyes. The eyes were very beautiful, and looking at his body, he was small and not fully developed, making it obvious that he was a boy.

Charlotte let out a sigh and put down the gun. "Who are you? How did you get here? Where are your parents?"

The boy looked at her and didn't say anything. But suddenly he looked alertly out the window, and Charlotte became nervous and looked down the direction of his gaze. The fog seemed to have dissipated a bit, and she saw two black human heads in the fog, holding submachine guns in their hands.

What's worse, while they were talking, it seemed that they were saying that they saw Charlotte running up one of these buildings and planned to search it.

Charlotte's first reaction wasn't panic, but guilt. She had broken into the boy's house and may have even brought bad people into the house to hurt him.

She had to do something.

She raised her pistol and said, "Be quiet and don't make a sound, okay?"

The boy ignored her and just stared at the two people downstairs.

Charlotte saw that words were not working, so she took him aside and stood at the window, aiming and pulling the trigger.


One person fell down immediately.

While the other person was still searching for the source of the gunshot, Charlotte aimed at the second person and pulled the trigger again.

But this time, she was not so lucky. The bullet only grazed the man's shoulder, but revealed Charlotte's location.

The man saw Charlotte and shot upstairs. Charlotte had to lie down and pulled the boy down with her.

The gunfire stopped, and Charlotte cautiously peered out the window, only to find that the man was no longer in the same place. Her mind buzzed with a sense of impending danger, and she realized that the man was about to come up!

She approached the door and heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She lowered her voice and said to the boy, "You hide under the bed!"

The boy still ignored her.

Charlotte sighed, she now seriously doubted if the boy could understand human speech. She gestured urgently under the bed and motioned for him to crawl under it.

But the boy was like being glued to the ground, not moving at all.

Charlotte gave up, as the person was getting closer and closer, and she was too late to violently push him under the bed herself.

We can only hope she can win in the gunfight.

She hid by the door and heard the sound of boots pounding on the cement floor getting closer and closer. Step by step, the stairs were climbed up, and after passing the corner of the fifth floor, there were a maximum of ten steps before he would appear behind this door.

Charlotte swallowed her saliva.

Finally, the sound of footsteps stopped at the door, and Charlotte felt her heart was about to jump out of her chest. Maybe separated by a door, his enemy could hear her thundering heartbeat.

Calm down, calm down. She took a deep breath.

Suddenly, a huge gunshot sounded, and the madman outside kicked the door open and wildly shot at the door lock, scaring Charlotte back and retreating to the corner.

With a "boom", he kicked the door open.

But he didn't come in.

The boy inside didn't hide and just looked at the man holding an assault rifle.

The man pulled the trigger and shot at the boy.

The assault rifle fired four bullets at a time, all hitting the boy's body. The boy grunted and fell backwards onto the bed, with blood splashing on the floral bedspread.

Everything happened in a fraction of a second, and Charlotte came back to her senses in disbelief. In an instant, she was filled with anger and rushed out, aiming her black Glock at the man's forehead and pulling the trigger hard.

At such close range, the man's head was shot through by her gun, and he fell backwards, rolling down the stairs and slamming into the corner of the wall before falling to the ground. The back of his head was covered in blood and brain matter.

Charlotte ran to the boy. He had lost a lot of blood, with four bullets passing through his abdomen, each one tearing a hole in his body and gushing blood out.

Her heart was overwhelmed by a tsunami of guilt. If she hadn't hidden here, this innocent boy wouldn't have suffered such a poisonous attack. The asshole was really lower than a beast and actually attacked a boy!

She had no idea how to deal with bullet wounds and only knew that she had to stop the bleeding at this moment. She found a knife in the room and tore off several strips of cloth from the bedspread. She tied them tightly around the boy's stomach.

The blue floral cloth was instantly soaked in blood, but Charlotte checked his nose and breath and felt relieved that he was still alive.

She quickly picked up the boy horizontally and ran downstairs as fast as she could. She had to get back to Yuecheng as soon as possible. There were surgeons in the city who could stop his bleeding and remove the bullets to save his life.

She ran as hard as she could, not caring if someone was chasing her or not. But just then, she saw a red car parked on the street and thought it looked very familiar. When she got closer, she realized it was her own old car!

