
Marry me

When she was in the contemplative mood suddenly there was a tug in her hand. She lowered her head and saw the man squeezing his hand. Embracing her hand he looked much relaxed and there was a slight smile in his face. Ye Alix tried to snatch away her hand but the more she tried the more he gripped it tightly. At last Ye Alix was defeated and resigned to her fate. Her strength was nothing infront of his strength.they stayed at the same position throughout the night. Ye alix fell in sleep in that position...

In the morning;

Sunshine came through the slightly opened window and fell on the handsome man who was lying peacefully on the bed. Ye alix was dozing off in an awkward position neither lying neither sitting. Her back and neck was in pain because of the position. However after some time she was finally wide awake and found that she couldn't move his back and it was extremely painful. After some time of adjusting the position she sat upright and saw that man infront of her hugging her hands tightly. There was a slight sweet smile on his face. His eyelashes were fluttering and he was definitely dreaming. Ye alix put her other hand on his forehead and his forehead was no longer warm. Clearly his fever has been subsided. Ye alix pulled her hand back and that caused a unpleasant frown on his forehead like someone was pulling him out of his sweet and peaceful dream.

He opened his eyes and he was dazing at the ceiling contemplating where he was. Right after that he saw ye alix sitting on the bedside and there was wide grin made way on his face.

Ohh!! What a beautiful morning to see a beautiful face right after I opened my eyes. He said with a smirk.

Ye alix looked at him like he was an idiotic stupid....

One expression was enough from her to let him know that she was not amused at his remark at the slightest..

Well as per his knowledge he knew that girls like to b praised but before his eyes there was this girl who was not moved by his charm and his remark.

For a moment he felt like he was acting as a clown.

However he couldn't care less about that thought and shamelessly stared at her tiny oval face with amazement and desperately trying to make her talk.

Ye alix didn't care about him and moved from her chair and turned over to get away from him.

And without even looking back she said frostily.

You are now cured and I don't want to see your face. So pick up your butt and get out of my house in this instant.

He stared at her with a dumbfounded expression and told her unhappily

Is this how u treat a stranger who is so ill and week and happens to be also your guest.

Ye alix turned around and asked him

So how should I treat you

well you can treat me as a friend or your husband.

After all I'm a husband material

Will you marry me?????