
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


On the following morning, Lothamar traveled through a portal to Silvermoon City, while Charliman made his way to the blacksmith's shop in Quel'Thalas after bidding farewell to Shawn.

The blacksmith in Quel'Thalas was known as Bright Hammer. Rumor had it that he hailed from the Copperbeard clan of Ironforge, although the reasons for his presence in Quel'Thalas remained a mystery. Nonetheless, Bright Hammer's exquisite craftsmanship had provided the rangers with many fine weapons. The previous Ranger-General had granted him permission to settle in Quel'Thalas, which he accepted.

Charliman, Lothamar, and their fellow ranger siblings had all learned the art of blacksmithing from Bright Hammer. Charliman, however, had not delved too deeply into the craft, only acquiring enough knowledge to forge a pair of short blades suitable for his early usage and to discern the quality of weapons. For now, he had decided to entrust the task of crafting his new weapon to Bright Hammer.

Upon entering the blacksmith's shop, Charliman was greeted by an intense wave of heat. The entire workshop radiated a fiery red glow as the blacksmith, a burly dwarf, focused on shaping a rough weapon, resembling the type often wielded by rangers. Charliman knew that Bright Hammer was a skilled blacksmith who had dedicated his life to the craft.

He did not interrupt the dwarf's work, instead leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, waiting for the blacksmith to finish his current task.

After some time, Bright Hammer turned around, noticing Charliman's presence. He paused for a moment and then broke into a hearty laugh.

"Haha, Charliman, you've returned! How did it go in Silvermoon City? Did you manage to secure any high-quality ore this time?"

Bright Hammer had a completely bald head, but his distinctive feature was a long, chestnut-colored beard that adorned his face.

Charliman did not hesitate to walk over and embrace his old friend, ignoring the dwarf's sweaty, soot-covered appearance.

"It's this ore," Charliman said, as he produced a bag filled with Titansteel ore and handed it to Bright Hammer. "It's all thanks to you having a need for quality ores. Without that, I wouldn't have stumbled upon such perfect raw materials in Silvermoon City."

Bright Hammer accepted the bag of ore and, as he examined it, his face displayed a mix of curiosity and surprise. He had been forging weapons for over a century, but the quality of this ore was unlike anything he had seen before. It was a fascinating development for someone whose life was dedicated to the craft of blacksmithing.

Charliman then retrieved two more samples of ore from his pocket, one Cobalt and the other Saronite. He pushed them toward Bright Hammer.

"There are two more kinds from Northrend," Charliman explained. "Cobalt and Saronite. You might find them interesting as well."

Bright Hammer was initially captivated by the Titansteel ore, but he eventually shifted his attention to the new samples. He picked up a piece of Cobalt ore and examined it closely.

"Hmm! While it may not be as impressive as the previous one, it is a fine ore, especially suitable for crafting weapons."

The dwarf then examined the Saronite ore, and his face contorted with disgust. He put the ore down promptly.

"No, no, no! Despite its quality, I don't want it. Even after purification, I can still sense the malevolent power within it. That's not good, not good at all!"

Bright Hammer's excitement seemed to have been doused as he started to pace around the workshop. He looked up at Charliman, and Charliman couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. It was evident from Bright Hammer's words and expressions that he had some knowledge of King Magni Bronzebeard.

The dwarf's attitude toward the King made Charliman wonder about the nature of their relationship. Charliman smiled and shook his head.

"Even if the three nations work together, the yield won't be significant. At most, they'll send an expedition. After all, that land is bitterly cold and unsuitable for most life. Moreover, I've heard there are some native savages in Howling Fjord. That will pose a challenge for the expedition team."

In Charliman's memory, Northrend's landmass included the relatively warmer Howling Fjord in the north, as well as the Grizzly Hills. However, both of these regions were inhabited by the Vrykul, an ancient and aggressive race. The presence of these natives would make it challenging for any expedition.

Charliman continued to share his thoughts, "The Dragonblight, on the other hand, is quite near and has a relatively temperate climate. It's where the blue dragonflight resides, but we should be cautious. They are not the friendly protectors of Azeroth they become in the future."

He went on to recount stories of the various dragonflights and their relationships with mortals. In his words, Charliman revealed his extensive knowledge of Azeroth's history and the complexities of the different races and factions. This was information he had accumulated and studied over the years, shared only with his beloved younger brother, Lothamar.

Bright Hammer's eyes sparkled with interest and insight as Charliman spoke. His knowledge was deep, reflecting his dedication to understanding the world's history, current state, and future possibilities. Charliman wanted his younger brother, Lothamar, to have the same wisdom, which he believed would shape him into a great leader.

Charliman's revelations had also inadvertently revealed his own unique perspective. It was clear that he harbored a deep sense of responsibility, considering his younger brother to be the one he trusted most in the world, even more than his beloved, Alleria Windrunner, who remained in the dark about his thoughts.

As Lothamar busied himself preparing for his journey to Silvermoon City, Charliman took some time to visit his loyal friend, Swiftwing, who had returned with him. The spiritual hawkstrider greeted its master with an exuberant cry. However, Charliman quickly gestured for silence.

The tranquility of the evening had settled in, and with a world that lacked modern entertainment, it was best not to disturb the nearby residents. Charliman glanced across to the hawkstrider pens belonging to the Windrunner family, where Alleria's trusted companion, Dodo, sat watching them.

Alleria had originally ridden Dodo to Silvermoon City. However, due to the upcoming portal trip to Dalaran, the Windrunner family's hawkstriders had been transported back. It was a practical decision, as Charliman and Lothamar would need the speed and endurance of their mounts for their journey.

Charliman could not have foreseen that Alleria had altered her plans and had chosen to embark on a voyage to Gilneas and Lordaeron, taking a guest with her on the voyage instead. Charliman was unaware of this turn of events as he stood in the pen, gazing at Dodo.

Charliman had chosen two slender swords for his weapon of choice, unlike other hunters who preferred dual-wielding blades. His decision had led to some playful teasing from Ariella and the other rangers. However, he remained resolute in his choice. Charliman believed that two slender swords were his path, and over the years, he had become a master in their use.

The impending trip to Silvermoon City was facilitated by Shawn's magical abilities. However, the return trip would prove more complicated, as Charliman did not wish to burden the Windrunner family with a trivial matter. Lothamar's connections within Silvermoon City were limited, so this journey would be an opportunity for him to gain experience and acquaint himself with the lifestyle and values of their fellow High Elves.

Charliman hoped that this experience would help his younger brother comprehend the changing world and its intricate dynamics. Over the past decade, Charliman had sowed the seeds of advanced ideas and concepts within Lothamar's mind. He trusted Lothamar to receive and internalize these ideas, even more than he trusted anyone else, including Alleria.

Charliman had revealed to Lothamar his analysis and predictions regarding the future of the High Elves. While his brother had initially been skeptical, the seeds of knowledge had been planted. They would take root and grow with time.

As Lothamar made his preparations, Charliman decided to visit his trusted friend, Swiftwing. The hawkstrider had displayed genuine affection upon Charliman's return, as though it had been awaiting him all along.

Soon, Charliman would depart on his journey with Lothamar and Ariella, unaware of the unexpected events that would unfold during their time in Silvermoon City and beyond.