But hadn't the fuel tank caught fire? Charlotte looked at it curiously and realized that the fuel tank was intact but that the fat man had accidentally given her a bottle of strong liquor instead of gasoline for the tank when he packed it into her trunk. The liquor bottle had caught fire from her cigarette, so she had dumped it in a parking lot about 30 meters away from the car and it was still burning brightly.

This really was a path that didn't lead to nowhere. Charlotte quickly threw away the cigarettes in the back seat and put the boy flat on his back in the back seat. Although he was a small boy, he had long legs and had to curl them up to fit in the back seat.

She checked his nose again and felt relieved that he was still alive.

The car has been modified with a built-in car navigation system that was not damaged by the machine gun and still works. This old beat-up car, with bullet holes all over it, heads towards the direction of Yuecheng.

At the checkpoint under the high wall, the soldiers responsible for security saw Charlotte's car and turned their heads. The car was in such bad condition but she was still alive. This little girl can be considered a tough person.

Charlotte showed the soldiers her ID, and they all knew her. She was a regular visitor to this high wall, and she had a very famous father. Therefore, there was no further interrogation, and she was allowed in.

Charlotte went straight to the clinic when she arrived in the city.

The doctor in the clinic was a friend of her father, whom she called Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam was born after the Dark Ages, and he learned his medical skills in the military school. However, in this era, doctors were not respected as they were a hundred years ago. A person who comes from a military school but stays in a safe zone instead of going to the battlefield, even if they are saving lives, is still an unpopular behavior.

"Uncle Sam, Uncle Sam, someone has been shot, please help him!" Charlotte ran into the clinic with a boy in her arms and said without waiting to be asked. She took the boy and put him on the surgery table: "Hurry up, if you don't save him now he'll die!"

Uncle Sam heard Charlotte's urgent tone and came in with his gloves on. "Where were you shot?"

"In the stomach."

Uncle Sam looked at the blood-soaked sheet tied around the boy's stomach and started to remove it: "It's difficult to save you if you were shot in the stomach. It looks like you lost so much blood, it's probably hopeless. What kind of gun was it?"

"Machine gun."

Uncle Sam didn't stop his hands, but shook his head: "If it was a machine gun, there must be at least three or four shrapnel left in your body. Don't get your hopes up..."

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't help but swallow his words as he turned around and looked at Charlotte: "Charlotte, this..."

"What?" Charlotte frowned and leaned over to take a look. To her surprise, under the opened clothes, the abdomen was intact without even a bullet hole or scar. The skin was as delicate and smooth as a newborn baby's.

"How could this be? How could this be?" Charlotte's face turned pale.

She had clearly seen the boy being shot by the machine gun and had seen his blood soak the sheet under him, but also...but also this cloth. Charlotte grabbed the cloth and said to Uncle Sam: "Look, all the blood on this cloth is his blood. He really was shot! I saw it with my own eyes! He really was shot!"

"Whoa--" Uncle Sam sighed and patted Charlotte on the shoulder: "Charlotte, just calm down, you're a young boy and it's not easy living alone. Maybe you've just been too stressed out these days. I'll give you some calming medicine later, you should rest well."

"Uncle Sam, do you think all of this was just my imagination?"

"No no, I'm not saying you're sick or anything, but sometimes you really need to rest."

Charlotte covered her face with her hands and couldn't help but doubt herself for a moment. Could it really be like Uncle Sam said, that she had imagined everything because of too much stress?

She turned around and looked at the boy on the surgery table again. He was intact, she felt his nose and felt that he was still alive, his breathing was steady, like he was sleeping.

Charlotte dragged Uncle Sam to the street corner and showed him her beat-up old car: "Uncle Sam, look at my car."

Uncle Sam saw that her car was shot full of holes like a bee hive and exclaimed: "Oh my God Charlotte, what did you do? Are you all right?"

Charlotte asked him, "Are there many bullet holes, right?"

Uncle Sam nodded.

She pulled Uncle Sam to her trunk, where there were two boxes of A15 beef and chicken canned food, some of which had been damaged by bullets. These were all perfectly consistent with her memories of the experience.

Uncle Sam, these cans are the best and freshest A15 right now, aren't they?

Uncle Sam nodded, although he didn't know what she meant.

Charlotte really felt a headache now. The bullet holes in her car, like a wasp's nest, and the A15 she had fought so hard to get in the trunk told her that everything she had just experienced was real. That kind of realistic experience could not be just her wishful thinking.

What happened to the boy?

And,what is he?