
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


During this period, Charles stayed at the Ranger Square's residence and politely declined all invitations from the elite.

His roots weren't in Silvermoon City, and engaging in sycophantic behavior with the officials and nobles was a waste of time. Furthermore, it might raise suspicions from Dar'Khan and the Sun King.

Charles didn't spend his entire time immersed in books. He also had the newly acquired artifact, Thas'dorah, which required time to become accustomed to.

As his mentor, Lireesa had informed him, any item crafted not according to one's habits required a familiarization process. These past days allowed Charles to begin grasping the concept of sentient artifacts. Thas'dorah responded subtly to his archery form and habits, gradually adjusting its own properties.

For example, Charles's archery strength was certainly not at its peak, as Thas'dorah's former master had been. Thas'dorah responded by slowly reducing the bowstring's hardness.

This, at times, made Charles wonder if the bow had developed sentience.

After numerous attempts to communicate with Thas'dorah, Charles sadly discovered that it didn't possess consciousness or the ability to adjust itself according to his needs. The changes were merely inherent features of the artifact.

Now, using Thas'dorah felt much more comfortable than when he first acquired it. Though he was far from reaching a level of intimacy where it was second nature, the bow's enhancements, along with his own skill, made it significantly more potent than the bow he had used before.

After Sean had completed the selection process for the mages and returned to Quel'Thalas with them, he instructed Charles to finish reading the books and have them delivered to the residence in the Noble District of the Dawnstrider family. A steward would be there to accept the books on Charles's behalf.

Lireesa had also established a connection with the Church of the Holy Light in Stratholme through her own channels and had recently come to update Charles on the progress.

"I've managed to contact Archbishop Faol," she reported, "and he's indeed very interested in the new profession you mentioned. Archbishop Faol invites you to Stratholme to discuss the details."

Charles expressed his gratitude with an excited smile at the news.

He agreed with Lireesa to wait until their business in Silvermoon City was concluded before using the Sun King's authority to directly teleport to Stratholme to discuss the creation of the new profession with Archbishop Faol.

Originally, Charles hadn't intended to go to Stratholme so soon. Arator hadn't returned yet, and his own abilities hadn't completely stabilized. The timing didn't seem right for extensive travels.

However, Anasterian appeared to be in a hurry after hearing the report. It seemed that the longstanding issues plaguing Quel'Thalas's frontlines had become a pressing concern for him. Now, he was eager for Charles to expedite his actions.

As for Lireesa accompanying him… the eager look on the current female priest's face left no room for doubt about her thoughts, and Charles couldn't help but offer a silent tribute to Ah Quan for putting up with her.

On the seventh day after Lireesa's departure, Charles had already committed the contents of the two relatively challenging magic books to memory. However, fully comprehending and applying their knowledge was a different matter and required more time.

The first thing he needed to understand was the theoretical aspects of teleportation.

Teleportation, in essence, involved establishing a relatively stable spatial channel through arcane means and communicating with a predetermined magic network node at the destination. This channel allowed an individual to teleport to the specified node.

Although it might sound simple, the actual execution was far from it.

Firstly, understanding the structure of the magical network was no small feat. Without the guidance of local residents or relevant literature, it would be near impossible to explore on one's own.

Secondly, there were the issues of magical power. Ripping open space to create a relatively stable spatial channel was not a simple task. Charles was well aware that even using up all his magical power just to open the channel was a risky endeavor. Maintaining a stable and precise teleportation was even more challenging.

If he attempted to teleport now without proper preparation, it would be like inviting the Twisting Nether to welcome him.

Moreover, with increased teleportation distance, the additional magical power required would continue to escalate. Even Sean, a Five Rings Mage, could only teleport from Stormwind City to Quel'Thalas, and beyond that distance, he couldn't sustain the magic. Intercontinental teleportation was a distant dream.

As for the use of teleportation portals, Charles had no intention of considering that option in the short term.

The issue of spatial cognition was another challenge. Without a deep understanding of this, there would be a significantly increased risk of getting lost within the spatial channel.

Charles couldn't help but marvel at Medivh's abilities when he considered this newfound knowledge about teleportation. Medivh was rumored to have the power to travel to many different worlds. While it was likely that the Atiesh artifact staff played a part in this, it couldn't be attributed solely to magical power. Overcoming the barriers between worlds required more than just raw magical strength.

On the thirteenth day after the departure of the Ranger Corps, Charles planned to visit a gem and mineral store to inquire about the ore. He also intended to stop by the Noble District in the east of Silvermoon City, as Sean had instructed, to visit the Dawnstrider family.

Coincidentally, the Kul Tiras icebreaker returning from the Howling Fjord in Northrend had just arrived at the Sunfury Harbor today. The ship's owner, Lucius, informed Charles that the goods would likely be transported to Silvermoon City in the afternoon.

Therefore, Charles decided to visit the Noble District, near King's Way, before collecting the ore in the afternoon.

The Noble District was much quieter compared to other areas in Silvermoon City. The lavish, deep violet veils adorning the surroundings added an extravagant ambiance to the atmosphere.

According to the information Sean had shared during their casual conversation, the nobility of Quel'Thalas wasn't known for their modesty, especially among the younger generation. They frequently held extravagant parties, and Sean had been part of this lifestyle as well.

Charles, not particularly fond of the Noble District's vibe, quickened his pace and followed Sean's instructions to arrive at the grand mansion.

Compared to the other estates in the vicinity, the Dawnstrider family's residence appeared to be more pleasant. The purple veils surrounding the building were complemented by shades of gold, and the lush foliage in the courtyard lessened the overwhelming opulence. This made Charles feel more at ease.

After ringing the magical doorbell outside, it didn't take long before a well-dressed elderly elf opened the door.

One doesn't need to be a saint to recognize the appearance of a butler.

"Mr. Charles Seron, I presume. As Sean mentioned, I am Luke, the steward of the Dawnstrider family. Lord Felboris has been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Please, step inside." With a respectful nod, Luke gestured for Charles to enter.