
The King Of Sin(A GOH FanFic)

Mc Dies and get's reincarnated into his favorite Webtoon, God Of Highschool With The Seven Sins and a Cheat of his choice, He gets reincarnated in the age of the gods, Follow Newly Reincarnated Lucifer as he fights to become the greatest of all beings Also, Mc will be Goh's version Of Lucifer(Not Satan that's someone else) I Don't own any of the legends or gods in this fanfic, Please Enjoy Patreon.com/TheGodSage

TheGodSage · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Attack on the Egyptian Pantheon Pt. 1

In the opulent halls of the Egyptian pantheon, a solemn gathering was taking place. The grand chamber, adorned with intricate hieroglyphs and statues of powerful deities, was now filled with an air of tension and uncertainty. The gods and goddesses of Egypt had assembled to discuss a matter of utmost importance – the recent demise of Ra, the once-mighty sun god.

Seated atop a magnificent throne of gold and lapis lazuli, Osiris, the god of the afterlife and ruler of the Egyptian underworld, presided over the gathering. His regal attire exuded an air of authority, and his eyes bore the weight of wisdom accumulated over countless millennia.

"Silence, my fellow deities," Osiris boomed, his voice resonating through the chamber. "We have convened here to address the grave situation that has befallen our pantheon. Ra, our revered sun god, has met his end by the hand of an unfamiliar being..."

A murmur of shock and disbelief rippled through the assembly. The gods and goddesses exchanged wary glances, grappling with the implications of this revelation.

Isis, the goddess of magic and motherhood, raised her hand, her expression one of concern. "Osiris, are we certain of Ra's demise?" The loyalist asked. "Ra was a formidable deity, his power unmatched by all except for you..."

Thoth, the god of wisdom and knowledge, spoke up. "My divine arts of observation have confirmed it, Isis. This being's malevolent influence was unmistakable in the celestial energy signature that accompanied Ra's downfall."

The news hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the once-celebratory halls. Ra had been a pillar of strength and vitality, and his absence left a void that could not be ignored.

Bastet, the feline goddess of home, fertility, and protection, spoke with a mixture of sorrow and anger. "This act of aggression cannot go unanswered, Osiris. Ra was our guardian, and we must avenge his death."

Osiris nodded gravely. "I understand the depth of our loss, my brethren. However, we must tread carefully. Whoever killed Ra is formidable, and his motives remain shrouded in mystery. We cannot afford to rush into conflict without a thorough understanding of his intentions."

Horus, the falcon-headed god of the sky and kingship, interjected with a steely resolve. "Osiris is right. We must approach this situation with caution and discernment. We need to gather information, assess the extent of their capabilities, and form a strategic plan."

As the discussion continued, Osiris rose from his throne, his presence commanding attention. "Let us convene a council of our most skilled and knowledgeable deities. Thoth, you shall lead the effort to uncover this attacker's true intentions and gather information about his recent activities."

Thoth bowed his head in acknowledgment. "As you wish, Osiris. I shall employ my arcane arts to unveil the depths of Lucifer's designs."

"Furthermore," Osiris continued, "Isis and Horus shall collaborate to establish diplomatic channels with other pantheons. Unity among the divine realms may prove to be our greatest strength."

Isis and Horus exchanged a determined look, recognizing the importance of forging alliances in the face of a shared threat.

With a final nod, Osiris addressed the assembly. "We shall reconvene once we have gathered sufficient information and devised a comprehensive strategy. Our beloved Ra may have fallen, but his legacy shall inspire us to stand united and resolute."

Just then, a slow, mocking applause echoed through the courtyard. The gods turned as one to face the source of the sound, their expressions hardening as they beheld Lucifer standing before them.

Lucifer's once-angelic form had undergone a chilling transformation. His wings, once a symbol of divine beauty, now appeared tattered and decayed. His eyes gleamed with an unsettling mix of amusement and malice, and his twisted smile sent shivers down their spines.

"Well, well, well, what a heartwarming meeting we have here," Lucifer drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Osiris stepped forward, his voice laced with authority. "Your presence here is an affront to the gods of Egypt. Leave now, or face the consequences."

Lucifer's laughter rang out, "Consequences? C'mon you blue fuck! Show me those consequences!"

With a swift, fluid motion, Lucifer unsheathed a blade of pure darkness, its edges gleaming malevolently. The gods tensed, their divine energies surging as they prepared for battle.

Horus, his falcon eyes narrowed, unleashed a torrent of divine energy in Lucifer's direction. The energy crackled through the air, striking with the force of a celestial storm. But Lucifer deftly deflected the attack with a swing of his blade, sending the energy scattering harmlessly into the distance.

Isis summoned her magical prowess, conjuring swirling winds and fierce flames to encircle Lucifer. Yet, he moved with an uncanny grace, effortlessly weaving through the elements as if they were mere illusions.

Osiris called upon his authority over life and death, attempting to bind Lucifer's movements with ethereal chains. But Lucifer's laughter echoed once more as he shattered the chains with a single, contemptuous flick of his wrist.

In the blink of an eye, Lucifer closed the distance between himself and the gods. His blade danced with deadly precision, striking out with blinding speed. Osiris parried the attack, his staff clashing against the dark blade with a resounding clang.

Horus and Isis joined the fray, their combined efforts sending waves of divine energy crashing against Lucifer. Yet, he seemed unfazed, his movements fluid and calculated as he evaded their strikes and retaliated with lethal precision.

The battle raged on, a furious clash of powers and wills. The courtyard became a battleground of explosive forces, the very fabric of reality trembling under the weight of their conflict.

As the gods fought valiantly to repel Lucifer's onslaught, the fallen angel just pushed on, smiling wildly.

Bastet growled, rushing at him before he grabbed her by the throat, slamming her into the ground. "You're quite beautiful, I think I'll keep you alive..." He said with a cruel smile, making Bastet shiver as she saw his blacked-out eyes.

"Get off of her!" Horus yelled, his huge form rushing Lucifer in a fit of rage as the fallen angel flashed away, stabbing his sword into another god and absorbing their energy as he did Ra.

The shadow sword was simply an extension of his gluttony skill, in which he just reshaped the dark energy that took his opponent's energy and strength.

"Hmm... Horus the Avenger, I suppose this will be fun..." Lucifer said as he rushed the god named Horus.