
Master/Servant Relationships

Ryo [Fuhahahaahahah, You are the oldest poison User, Fuhahahaha, Damn i really should have let him kill you, Why in the hell would I trust you?]

Semiramis [Aghh, He deserved it! don't talk down to me, who even are you?]

Ryo looked at Semiramis, and then he went to her face and said,

Ryo [I am the one that has your fate in his hands, *Sigh* Come with me Poison Girl]

Semiramis [How dare you call me that!]

Ryo [You can stay there then]

Semiramis "This abominable man, How can he treat me Like this, I am a Queen *sigh* I have no choice I have to find a master or I'll die, Damn it"

Semiramis [Fine, I'll follow you]

Ryo [Hurry up then Poison Girl]

Ryo toke Semiramis with him to the Tohsaka manor, it was already morning so he was expecting to find both her and Artoria awake, he then looked at the woman who was following him and said

Ryo [Oi, Poison Girl, I will allow you to live and fight, But if you think for one second that you can even think about Poisoning someone close to me, then I will rip your heart apart and feed it to you ]

Semiramis [Hmph, I have seen better threats]

Ryo [Do you understand?]

Semiramis [Yes, yes, don't worry]

Ryo then walked in the manor, he saw Rin making coffee while Artoria was waiting for her, the situation tensed up when they both saw Semiramis, Rin Looked at Ryo, While Artoria drew her sword

Rin [Ryouto! My house isn't a Servant Shelter]

Ryo [Yeah, Yeah, I know, I'll make it up to you]

Artoria [Master, That woman is dangerous, Ryouto why did you bring her here?]

Ryo [She was about to be killed, but I saved her "I regret doing that" She is an Assassin Class servant, Semiramis, the world's oldest poisoner!]

Rin [What? Why would you bring someone like her here?]

Ryo [I honestly don't know, I think she has something to help us, But looking at the way she was helpless against that weak Caster? I Doubt it]

Semiramis [stop talking about me like am useless, I am very capable, it's just that …]

Ryo [Oh Are you now?]

Semiramis [I cannot reveal my secret, unless you wish to become my master?]

Ryo [Well you either tell me about it or you leave]

Semiramis bit her lips but decided to confess, it was a large city, and finding the right master was too much at the moment, especially with the crazy Clown out there

Semiramis [Fine, I have a Noble Phantasm that might interest you Fufufufu]

Ryo [Oho, Well then tell me about it, Poison Girl]

Semiramis [Stop Calling me that *Sigh*

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon my noble Phantasm, with it I can …]

Ryo listened to Semiramis Telling him about her noble phantasm, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, it was very fitting, he thought, what could represent Babylon better than that !

However the cost of making it was a lot, it was too much for him at the moment, as all of his assets were back in his Kingdome

Rin [All of that is good and all, But it's a pretty useless Noble Phantasm, the grail war must be kept a secret, and a giant flying fortress can't be tolerated]

Artoria [Yes, the situation does not call for the usage of your noble Phantasm, so what will you do Ryouto]

Ryouto looked at Semiramis and noticed that she could be a great asset to him and his kingdom

The hanging Gardens was an Offensive and defensive advantage to his Kingdome, so of course he would want it, it was the user of it that was the big pain in the ass, but he could manage, if he can keep Vritra at bay, Semiramis shouldn't be that big of a deal

Ryouto [Semiramis, Queen of Assyria, Do you accept me Demon King Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, as your master?]

Semiramis [So you find me useful after all fufufufu Yes I do]

Semiramis who finally had a master, was shocked with the amount of magical energy that entered her body, as even though she was a Grail servant, which meant that she didn't need a master for mana, it was incomparable to the magical energy Ryo was providing her, it was almost like he was powering her up with a command spell continuously

Semiramis [Master! Aren't you wasting too much Mana? I don't need this much]

Ryo [I am not even giving you a fraction of my Mana, you're getting the bare minimum]

Semiramis [Master you are like a living Holy Grail]

Ryo looked a Semiramis and flicked her head with the middle finger and said

Ryo [Don't compare me to a wine Cup]

Rin [*sigh* why did you accept her as your servant, she might betray us]

Ryouto [I want her Noble Phantasm, It will be a great addition to my flying fortresses collection]

Rin [Collection?]

