
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Having gained a more accurate sense of time, Charlemagne felt the urgency of his plans.

Throughout the entire dinner, Charlemagne furrowed his brow in thought, much to the concern of Aurelia.

Lotharama, the younger brother, was secretly observing the situation between his older sister and Charlemagne with keen interest, causing Sylvanas, the eldest sister, to glare at Charlemagne in evident hostility. She seemed determined to protect her sister's affection from being stolen by this 'intruder.'

Meanwhile, little brother Lilas's crafty gaze shifted back and forth between his big sister and Charlemagne, clearly noticing the growing romantic tension.

"Big sister, when are you and elder brother Charlemagne getting married?" Lilas suddenly inquired mischievously.

Aurelia's face turned crimson, and Charlemagne's embarrassment was evident as they both struggled to respond.

Lotharama, seated by the wall, maintained an expression that seemed to say, "As expected," though his presence went unnoticed due to his quiet demeanor.

Sylvanas, their elder sister, playfully pinched Lilas's cheek and then lovingly rubbed his face while scolding him for his audacious question.

Their mother, Lireza, finally intervened with her calm voice. Her words held a subtle but undeniable authority, making Lilas sit up straight, attentively listening to her.

Although Lireza had devoted her love to her four children after her husband's passing, she was not a particularly doting mother. Her expectations for her children were even higher than those of Charlemagne and Lotharama.

Lilas had always regarded his strict yet caring mother with a mixture of respect and fear, never daring to defy her.

Seeing Lilas suddenly become attentive, Lireza nodded in satisfaction.

"Your older sister and Charlemagne are both under 500 years old. Marriage is still premature for them. They are in a period of growth and struggle. Do not disrupt their focus and emotional balance."

"Understood," Lilas replied, and the rest of the family displayed various emotions.

From Lireza's statement, two meanings could be derived.

First, Lireza did not oppose their relationship and held an optimistic view about their potential marriage.

Second, she believed that they should not marry too early, but rather wait until they've established themselves in life.

"Under 500 years... indeed, they are young by the standards of our kind. Just saying 500 years casually; humans have lifespans of about a hundred years. It's quite different," Charlemagne reflected, musing over Lireza's words.

However, ten years ago, when Charlemagne had awakened from his mental state, he had been oblivious to his previous 300 years of existence. This decade had made him feel like a considerable amount of time had passed. Contemplating the several thousand years of life that lay ahead was overwhelming.

Charlemagne had gradually come to understand why the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas had felt so peculiar to him. While he had lived in the Windrunner Village, far from the capital city of Silvermoon, he had observed the attitudes of the local population. It appeared that hedonism and a somewhat lackadaisical approach to life were prevalent among the high elves.

These behaviors were a natural consequence of their extended lifespans. The short-lived humans were accustomed to living life at an intense pace, striving to make the most of their limited time. In contrast, the elves, blessed with thousands of years of existence, had adopted a more leisurely approach to life.

Most high elves preferred to slow down and savor life. Even their approach to practicing their crafts, including magic, was measured and deliberate. However, this had led to a misconception among outsiders who believed that the elves lacked the talent found in other, shorter-lived races.

According to Lireza, a delegation from the human Magocracy of Dalaran, twenty years ago, had visited to engage in a limited cultural exchange with the high elves. After experiencing the immense power of the Sunwell, they had been in awe.

However, one young human, who had already authored a paper on time magic at the age of twelve, had raised a significant question.

"Why do the high elves, with access to such a vast source of arcane energy, not have as many high-level mages as one might expect?"

This question had made King Anasterian Sunstrider and the Silvermoon Council somewhat uncomfortable. Fortunately, the capacity to forget was also a characteristic of long-lived races.

Not long after the delegation's departure, the matter was forgotten entirely, and it was only brought up again when Charlemagne inquired about it. He struggled to recall any specific names or details from that time.

"Never mind, it's a distant memory. Ten years from now, Azeroth will enter a turbulent era, and if I can make it through successfully, I'll have plenty of time to consider questions about my lifespan."

Ever since the Guardian Aegwynn had slain the Dark Titan Sargeras, and the highly publicized War of the Three Hammers among the dwarves had concluded, Azeroth had remained unusually calm for over two hundred years.

However, unbeknownst to all, this period of tranquility was a precursor to a looming storm. When Medivh awoke under Sargeras's control, the storm would slowly begin to unfurl.

That night, Charlemagne, having set aside his younger brother Aqiang and the hostile Sylvanas, took Aurelia to the Windrunner Tower in the south. There, they gazed at the distant World Tree, Sashara, as they silently contemplated their future.

Lireza's words had finally broken the last barrier between them. Charlemagne's feelings for Aurelia were a mixture of joy and uncertainty. He was aware that his actions could alter the course of history and wondered if the Bronze Dragonflight, the guardians of time, might come knocking on his door. Still, he couldn't help but marvel at the lovely woman by his side.

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