
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


The carriage had taken them through the Royal Trade District and Saintly Plaza, finally coming to a halt at the grand entrance of the Sunwell Court.

Several elven attendants, clad in the attire of stewards, and of an older age, awaited by the long arched bridge. As Chariman and Sylvanas disembarked, one of the attendants approached and bowed, placing his hand over his chest in salute.

"These must be Mr. Chariman and Lady Sylvanas, I presume. Allow me to guide you from here. His Majesty has been waiting in the banquet hall for some time."

Chariman offered a nod and followed the attendant as they advanced along the bridge. However, Sylvanas's behavior at that moment caught him by surprise. She took a step forward and linked her arm through his right, leaning slightly toward him.

"Don't misunderstand; this is just part of the customary etiquette for attending a banquet. Let's hurry; we mustn't keep His Majesty waiting."

As Chariman turned to glance at her with a perplexed expression, Sylvanas, though blushing slightly, didn't release his hand but rather urged him to keep up with the leading attendant.

"Um... all right."

Chariman faintly remembered that in his previous life, at formal events, it was indeed customary for male and female attendees to hold hands. He didn't dwell on Sylvanas's behavior any further.

The attendant up front had come to a stop, turning slightly and waiting for them to catch up. Chariman had to quicken his pace to reach the bridge.

When Chariman and Sylvanas reached the highest point of the arched bridge, Sean was getting down from his own carriage, which he had prepared for them earlier. Observing the two of them, apparently close, he couldn't resist a playful whistle.

"I had a feeling that something was amiss between these two. It looks like I was right..."

He continued with a smirk, "Stuck between two sisters, huh? Knowing Sylvanas's personality, your life ahead might not be so peaceful, my lad. Best of luck."

While Sean followed the attendant into the palace, Lydalin, who had also followed the path, arrived right behind him.

As a countess, she was familiar with royal banquets, and today, she donned a rare snow-white gown. She walked with an elegant gait, making her way towards the Sunwell Court.

As Chariman moved with Sylvanas, her soft figure and the faint fragrance emanating from her began to distract his thoughts.

To shift his focus, he started to pay more attention to the opulent interior of the palace. As expected, the decor within the palace showcased a subtle, luxurious style. Furniture made from various exquisite materials and the enchanting magical luminance of the chandeliers all exuded the grandeur of the royal lineage.

He couldn't help but be amazed by the brooms that autonomously swept the floors after being infused with arcane energy.

"It seems that arcane magic has permeated every aspect of high elven life," Chariman thought to himself. He couldn't help but wonder how his fellow elves would react when they eventually learned that the Sunwell was bound to disappear. Most would probably find it hard to believe.

Contemplating the challenging times ahead, Chariman couldn't help but feel a headache coming on. He decided to cast aside these unpleasant thoughts for the time being and turned his attention back to the guide.

This guide, Chariman realized, was no ordinary steward. The precision and uniformity of each step he took was almost as if it had been measured by a ruler. The attendant's gestures and the slightly broad shoulders beneath his uniform suggested that he was no mere steward.

"Although I can't see his palms beneath those white gloves, there's likely a lot of calluses. This man... must be a warrior."

High elves rarely employed warriors as stewards, and this was a luxury reserved for the royal family. Warriors among the high elves were a rare breed, most often found in the major noble families, trained to protect their kin. Wild, commoner warriors were an exception.

For commoners, aspiring to become arcane practitioners was the preferred path to advancement. However, the cost of nurturing an arcane mage was beyond the means of most families, making the second-best choice to become a ranger.

While rangers might be perceived as inferior to arcane mages, they were still far more esteemed than other rougher professions, such as warriors. Of course, becoming a devoted priest, embracing the Light with unwavering faith, was an option for those who were religious, but within Quel'Thalas, where reverence for the Sunwell was universal, truly devout priests were exceedingly rare.

As they passed through the long corridor, Chariman and Sylvanas finally reached the banquet hall under the guide's direction. The attendant, with a respectful bow, opened the door, and after a swift gesture of deference towards the Sun King, he quickly withdrew.

"Mr. Chariman and Lady Sylvanas, please take your seats. You are among the earliest to arrive, other than Lady Liandra."

With a warm smile, Sun King Anasterian and Queen Githa invited them to their seats.

By this time, Lady Liandra, a royal family member, was already seated at the right hand of the queen. She watched the two of them, hand in hand, with a playful smile. Upon noticing Sylvanas's gaze, she promptly released Chariman, and, her cheeks slightly flushed, Sylvanas respectfully greeted the king and queen before sitting just below Liandra.

Following his own respectful greeting, Chariman took his place at the first seat on the left, just below Sun King Anasterian. It was a position that felt quite intimidating, considering he was, for the first time in two lifetimes, so close to a national leader. Despite the seeming gentleness of King Anasterian and Queen Githa, Chariman couldn't assume they were entirely harmless, ruling for thousands of years as they had.

Sean and Lydalin arrived later and took their seats as well. The banquet had officially begun.

Contrary to Chariman's homeland, high elves dined in silence, and it was considered inappropriate to engage in conversation during the meal. The only sounds that filled the hall were the soft clinking of cutlery against plates. Everyone silently savored the exquisite dishes.

Most of the sounds seemed to emanate from Chariman and Sylvanas. Having received proper education, Sean and Lydalin dined with utmost precision, making no unnecessary noise. This disparity made the two rangers somewhat uncomfortable.

Fortunately, King Anasterian had mentioned earlier that there was no need for rigid decorum, and the others understood that Chariman and Sylvanas had not received the same education. Therefore, there was no reprimand for their unintentional discourtesy.

As the banquet drew to a close, Queen Githa and Lady Liandra excused themselves, leaving Sun King Anasterian with the four younger guests in the sitting room. Finally, they were ready to delve into the crux of the evening's discussion.