
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


For Charles, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch at Archbishop Faol's words.

These clergy members had a peculiar trait - attributing all achievements to the divine, making themselves mere messengers of the Holy Light.

Thankfully, Alonsus Faol hadn't forgotten Charles's role as a "messenger." After completing his prayer, the archbishop sincerely expressed his gratitude.

"Mr. Selon, I thank you for bringing me this crucial revelation. I believe that, after some time of further research, I will be able to perfect this profession you've named 'Paladin.'"

The archbishop found the name "Paladin" highly fitting and decided to use it as the official title for this new profession.

Charles stood up, grasping Archbishop Faol's outstretched hand in a gesture of friendship.

"Archbishop Faol, you are too kind. I do, however, have a request."

Archbishop Faol was taken aback for a moment but then smiled gently. "Oh? Please, share your request. If it's within my power, I will certainly assist."

Charles looked at the archbishop's face, which, despite its gentle smile, showed clear detachment. He shook his head with a sigh.

"Archbishop Faol, you have misunderstood. I'm not proposing any unreasonable conditions. I merely wish for you to personally baptize Priest Lyadrielle, transforming her into one of the first Paladins."

The three individuals in the room paused, processing Charles's request. Archbishop Faol was the first to regain his composure, expressing his regret with an apologetic tone.

"My apologies, Mr. Selon. May the Holy Light forgive me; I should never have doubted the intentions of others so readily. It seems I still have a way to go in my own spiritual journey."

At this point, Lyadrielle's eyes shone with excitement as she gazed at Archbishop Faol. Ever since listening to Charles's explanation, she had been eagerly considering the idea of becoming a Paladin. Now, it seemed like a real possibility.

While Uther's reaction was less overt than Lyadrielle's, his eyes also revealed a hopeful expression. Over the years, he had observed his mentor's research closely, volunteering as the first test subject for Alonsus Faol's ideas. This had provided valuable data and insights.

After all, no matter how much one spoke, it was only through practical experimentation that true progress could be made.

Uther also had a personal interest in this new profession, which combined the combat abilities of a warrior with the healing powers of a priest. If this profession proved successful, it had the potential for wide application.

This would undoubtedly lead to an increase in people's faith in the Holy Light, a significant achievement for its devout followers.

For truly devout believers, their concern lay not in their own status or wealth but in the growth and development of the faith they followed.

Once this Paladin profession was put into practice, it would cement the legacy of Alonsus Faol as an enduring figure, a matter of great honor for followers of the Holy Light.

While Archbishop Faol was deep in prayer, seeking forgiveness from the Light, Lyadrielle glanced at Charles with gratitude, and Selon simply shrugged in response.

If Lyadrielle could become one of the first Paladins, she would be counted among Alonsus's disciples. After Archbishop Faol assumed the position of Grand Archbishop of all Quel'Thalas, her reputation would undoubtedly soar.

Although the upper echelons of the High Elves might not attach great importance to this title, it would carry considerable weight among those who followed the faith of the Holy Light.

As for the challenge of persuading the stubborn Sun King, that was a matter for another time. For now, Archbishop Faol readily agreed to Charles's request. He couldn't ask for anything better than having someone acknowledge and be willing to be one of the first to embrace the new profession he had developed.

Afterward, Archbishop Faol, immersed in refining his ideas, didn't engage in much small talk with the two. He had Uther attend to their needs and then locked himself in his chamber for deep contemplation.

Uther, who was only in his early teens, appeared somewhat shy and stumbled over his words during his interactions with Charles and Lyadrielle. However, Lyadrielle had high hopes for his future. She could clearly see Uther's deep devotion to the Holy Light. Furthermore, with his robust attributes, it was clear that once he transitioned to being a Paladin, the most suitable path for him, he would quickly shine.

Since he had decided to become one of the first Paladins, Lyadrielle naturally wanted to stay and await Alonsus Faol to perform the baptism.

She entrusted her mission to convey the Sun King's request to one of her family's trusted servants, a priest who had accompanied the mission to Quel'Thalas.

Charles had no objections to this. He didn't intend to return to Silvermoon City for the time being. Since breaking through, he hadn't had the opportunity to fully consolidate his own realm. Moreover, he needed to return to discuss some close combat techniques for Rangers with his mentor. His dual blades were still in their raw state, and he needed the assistance of the Dwarven blacksmith in Thalassian to complete them. There was much to be done, and he couldn't afford to wait for Alonsus Faol to emerge from his seclusion.

After bidding farewell to Uther and Lyadrielle, Charles and the group of priests returned to Nelson's Mage Tower. Although Nelson was somewhat dissatisfied with having to open a portal solely for Charles, it was a prearranged agreement. Eventually, the quirky old mage grudgingly activated the portal and sent Charles back to Thalassian.

Upon emerging from the disorienting portal, the first thing Charles saw was the welcoming and somewhat smug expression on Sean's face. He was accompanied by several unfamiliar mages.

"Welcome back, Charles. How did your trip to Stratholme go?"

After giving Charles a warm embrace, Sean led his friend out of the tower and inquired about his mission's progress.

At the private banquet hosted by the Sun King, Sean had heard of Charles's plan regarding the Paladin profession, and he was quite informed about the mission he had been sent on. In fact, he strongly wished for the High Elves to have a reliable front-line profession to ensure the safety of their rear-line mages.

"It went well. I believe that, in some time, Quel'Thalas will have its first Paladin."

Proudly lifting his head, Charles was confident that if the Paladin Order was established, one of the High Elves' significant weaknesses would be addressed.

"Oh? Lyadrielle, isn't it? That spirited young woman..."

The jovial laughter and banter between the two young elves infused Thalassian's peaceful atmosphere with a youthful vitality.