Ryo [Anyway, Tell me Semiramis, What is your wish for the Holy Grail?]

Semiramis [I have none, I too think that it is a cup of wine]

Ryo [Don't lie to me, Semiramis, you materialized for a reason, what is your wish?]

Semiramis [Fine, I wish to reclaim my position as a Queen, I hate fighting like a barbarian]

Ryo [Oh? is that truly your wish?]

Semiramis [Yes…]

Ryo [You wish to be a Queen, nothing else?]

Semiramis [No, why are you asking?]

Ryo [I plan to achieve your wish, if you wish to serve under me in Babylon, I will be willing to give you a piece of land to rule, Will that be suitable?]

Semiramis [I will be under you!]

Ryo [Does that matter? You're a servant now, does that effect who you are? If you're willing to rule in peace and harmony I don't mind you being a Queen]

Semiramis [Fine, but I will not agree unless I see your country]

Ryo [Sure, Here it is]

Ryo used a Magic projection to Show "Babylon" the projection showed the progress his country went through in the last six months, Arkhan, Had an amazing Shopping districts, with a great Protection, and Great looking buildings, Guards on the street, and happy civilians while Zion was Called Adventures' Heaven, Many adventures flocked to it after the first opening of Adventurer Guilds in Both Arkhan and Zion, but Zion in particular was loved by adventurers because it was faster to go to the Tunlan Forest from there

Ryo [Although it's a very new nation, This is Babylon, In it lives both the humans and demon Race, there are still some racial issues to deal with, but overall it's doing great

Rin [It's Amazing!]

Artoria [Order, Peace and Equality]

Semiramis [Master, This is your nation! it's beautiful but where am I supposed to rule]

Ryo [That will be decided upon later, In the next five days, prove your worth to me, I won't simply let you rule my Kingdom, because of a Garden I can make on my own, So in the next five days show me your true nature, and worth as a Queen]

Semiramis [*sigh* at least you have sense to do that, honestly how can you give a piece of land this easily, But I accept]

Ryo "Oh you will see my true reason later, I'm no fool, I will never give someone unstable like you a land to rule, but you can still be queen, My Queen, however that depends on your actions in the next five days, if you are truly a lovely person as my I think you are, than you might be my future lover, Semiramis"

Ryo [good, Now then Rin what are you going to do?]

Rin [I'll go to school, I guess]

Artoria [I see, Shall we have a rematch Ryouto?]

Ryo [Sure]

After about three hours since Rin left Ryo was still practicing with Artoria, She was very adamant on beating him, and although she felt that she could probably do it if it was a real fight, in a practice match without Excalibur she was pretty helpless

After the Practice was put on hold for a short break, Semiramis said

Semiramis [Do you not get bored of fighting over and over again?]

Artoria [You're supposed to protect your master, not be protected]

Semiramis [Master, Chose me because of my Beauty and nobility, not to dirty my hands in meaningless combat]

Artoria [Hmhp, Your entire existence is about beauty isn't it]

Semiramis [Oh! does the king of knights feel jealous, you are incomparable to me in beauty and when I get the materials to build my Hanging Gardens, you won't compare to me in power]

Artoria [Ryouto, I will kill her if she keeps acting like this]

Ryo [I didn't know that she can get under your skin like that, Just so you know she can't beat you with her garden, since it'll be mine, as for beauty, your fine as is, truly a once in a life time beauty]

Artoria [You don't have to waste words on me, Ryouto, I chose to have this muscular figure, I forsake beauty for power]

Ryo [Muscular figure? Fuhahahahaha… Fuhahahaha]

Artoria pointed her sword at Ryo and said

Artoria [Don't laugh at my figure, Ryouto, I'm a proud woman]

Semiramis [You are truly hopeless, he isn't laughing at your figure he is laughing at the fact that you consider yourself "Muscular", Honestly, only few woman in this world have the right to compare themselves to me in terms of beauty and elegance, so don't call yourself ugly again, or I'll be Pissed !]

