
The King of Beast Trainers

A brand new masterpiece by the author of "Unscientific Beast Taming"!!! The best fantasy novels in China in 2023! The invasion of creatures from different time and space gave birth to the "Beast Master" profession, and the protagonist was selected by a mysterious "black card", indicating that he has the qualification of a Beast Master and can contract to control pets to fight for himself! "Who could become the undisputed King of Beast Trainers in the brand-new Beast Training Era?" Royal Beast+Online Gaming+Spiritual Energy Recovery+Secret Realm

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350 Chs

Chapter 152 Human Trainer_1

Translator: 549690339


"By the way," Manager Ying was about to leave when Lu Ran suddenly called out.

"I have one more thing here!"

Lu Ran took out the Damage Transfer Skill Card.

"So, does a curse count as damage? If it does, you can bring this to Principal Shi Zhen for me. It might help him/her."

Lu Ran thought Principal Shi Zhen was a decent person!

After all, Principal Shi Zhen had given him two World's Rare Resources.

A Wind King Fruit and a Void Flower.

Although one was a prepaid salary and the other was a reward he earned, the other party was quite generous.

Now, he was even considering the Evil God's Eye trait...

Principal Shi Zhen probably wouldn't care much for the Stone Dragon Egg, but this Damage Transfer might be different.

The only thing was, he didn't know whether this thing could actually transfer a curse or not.

If it couldn't, that would be quite the letdown...

Moreover, it would be a waste of one of the other party's skill slots for no reason.