
The king of the pirates

Ever wonder what it would be like to be queer and heir to the throne? In a world where fairy tales come true and pirates own the sea? Well I have, and I decided to make it myself. The story I've created has pirates, fairies, elves, goblins and trolls, and everything you could ever want, but not all is perfect when you live in a world where the crown is based on straight cis people.

Percy_is_Pog · Fantasy
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All's fair in love and war

Outside of the door to the treasury you could hear everything that was going on. The guards shouting, rebels cheering, glass breaking, laughter, and the crackle of fire. If you closed your eyes it seemed like you were at a festival, instead of in the middle of the largest rebellion in the country's history, led by the heir to the throne, a traitor to their own kind.

"Vyn right? you have really good leadership skills. you and fin organized this whole thing right?"

The girl with the red hair who had helped get everyone moving was talking to me, asking a bunch of questions, and I didnt really mind until she got to one.

"you're princess Elizabeth right? Dont worry, I'm not here to rat you out. I just wanna know, what made you change sides?"

Her amber eyes were almost golden in the castle light, and her skin, despite its darkness, glowed. We were, visually, polar opposites. Yet we were on the same side.

"Well. uh- I'm trans. And they didn't exactly like that. Long story short I was called slurs and threatened into secrecy. Why are you here?"

I spared her the details of what happened, since we were still in the middle of the chaos.

The smile on her face sent tingles through my whole body.

"Honestly, I enjoy the risk, the mayhem, the all out anarchy. It's heavenly, the smell of burning buildings. Plus, I've gone to far to turn back."

There was a slightly crazed look on her face, and a bit of sadness. Regret maybe?

"I see. Well, I don't believe I ever got your name. Care to share stranger?"

I bowed a bit, out of habit, which made her giggle.

"Ember. That's all you need to know little pirate prince. My surname was thrown away long ago."

Nodding, I turned and walked into the sleeping chambers of the people who I once thought loved me. They took my happiness and my rights. They took my peoples money unjustly. I decided it was my personal duty to take from them as well. My mother always seemed to value her jewels over her children, so I had every intention of making sure she lost both.

laughter and cheering echoed through the banquet hall as commoners feasted like kings, eating the food their supposed 'just and righteous' leaders had hoarded from them. However, that food would soon run out and they would start fighting. I knew that, as did Ember and Fin, along with anyone who had seen rebellion before. Naturally, once we had gotten what we needed or wanted, we got out, trashing the place as much as possible on the way. As much as it felt good, some part of me felt guilty. After all, this was my family. No matter how much I hated them. I knew it was necessary, however much I wanted to check on everything and make sure no one was hurt. I would have to learn the hard way that you can't think about everyone's feelings.

After all, all's fair in love and war.

I was grateful that the shirt I was wearing was to big, it hid my chest and the fact that I didn't have large muscles. the long flowy sleeves also came in handy hiding scars. I think the thing I was most grateful for however, was the fact that it wasnt a dress. I was no longer Princess Elizabeth. I was free.