
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


In times past, if someone had playfully called him "Aqiang," Lorthemar would have vehemently refuted the name. However, at this moment, his attention, along with that of Sylvanas and Lireesa, was fixed on the striking and menacing scar across Charleman's face.

"Brother, what happened to you?"

Observing the puzzled expressions on the faces of his companions, Charleman realized that his scar had taken them aback.

"Oh? You mean this?" He lightly touched his healed scar on his right cheek. "Consider it an imperfect byproduct of our victorious campaign. It's already healed, nothing to worry about."

Charleman's casual tone, however, failed to calm the concern in Lorthemar and Sylvanas, who were both deeply worried about their older brother. Even Warmaster Lireesa, usually stern and focused, held Charleman in high regard.

Growing up together, Charleman had looked after them as an older brother for the past decade since his recovery. The bond among the Windrunner siblings was strong, and this campaign had only deepened their connection.

Lireesa's younger sister, Lirael, had made a solemn vow that one day she would become a legendary Farstrider like Charleman, upholding the honor of the Windrunner family.

Charleman, however, had left a gruesome scar on his face on his very first military expedition, a fact that was hard for them to accept.

"Something doesn't seem right. Who will lighten the mood here?" Charleman thought to himself, as the gaze of the others turned increasingly bizarre.

He observed his surroundings and realized that Princess Liadrin had already used her magic to teleport to Silvermoon City. As for Sean, he had eagerly grabbed a flask of wine from a nearby Farstrider and started drinking it heartily. Liadrin, on the other hand, was bestowing blessings in the name of the Holy Light upon the elven children by the roadside.

In this awkward moment, Sylvanas stepped forward to break the silence. "Charleman got injured while saving me. If anyone should be blamed, blame me."

"Second sister?!" The three Windrunners were astonished by her sudden revelation.

Without even glancing at Charleman, Sylvanas recounted the events that had led to his injury. Witnessing the admiration in Lirael's eyes and the complex emotions in Warmaster Lireesa's expression, Charleman scratched his head in bemusement.

"See, there's no need for such expressions. I merely fulfilled a promise to you and Alleria. I couldn't let her precious younger sister come to harm on her first campaign. It's just a scar, nothing to worry about. For a male elf, it's quite inconsequential."

"Furthermore, I managed to capture Harlaz myself, avenging our defeat. This scar is more of an honor badge for me. Don't be overly concerned about it."

Lorthemar, the first to regain his composure, patted Charleman's shoulder firmly. "I understand, big brother. If that's the case, I won't say more. You've fulfilled your promise, and it's something to be proud of. I'm proud of you!"

Just as Charleman had said, Lorthemar saw the scar as a symbol of honor, much like the scar on their father's face. It was Sigmar who had been wounded while rescuing a comrade, and no one had ever mocked him for it. Instead, everyone had praised him.

As Lirael eagerly questioned Charleman about the details of the war, the perceptive Warmaster Lireesa couldn't help but notice Sylvanas's somber mood. She quietly pulled Sylvanas aside to express her concern.

"Youngest sister, are you alright? You haven't been injured, have you?"

Sylvanas allowed herself a faint smile as she gently ran her fingers through her little sister's hair. "I'm fine. I just feel guilty about Charleman and Alleria..."

Warmaster Lireesa raised an eyebrow and replied, "There's nothing to feel guilty about. Just as that man said, Charleman's scar is a testament to his commitment to us. It's an honorable mark, and you shouldn't blame yourself. I don't think Alleria would blame you either. She would be proud of her beloved for keeping his promise."

Sylvanas, still holding some resentment towards Charleman for stealing her sister's attention, found herself developing a newfound admiration for her older brother. It was just a tiny glimmer of respect, but it was there.

Back in the presence of their family, Sylvanas let go of some of her complex emotions and chatted with her younger siblings.

Meanwhile, Charleman, Lorthemar, and Sean decided to share a drink. With their military duties temporarily on hold, they wanted to fully embrace the tradition of celebrating a victory, like true high elves.

That evening, the celebratory feast was lively, with even the usually diligent Farstriders indulging themselves like the revelers in Silvermoon City. The wine from Quel'Thalas, however, soon ran dry, and they had to request more from nearby villages, including Goldenmist, Sunstrider's Enclave, and Windstrider Village.

Seeing Sean in a drunken stupor, leaning against a pillar and speaking earnestly, Charleman chuckled.

"I... have to tell you, hic your brother Charleman, that guy... hic he's a legend!"

He stumbled over his words and gave the pillar a thumbs-up.

"You, kid... hic you better... make us proud. Don't bring shame to our family. hic"

Sean's pitiful state made Charleman cover his face with his hand. The tavern owner, though accustomed to such scenes, chuckled heartily and patted Charleman on the back.

Lorthemar, who should have been part of the conversation, exchanged a meaningful glance with Liadrin. Their connection was palpable, as if they were meant to meet each other from the very beginning. The two were momentarily lost in each other's eyes.

Charleman observed them with interest from afar, hoping that his usually reserved and unassuming brother would make a move. He had never seen Lorthemar so captivated by someone before.

"Good for you, Aqiang. When did you learn the ultimate skill of wooing ladies? I'm so proud of you!"

Regrettably, nothing significant happened between the two that night, leaving Charleman disappointed. It wasn't until the following day, after Liadrin had returned to Silvermoon City via a portal opened by her mages, that Lorthemar hesitantly approached Charleman to inquire about her.

"Big brother, who is that elven woman?"

Charleman, sporting a playful smile, watched Lorthemar squirm and finally decided to share the details.

"Her name is Priestess Liadrin, the daughter of a count. If you want to pursue her, you'll need to put in some effort!"