
The King Of Sin(A GOH FanFic)

Mc Dies and get's reincarnated into his favorite Webtoon, God Of Highschool With The Seven Sins and a Cheat of his choice, He gets reincarnated in the age of the gods, Follow Newly Reincarnated Lucifer as he fights to become the greatest of all beings Also, Mc will be Goh's version Of Lucifer(Not Satan that's someone else) I Don't own any of the legends or gods in this fanfic, Please Enjoy Patreon.com/TheGodSage

TheGodSage · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Several days passed as Lucifer continued to explore freely, thankful that the gods he despised so much weren't around him breathing down his neck.

Though there was no way he could outsmart Thathagatha or The Jade Emperor, Lucifer knew they weren't as smart as they thought they were.

The only reason he was sent here at all was because they needed to find a way to get rid of him, or at least keep him away from power or freedom. Lucifer chuckled at the thought, knowing that even while being imprisoned, he was still a threat to their carefully constructed divine order.

As he wandered through the vast landscapes of Earth, Lucifer was awestruck by its beauty. He hardly remembered his earth before he had become Lucifer, and the original divine realm had been a glimpse before he'd been locked into chains, so everything felt brand new to him.

As he stood on the edge of a cliff overlooking a deep blue ocean filled to the brim with fish and other sea creatures, a voice behind him spoke up. "Impressive, isn't it?" said Gaia, standing there in all her glory.

Lucifer turned to see her, and there was a spark of recognition in her eyes. "You're Lucifer, the fallen one," she said calmly, smiling softly at the fallen angel as he stood there.

"And you're Gaia, the mother of all life here on earth," Lucifer replied with a slight nod, ignoring how she knew his name despite him never telling her.

Gaia approached him, her bare feet gently touching the rocky terrain as she moved gracefully. "I've known about you for a long time, since you first spawned into existence with the original..." she said. "The one and only fallen angel, Lucifer, the forsaken one, the one destined to raze everything to the ground... Yet you don't act anything like I thought you would..."

"Oh? I can be plenty evil my lady, I could show you~" Lucifer mused, smiling as he stood above her, looking down on the small form of the beautiful goddess.

Gaia smiled softly. "Indeed, but I sense a different aura around you. You seem more interested in appreciating the beauty of this world rather than manipulating its inhabitants and destroying everything..."

Lucifer shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "I'm just here to enjoy the sights for now, this will all be mine someday anyway. Besides... It's not like I have anything else to do."

Gaia smiled at his words. "Then... How about a walk with me? I'll show you around your 'future land' haha," She giggled as she flashed to the beachy sand at the ocean.

Lucifer followed her, landing next to the goddess and hiding his black wings once again.

"Ah the ocean, this was created shortly after light you know? It's soothing."

Lucifer didn't answer and just let the woman hum as they walked across the sand, not enjoying the strange sensation on his feet.

They continued their journey together, exploring various parts of Earth. They climbed towering mountains, the cold wind whistling around them as they admired the vastness of the world below. They traversed dense forests, where Lucifer felt a strange connection to the trees and the life that surrounded them. They waded through meandering rivers, their waters reflecting the shimmering sunlight.

Gaia shared stories of everything that had happened so far on earth, the rise and fall of a civilization before humans, the struggles of the dragons, and of course her time with the original god. She spoke of the delicate balance that kept the world functioning, the ebb and flow of life and death, and the importance of harmony.

As days turned into weeks, Lucifer found himself captivated by Gaia's wisdom and the beauty of the Earth. The anger and resentment he had carried began to fade slightly, replaced by a newfound sense of wonder and appreciation. He discovered the joy of watching the sunset, the marvel of a blooming flower, and the peace of a quiet night under the stars.

One evening, they found themselves deep within the forest forest. Towering trees stretched towards the heavens, their canopy blocking the light of the fading sun. The forest seemed to hum with energy, and Lucifer could sense the presence of various creatures hiding in the shadows.

"This is one of the oldest and most sacred places on Earth," Gaia said, her voice hushed with reverence. "The spirits of nature are strong here, and they hold the secrets of the past and the potential of the future." She finished, smiling as she touched an especially large withered tree. "It is where I awoke."

Lucifer felt a sense of awe wash over him as he stepped carefully through the undergrowth. The earth beneath his feet felt alive, and the air was thick with something he couldn't explain. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, and for the first time in eons, he felt a sense of belonging.

But as he reveled in the beauty of the forest, a chilling growl echoed through the trees, interrupting the tranquility. A pair of glowing eyes watched him from the shadows, and Lucifer knew that he was no longer alone with the beautiful goddess giving him a tour.

"Fox," He greeted in distaste, he had almost forgotten that the other gods had come with him on this expedition.

