
The king of shadow

A random kid in a forest!! What!! And power! Even more what the **** Found is history of the « thing »

syndrom · Fantasy
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3 Chs


To make the magical happen it is quite easy. It's simply a magic globe that will tell you by showing the colour of you're comprehension. The average was orange or yellow people with a comprehension like that could easily do a living in the army. If it was above that you would have to do your own choice do get where you wanna be. You can be a minister if you have enough connection, a merchant if you know how to be good with selling things, or maybe even a general of army even mercenaries are possible. Gold would automatically give a nobility rank to the one simply because it was so rare that even the king didn't have it. Or to be simply put no one in the kingdom as it. It's known as a legend literally cause no one even seen one.

After finishing the preparation she ask the kid to put both of is hand on the sphere and think about anything. What happen after left her jaw hang on the floor.

It was dark!!! She was flustered and kind of panicked. It was the first time in history that a comprehension of colour black would appear.

"Where do you come from?" She simply ask.

"The sky" he answer with a play-full smile on is face.

Astonished by the answer she definitely tough that it was just a kid thing to say and she knew that it was impossible. Coming from the sky? Commun who will think that it's true?

No her for sure.

They went on to speak together trying to learn about the other for an hour and a half. She wanted to continue but Igrit choose otherwise he got up from where he was sitting and casually made is way over to Amanda and giving her a random but amazing feeling hug. That made her heart even faster. Before the little guy fall asleep on her she started to play in is black hair which were kind of really nice feeling.

She had so many question with no answer. Who was he? What is black comprehension? Who are is parent? Why did they gave it to her? Amanda really wanted to know so she made the choice that would change her life forever. She was gonna "adopt" Igrit and help him grow in the way of a mage until he would be old enough to do what he want. That was her resolution to help him just like the letter said.

Hey I just wanna say I’m not that good at writing so I’m trying my best. Hope you like. Have a good day

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