
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Regarding the Sun King's invitation, the four individuals' responses, though differing in certain details, shared a common attitude.

First and foremost was Sean of the Dawnstrider family. Owing to his family's profound ties with the royal court, he was naturally disinclined to align himself with Dar'khan. While the shadow of his uncle's presence as a Silvermoon Council member deterred him from openly supporting Anasterian, he nonetheless expressed a resolute allegiance to the royal authority.

Likewise, Lyladren harbored a similar sentiment. Her family had always been staunch royalists, and unwavering loyalty to the crown had been ingrained in her from a young age.

Sylvanas, as the inheritor of the Farstriders and a loyal servant of Quel'Thalas, was unwavering in her commitment to her homeland and sternly opposed any form of national separatism. Her stance mirrored that of her mother, for throughout the ten-thousand-year history of Quel'Thalas, the Sunstrider dynasty had rarely erred significantly. Although Anasterian had grown stubborn in his twilight years, it was not an excuse for Dar'khan's rebellion. That individual's motives were certainly not aimed at the future of the high elves.

Charles, a scholar of history, immediately declared his allegiance to the crown. He was aware that both Anasterian and Kael'thas would become historical blemishes due to their ill-fated decisions. However, in the real world of Azeroth, Charles had learned not to blindly trust history. Why else had he crossed dimensions? Since he had crossed, it was his responsibility to exert every effort to alter the course of events and save those who perished needlessly. In his current incarnation as a high elf, he had a duty to consider the welfare of his own people. Actions spoke louder than words, and if he foolishly abandoned his homeland to align with humanity, that would indeed be imbecilic.

From Charles's perspective, while the reigning Sun King, Anasterian, had committed errors, these could be attributed to the isolationist policies of the high elves, which resulted in a lack of information. Kael'thas's destiny was even more dramatic, as the prince had virtually no choices when he was backed into a corner. Until the end, he firmly believed he acted for the benefit of Quel'Thalas, a fact evidenced by the many blood elves who were willing to follow him even in death.

Of course, Charles disapproved of Kael'thas's decision to seek Kil'jaeden's assistance and use fel magic to mitigate his magic addiction. That was tantamount to drinking poison to quench one's thirst.

Charles was lost in thought, pondering how, in the span of a decade or two, he could gradually influence pivotal moments in history to change the fate of the high elves.

King Anasterian was visibly pleased with the four individuals' responses. Each represented a different facet of society's future: the formal rangers, civilian rangers and wayfarers, the Church of the Holy Light, and the most esteemed of all, the arcane practitioners of Quel'Thalas.

Though it might seem an exaggeration to say that Sean represented the future of the entire Quel'dorei mage community, his determination could see him rise to become a member of the Silvermoon Council, particularly considering he had an elder family member who held that position.

If Sean expressed such a desire, Osias, who had no heirs of his own, would go to great lengths to pave the way for him. As long as Sean was not utterly inept, it was only a matter of time before he joined the council.

The private banquet hosted by the Sun King concluded in mutual joy, thanks to the four individuals' responses. Anasterian felt closer to them than before after confirming their loyalty.

"These are the very pillars of our society, to be inherited by Kael'thas once he ascends to the throne," he mused.

The Sun King was well aware that his own days were numbered. To ensure his son would not be suppressed by the Silvermoon Council upon assuming the throne, paving the way was a fatherly duty he was bound to fulfill.

Taking advantage of Anasterian's good mood, Charles cautiously raised the issue of a high elven melee force.

Upon hearing Charles's words, the Sun King's eyes briefly sparkled before returning to normal.

Charles sensed the shift and felt that the Sun King might not be as senile as he had previously thought.

"In fact, I have considered this matter before. Some members of the Silvermoon Council proposed establishing our own melee force. However, I ultimately vetoed that proposal."

Anasterian said with a gentle smile, leaving Charles puzzled. He was about to ask for further explanation when the Sun King extended a hand to stop him.

"Charles, please, let me continue."

"I am well aware that our military development has become distorted today, and having fought alongside humans in the past, I understand the importance of frontline warriors. However..."

Anasterian sighed softly at this point. "You all have not considered our demographic problem."

"Although high elves enjoy long lifespans, nature always seeks balance. The price of our extended lifespan is an exceptionally low birth rate. The profession of a warrior, particularly in large numbers, would be unsustainable for us."

Charles finally understood Anasterian's consideration upon hearing this. He couldn't help but interject, "Signifying a high mortality rate!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized he had been impolite and quickly apologized.

Fortunately, the Sun King smiled and gestured for him not to worry. "Indeed, as you mentioned, warriors, particularly those on the front lines, are exceptional. However, they are not suited to high elves, given our demographic constraints. Our population structure dictates that we cannot bear the high casualty rate of warriors."

"There was a saying," Anasterian continued, "that you might not have heard. It goes, 'Heaven to the left, warriors to the right.' While it is somewhat extreme, it does underscore the danger of warriors."

Charles, Sean, Lyladren, and Sylvanas all nodded in agreement. Warriors charging into battle, especially without the support of healers like priests, were exposed to substantial risks.

Furthermore, high elves, in contrast to dwarves, tauren, and even their distant relatives, the night elves, possessed average physical prowess. Warriors were undeniably extravagant for their kind.

Sylvanas, upon hearing the mention of "Kalimdor," showed a puzzled expression. She hadn't heard of such a place.

Meanwhile, Sean and Lyladren displayed a change in expression, suggesting they had recollections related to Kalimdor and the night elves. These scions of noble elven families must have had access to clandestine information regarding Kalimdor and the night elves.

As Charles contemplated the fate of the high elves, Sylvanas couldn't contain her curiosity. "Your Majesty, you mentioned 'Kalimdor,' the 'tauren,' and the 'night elves.' What are these?"