
The King Of Sin(A GOH FanFic)

Mc Dies and get's reincarnated into his favorite Webtoon, God Of Highschool With The Seven Sins and a Cheat of his choice, He gets reincarnated in the age of the gods, Follow Newly Reincarnated Lucifer as he fights to become the greatest of all beings Also, Mc will be Goh's version Of Lucifer(Not Satan that's someone else) I Don't own any of the legends or gods in this fanfic, Please Enjoy Patreon.com/TheGodSage

TheGodSage · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


"Ugh, I don't remember inviting you..." Michael said with a frown as he, Uriel, Gabriel, and Lucifer flew through the air, enjoying first heaven.

"I don't need permission from some second rate on what to do brother~" Lucifer teased as he burst forward.

"Challenging me!?" Michael said as he zoomed forward, a small tug at the sides of his lips as he passed Lucifer.

"Huh... You're faster than I thought," Lucifer replied as Michael zoomed past him, flipping him off as he passed him.

Lucifer burst forward, grabbing Michael by the ankle and messing up his momentum, laughing wildly as he took the lead once again.

"That was dirty!" Michael yelled angrily as he quickly regained his momentum and rushed after Lucifer.

Uriel and Gabriel watched with amusement as the two brothers engaged in their banter and competition, their competitive spirits on full display. It was a rare moment of camaraderie among the Archangels, and even Uriel couldn't help but smile at the sight, since neither of them even knew they were bonding.

"You two are like children, but it's nice to see you less depressed or full of yourself Lucifer" Uriel teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Lucifer glanced back at her, a devilish grin on his face. "Oh, come on, Uriel. I was never depressed and I'm always going to be full of myself... Where's your sense of fun? You should join in on the race!"

Uriel rolled her eyes playfully. "I'll pass. I'd rather watch you two waste all your energy like fools."

Gabriel chuckled softly, his gentle demeanor a stark contrast to his siblings' exuberance. "You both have a unique way of bonding."

"Bonding? Fuck that guy!" The two said in unison.

As they continued to fly, the group noticed a peculiar structure in the distance. It was a grand cathedral with intricate carvings and statues adorning its facade. Lucifer's eyes widened with curiosity, and he couldn't resist investigating it further.

"I wonder what that place is," Lucifer said, slowing down to get a better look.

"It's the Cathedral of Celestial Arts," Gabriel explained. "A place where gods come to hone their artistic abilities and learn from Athena and other gods of similar divinity's related to craft or art.

Lucifer's interest was piqued. "Artistic abilities? That sounds fascinating."

"Their creations are said to be breathtaking." Uriel added.

Without another word, Lucifer changed direction, flying towards the Cathedral. Michael and the others followed, their curiosity getting the better of them.

As they approached, the majestic beauty of the Cathedral came into full view. The architectural marvel seemed to radiate an aura of creativity and inspiration. Intricate patterns and celestial symbols adorned its walls, and the entire structure seemed to hum with artistic energy.

Inside, they found gods of various domains engrossed in their respective crafts. There were sculptors, painters, musicians, and writers, each lost in their artistic endeavors. Lucifer couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he witnessed the gods creating their masterpieces.

The more he stayed in first heaven, the less he wanted to leave, even with the two powerful gods breathing down his neck.

As they went further, they stumbled upon a massive hall at the heart of the Cathedral. Inside, a divine blacksmith was hard at work, crafting celestial weapons and armor with unparalleled skill as she was watched by many minor gods.

Lucifer's eyes widened in recognition. It was Hephaestus.

Captivated by the grace and finesse with which she wielded her hammer, he stood with the minor gods. Her creations were not just functional; they were works of art, each imbued with a unique essence that set them apart from ordinary weapons.

Eventually the minor gods went to their own smaller forges and Lucifer walked up to Hephaestus.

"Hey," He whispered in her ear just as she was striking down with her hammer. Her focus didn't waver, though she did look away for half a second before finishing the sword she'd been making.

"What are you doing here? I don't teach you enough in my actual forge that you needed to come to the cathedral to learn with all these minor gods?"

Lucifer chuckled softly. "I couldn't resist the temptation of witnessing your divine craftsmanship in action once again. Besides, the atmosphere here is so charged with creativity; it's contagious."