Ryo [Hahaha ! Sorry Artoria, you just caught me off guard, it is truly as Semiramis says, I genuinely think you are a once in a life time beauty, it is stupid to argue otherwise, maybe you have a weak self confidence, but that isn't stopping me from stating my opinion, I think you are one of the most beautiful woman I have ever met]

Artoria, who was perplexed by Semiramis' words, blushed immediately after hearing Ryo's words, she was used to her persona as a male, so she never considered herself beautiful, Ryo's words made her feel something she never did before

Ryo who was smiling at Artoria suddenly looked at the sky and said

Ryo [Rin is in danger, let's go Artoria, Now!]

Artoria who was dozing off, immediately wear her complete Armor as she followed Ryo, while he was jumping through the roofs, he made sure to clad both him and Artoria in Illusion

Semiramis "He left me alone, Honestly..."

Rin started to investigate the destruction of a warding barrier she placed on her school, when she went to the roof she found the Matou family heir Shinji,

Shinji [Yo, Tohsaka, what are you here for?]

Rin [What are you doing here Shinji?]

Shinji [I asked first! Well any way Tohsaka, want to team up with me in this grail war?]

Rin [Hnn, of course not! Why would I team with a weak mage like you Shinji?]

Shinji [Kghh, Damn it Tohsaka, I'm Giving you a chance here !]

Rin [A Chance? a chance of what? the fastest loss in a holy grail war?]

Shinji [well, you can't say I didn't give you a chance, Kill her Rider]

After Shinji said that an exceedingly beautiful woman who was wearing weird Blindfolds Materialized and attacked Rin with chain blades

Rin enhanced herself and managed to escape to the stairs of her school, however Rider was following after her, so instead of continuing down the stairs she jumped from the second floor's windows while heading to the small forest beside her high school

"Should I use a Command spell to call Saber? Damn it Rin, you can't waste a command spell"

Rin who was still pondering if she should summon her servant, turned around to find Rider's Chains about to cut her, however she used her Gandr to deflect them, but that didn't help much when another blade was about to stab her !

Before the dagger could go in however, it was stopped by a metallic hand of an Armor

Artoria [Are you Okay? Rin]

Rin [Saber!]

Rider stepped back and looked at her master waiting for answers

Shinji [Don't stop Rider, Kill that servant]

Rider taking orders from her master threw her Chain blades at Artoria, but instead of killing her, Artoria simply grabbed the Chains and using her power and her hand motion she slammed Rider on the ground after throwing her in the sky

Seeing his servant fail to defeat Artoria, Shinji attempted to kick her while saying

Shinji [You useless bitch!]

But instead of hitting her, he was met with Ryo's leg, Ryo raised his leg and that led to Shinji falling on his ass while saying

Shinji [What! Who are you? I… Surrender, Stop don't… Don't kill me]

Ryo [You tried to harm Rin, and your own servant, you really are one of biggest scums to ever walk on my garden]

Ryo was about to kick Shinji in the face before a girl said

??? [Stop!]



Name: Semiramis

Age: Unknown

Race: Heroic Spirit 100%

Gender: Female

Class : Assassin (Caster/Double summon)

Affection: 77% Trust/Respect/Crush

World Class: Demon Empress (Only with the Hanging Gardens of Babylon)


Strength: E+

Agility: D

Endurance: C

Luck: A+

Mana: EX



Name: ???

Age: Unknown

Race: Heroic Spirit 100%

Gender: female

Class: Rider

Affection: 44% Fear/Thankful

World Class: Champion 95%


Strength: B++

Agility: A+

Endurance: D+

Luck: E

Mana: B+


(A/N Hello Boys, From now on Chapters will be on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, The Same for patreoon, which you should check out, I'll be releasing my best battle chapter tomorrow on the 5$ Patreoon, on "patreo n.com/Riadooo" so Subscribe if you want the Juicy chapter, or wait for the next two weeks !

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