
The King of Beast Trainers

A brand new masterpiece by the author of "Unscientific Beast Taming"!!! The best fantasy novels in China in 2023! The invasion of creatures from different time and space gave birth to the "Beast Master" profession, and the protagonist was selected by a mysterious "black card", indicating that he has the qualification of a Beast Master and can contract to control pets to fight for himself! "Who could become the undisputed King of Beast Trainers in the brand-new Beast Training Era?" Royal Beast+Online Gaming+Spiritual Energy Recovery+Secret Realm

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353 Chs

Chapter 27 Version Update_1

Translator: 549690339

Lu Ran felt like he was asking a question to an empty room.

But he indeed had some thoughts about learning a secondary vocation.

In Infinite City, the three most popular lifestyle vocations are the Nutritionist, Pharmacist, and Forging Master.

If a Pet Beast wants to level up, aside from combat practice and daily training, it mainly relies on diet.

Seventy percent eating, thirty percent training.

Choosing different ingredients and reasonably matching a Pet Beast's diet can make the Pet Beast's Growth Level rise faster.

As for how to match, that's what Nutritionists study.

Pharmacists, just like Nutritionists, are also like fathers to combat Beast Trainers.

In Infinite City, healing Pet Beasts are rare, and so are healing Beast Trainers.

If a Beast Trainer and their Pet Beast are seriously injured or poisoned in a Secret Realm, they usually rely on a Pharmacist to save their lives with their concocted medicine and antidotes.