
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Though Sean found Charleman's exaggerated remarks somewhat overblown, he couldn't help but acknowledge the wisdom in his decision.

"I understand. Indeed, anyone unfamiliar with the political scene in Silvermoon City might get torn apart by those vultures. Venturing outside might lead to unexpected gains," Sean mused.

Sylvanas, who had been silently listening to the conversation, was now getting a glimpse of Charleman's mindset.

"So, this is how he thinks... He seems to be planning for the future. But in these times of peace, is it necessary to venture abroad?" she pondered.

As the young people conversed, Osias Windrunner, who had been observing his nephew's actions, noted the situation.

"It seems this lad has gained a new perspective from his expedition. I was concerned that he would be influenced by the extravagant lifestyle of Silvermoon City and remain stagnant. Now it appears this war has brought him significant growth," Osias thought with satisfaction.

Osias, who had sustained hidden injuries from his youth, even with three wives, was unable to have children. Therefore, he had invested all his affection and hopes in his nephew, hoping that he would one day take the banner of the Windrunner family after his passing.

However, despite his nephew's natural talent in arcane studies, he had been influenced by the atmosphere of Silvermoon City in recent years and had become increasingly complacent. This is why Osias had specifically arranged for Sean to participate in the Troll Wars – to broaden his horizons.

Now, it seemed his efforts had exceeded expectations. The transformation of his nephew gave him and his bedridden brother, Furboss, great hope. Stripped of superficiality, he believed that the Windrunner family would continue to thrive with proper nurturing.

Osias was well aware of the rivalry and intrigue between Dar'kan and the King over the past few centuries, but he had no intention of becoming involved. If Dar'kan succeeded, he might gain control of the Sunwell, but failure could be catastrophic.

Moreover, Osias wasn't as fixated on the Sunwell's power as Dar'kan. Using the power at his disposal to ensure the family's enduring prosperity was more than enough for him. Besides...

Dar'kan noticed that the elder's attention had shifted entirely to his nephew but paid it no mind. Although the younger generation of Windrunners seemed to have changed significantly since their return, Dar'kan knew that competing with himself was far too early by at least a thousand years. It was the shrewd old fox, Osias, who had been causing him some headaches.

"If I could somehow get the Windrunner family, a prestigious clan, to join the pressure on the King, the royal family would have a hard time handling it. Unfortunately, that stubborn old man refuses to agree," Dar'kan pondered.

As Dar'kan became increasingly obsessed with the power of the Sunwell in recent years, he grew more desperate to control it. Even two other like-minded members of his faction had started to hesitate, uncertain about continuing to challenge the Sun King. After all, Anasterian had been in power for thousands of years, and calling him cunning and astute would be an understatement. Who knew what cards he still held up his sleeves? If they pushed him too hard, it would benefit no one.

While Lireesa had also noted the undercurrents in Silvermoon City over the past few centuries, her continuous service on the front lines left her with no inclination to wade into these murky waters.

She was well aware of the image of the Rangers in the eyes of the high elves, and she believed that it was the high-ranking elite who were often behind the negative perception of the Rangers among the general populace. However, the Ranger Generals stationed on the borders had made their stance clear throughout the generations - they would not meddle in political struggles and would remain loyal to the kingdom, even if it meant death.

As the group of Rangers walked through the Elder's Path and entered the King's Walk, Charleman had a strong urge to voice his thoughts about the Silvermoon City's layout.

"To think they'd name the path to the king's court as 'King's Walk.' It's strange, isn't it? Back in my time, the maps of Silvermoon City were nothing like this. The path to the Sunwell Court was nothing but a grim, sinister alley. I wonder what the other visitors must think of this place," Charleman mused.

He speculated that perhaps the placement of the Sunwell Court at the end of such an eerie path was the result of Prince Kael'thas's obsession with fel magic, which had driven him to madness.

Currently, the path leading to the Sunwell Court was bathed in sunlight, a stark contrast to the ominous alley it had been. However, it was typically not open to the public. High elves wishing to visit the Sunwell Court had to take a detour through the Sun's Rest Square on the eastern side of the city.