"Ah finally..." The nine tailed fox said as he walked past a tree into the same clearing Gaia and Lucifer stood, his eyes boiling with anger as he glared at the fallen angel. "We won't get interrupted now... And I can dispose of you properly."

Lucifer didn't flinch, rolling his eyes. "You sure that's what your master wants? He seems to find me quite amusing little fox~"

Lucifer widened his eyes, barely dodging the claws aimed for his throat that slammed into a tree instead.

The nine-tailed fox moved with incredible speed and agility, launching a flurry of attacks at Lucifer. Each strike was precise and carried an immense amount of power. Lucifer gracefully evaded the strikes, his movements fluid and controlled. He knew he couldn't underestimate the fox; the creature was cunning and had more experience than him.

Lucifer failed to dodge a swipe at his shoulder, slamming through a tree as blood flowed from the claw wound. "Hah... How annoying."

Lucifer retaliated with his own attacks, conjuring dark flames that swirled around him. A skill he'd managed to create from wrath. The intense heat from his attacks caused the surrounding vegetation to wither, but the fox effortlessly dodged each fiery assault.

"You think your darkness can defeat me?" The Fox sneered, his nine tails swirling around him, forming a protective barrier.

The two adversaries continued their fierce exchange, each trying to gain the upper hand. Their movements were so swift that it was almost impossible to follow their actions.

"Phew," Lucifer exhaled as he grabbed onto the fox's shoulder. "I really need to train huh? Well it's whatever since I grabbed you. I'm feeling a bit... envious."

Lucifer created a skill perfect for the moment using envy as the base, for greed he'd been able to create steal. For wrath he'd made the black flames, for lust he'd had the desirability. For envy, he'd make a skill that allowed him to use his opponents energy and power as his own.


Black energy poured from his hands onto The Fox's body, causing the god to widen his eyes in fear for a second.

But just as the battle seemed to reach its climax, Gaia stepped forward, placing herself between the combatants, getting rid of the dark energy and putting a hand on both of the fighter's chests. Her presence was commanding, and her eyes were filled with a mixture of disappointment and determination.

"Enough!" Gaia's voice echoed through the forest, resonating with a divine power that brought the fighting to a standstill. The earth itself seemed to respond to her command, calming the turbulent energies around them.

Lucifer and the nine-tailed fox paused, their gazes fixed on Gaia. Despite the tension that had filled the air moments ago, both beings felt an inexplicable calmness wash over them in her presence.

"We are on the same side, creatures of the heavens," Gaia said firmly. "Fighting amongst ourselves only serves to weaken us."

The fox growled, his hostility not entirely subsided. "He's a fallen angel, a stain to everything holy, and a threat to everything!" he argued, still eyeing Lucifer warily.

Gaia shook her head gently. "Everyone knows the innate insight we get when we're born, but he has shown me a different side of himself," she said, her gaze softening as she looked at Lucifer. "We all have darkness within us, but we also have the capacity for change and growth."

Lucifer was taken aback by Gaia's defense of him. He hadn't expected her to intervene in the fight, let alone speak up for him. Despite everything he was destined to do, she seemed adamant on defending him.

The nine-tailed fox seemed torn, his instincts pushing him to continue the fight, but Gaia's words held a weight he couldn't ignore. He lowered his guard slightly, but his eyes remained cautious.

"You must find a way to coexist," Gaia implored. "We are all connected to this world, and our actions affect everything around us. Fighting only perpetuates the cycle of destruction, and another cycle may die..."

The nine-tailed fox seemed to consider Gaia's words, his hostility slowly dissipating. He nodded, though not entirely convinced. "Very well," he finally relented, stepping back a bit, as if to show he wasn't going to attack Lucifer again.

Gaia turned her gaze to Lucifer, her eyes filled with compassion. "You, too, have the capacity for change, Lucifer," she said. "Embrace the beauty of this world, and perhaps you will find the peace you seek."

Lucifer was speechless, the weight of Gaia's words sinking in.

"Fuck that," He suddenly said, his expression somber. He had nearly forgotten, but he wasn't in this world to be some kind guy, if he was supposed to be evil than he'd be evil, it was already the destiny of Lucifer.

"Huh?" She said, her eyes widening a bit at his sudden change as he unfurled his wings and started flying up.

"Thanks for the tour and all, but people don't change like that. Whatever my fate is right now it will always be that. As you said, I will someday raze this land and destroy everything... I'm looking forward to it!"

With that Lucifer burst up into the air, mentally calling the other gods to him so they could return to first heaven.

'I'll see you soon, my future home,' He thought to himself as they flashed back first heaven, leaving Gaia alone with her creation once again...