Hephaestus smirked, appreciating the compliment. "You have a keen eye for beauty, I'll give you that. But don't think for a moment that you can distract me from my work. No matter our unique circumstances..."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Lucifer replied, shrugging as he leaned against a nearby pillar as he watched her work. "You know, I've been training like crazy to get stronger. It's all about physical strength and combat skills for me, but seeing this... it makes me realize that artistry can be just as powerful."

Hephaestus paused for a moment, eyeing him with slight annoyance. "Are you just trying to say anything until I kiss you?" She asked, her face deadpanned as Lucifer smirked, his green eyes glowing as he unfurled his wings and floated in the air.

"No, but I'm not opposed to it love," He replied as she sighed, walking up to him.

"Then come down..." She said quietly.

Neither of them knew their situation, how they felt about each other, what it meant, what should happen next, the feelings were just to foreign to make sense of them.

"Hmm... I think you can be nicer than that can't you? It hurts a lot when I have to keep my wings tucked in-"

"Come down here before I change my mind," Hephaestus said, and Lucifer quickly dropped down, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in for a passionate kiss.

Gods around them watched, some jealous, some angry, but most confused. Especially Lucifer's siblings.

"That guy found a partner? Who would have thought..." Michael said as he looked at a sculpture he had created. He lay nude with his arm out toward the heaven.

As Lucifer and Hephaestus shared their intimate moment, the air around them seemed to shimmer with the divine energy of their emotions. It was a rare sight in First Heaven, where relationships among gods were often fleeting and superficial. But in that moment, as the two divine beings embraced, it was evident that something profound was happening between them.

Their kiss seemed to last for an eternity, a timeless connection between two souls that had found each other amidst the chaos of the celestial realm. For Lucifer, it was more than just physical attraction; it was a connection of hearts, of souls, and a realization that maybe there was more to life than just power and strength.

When they finally pulled away their hearts pounding in sync. Lucifer couldn't help but flash his usual sly smile, his eyes filled with a mix of adoration and mischief.

"I was right; artistry can be just as powerful," Lucifer said softly, his hand gently caressing her cheek. "And it's not just your craftsmanship that captivates me; it's you."

Hephaestus blushed slightly, looking away, her usual confident demeanor momentarily faltering under his words. "Please shut up," She replied and pulled out of his embrace, going back to her forging.

Lucifer left with his siblings shortly after.

As they flew back to their dwelling in First Heaven, Uriel couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "So, what was that all about, Lucifer?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Lucifer chuckled, acting oblivious, "Oh, nothing much. Just checking out the art scene, you know? The Cathedral of Celestial Arts is an interesting place."

Gabriel, deciding to play, raised an eyebrow. "It seemed like more than just checking out the art scene. You and Hephaestus seemed quite... close."

Lucifer's sly smile returned. "Well, she's an intriguing goddess, isn't she? I wanted to learn more about her craft, that's all."

Uriel exchanged a knowing look with Gabriel. "Right, craft. Is that what they're calling it these days?" she teased.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, pretending to be exasperated. "Oh, come on! It's not like that. We were just having a conversation, that's all~"

Michael, who had been relatively silent during the exchange, finally spoke up. "It's none of our business either way. If Lucifer wants to spend time with Hephaestus, that's his choice."

Lucifer looked at Michael, slightly surprised he was the one to end the teasing instead of using it against him.

Uriel and Gabriel nodded, realizing that Michael was right. They may be siblings and archangels, but each of them had their own lives and paths to follow in First Heaven, and if Lucifer wanted a romantic fling it didn't matter much.

Back in his private quarters, Lucifer couldn't shake off the feeling he had when he was with Hephaestus. It was more than just attraction; it was a connection that went beyond the physical realm. He found himself thinking about her, wondering what she was doing and how she was faring with her work.

"Young deities are amusing to watch, but you're going to need to snap out of it..." The Jade Emperor said, suddenly in Lucifer's quarter's.

"Ugh, just when I thought you and baldy would leave me alone... What is it this time?" Lucifer asked, sighing as he didn't even bother to get off of his cot.

"Earth once again, this time you can go alone, I just want confirmation of something... After this I'll allow you to freely roam as a god, even though you're just a lowly angel."

Lucifer ignored the insults as The Jade Emperor left.

"You... Didn't even tell me what you wanted to confirm."

But what Lucifer would find on earth was a discovery that would change the course of the world, and only 1,000 years after his last visit to earth...