

Aaron loves dragons. A dragon had killed his father when he was a few hours old, at least that's what his mother told him, but he still found them fascinating. The problem was, his mother did not feel the same way. She knew about his fascination of dragons, but hated them because of the incident that killed his dad. She didn't want to yell at Aaron for it though, he was her only child. But she hoped someday Aaron would despise the dragons as much as she did.

—(Aaron is 12 years old now—

Aaron woke to the sound of birds chirping outside. He looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly, sending rays of light everywhere. It was spring, and flowers were blooming, and it rained constantly. But today was a good day, the sky was clear with no sign of any rain clouds. Aaron lived in the village of Bluecastle, named after the huge palace that was the color of sapphires in the middle of the town. He and his mom had to move here because the last village had burned (also the fault of the dragons).

"Aaron!" his mom shouted. "We need to get some things from the village market!" Aaron hurried to the front door. He and his mother walked a stone path to the market. It was bustling with people. His mother led him to a fruit stall, and bought several apples, bananas, and oranges. Then they went to the meat stall.

"Hello there Jenna!" Frank, the owner of the shop and the town butcher, said. He had red hair and was really tall, about a head taller than Jenna, Aaron's mom. "What do you want to buy today?" Aaron and his mom bought a few slices of beef and pork.

"That will be it, Frank!" Jenna said. She gave him a few coins and took the bag of meat from him. Frank waved and they left. Aaron and his mom went to another stall and bought some eggs.

"Is that it?" Aaron asked. They walked to back to the front of the market.

"That's it," she replied. Then Aaron saw a necklace dangling from a hook in one stall. At the end of it, there was a blue gem surrounded by metal rings.

"Can we get that, mom?" Aaron asked. "It's really cool." His mother looked at the necklace, made a disgusted face, and shook her head. They walked back home, and Aaron immediately went to his room and flopped down on his bed. He looked around his cramped room. Drawings of dragons he drew were all over the walls. Aaron had never actually seen a dragon before, so the drawings were probably not that accurate. All the books and drawings of dragons were in the restricted part of the library. That gave him an idea. He was going to steal the books.