
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Sylvanas had led a group of 300 rangers, constituting a quarter of the entire Farstrider force, to the front lines. With the high elves having dominated the Amani Trolls in Zul'Aman in recent years, the trolls found themselves outnumbered, their total population never exceeding ten thousand.

Yet the trolls had a higher ratio of seasoned warriors, maintaining a 10-to-1 proportion. Their unconventional war tactics were born out of necessity, and the trolls were the only ones daring enough to employ them.

They initiated regular raids to deplete their surplus population and, in the process, siphon resources from the high elves. The assembly of over 700 trolls for this attack was a significant move in recent times.

The trolls who targeted the Sunwell Temple formed the main force, numbering around 500. Their ranks included spellcasters like witch doctors and shamans, alongside an assortment of headhunters and warriors.

The attack on the Farstrider Camp was a smaller force of just over 200 trolls, primarily comprised of the least expensive troll warriors. Still, Charles couldn't help but envy their number of formidable warriors.

"Ah, if we had this many front-line warriors, we wouldn't need to rely on guerrilla tactics; we could stand toe to toe with our foes!"

Though the troll warriors were clad in meager equipment, their towering and robust figures stood in stark contrast to the slender high elves.

Under Sylvanas's lead, they managed to slip past the group of trolls guarding the entrance and entered the Farstrider Camp. There, a high elf wearing ranger attire, with graying temples, stood up to welcome Sylvanas.

"Captain Sylvanas, you've returned. Has General Liressa arrived yet?"

"Yes, Mother is overseeing the defense at the Sunwell Temple with the main force. I've brought a contingent to assist with the defense here."

"Commander Skelan, has everything been quiet in the camp? What are the trolls up to?"

"It's been relatively quiet. Since your departure, the trolls haven't shown any major activity; it seems they've detected reinforcements on the way."

From Sylvanas's address, Charles discerned that the aging ranger before him was Skelan, the acting leader of the Farstriders.

While Sylvanas and Skelan exchanged intelligence, Charles and Arwen expertly settled the rangers, including five mages and eight priests.

This time, the mage squad was led by none other than young Shawn Morningstar. Despite his discontent throughout the journey, he refrained from complaining further after a stern talking-to by Liandis Sunstrider before they left.

Once the rangers were in place, Liandis Sunstrider, together with her seven priests, swiftly shifted into a working mode. In the previous battle, many Farstrider rangers had sustained injuries. Now was an opportune moment for the priests to use the Holy Light to heal these wounds.

The Holy Light's potency in treating physical injuries was exceptional. It didn't take long before most of the Farstriders removed their bandages, looking relaxed and ready to move.

However, the Holy Light's dominance waned when dealing with internal injuries. For those rangers who had sustained internal injuries from the troll bludgeons, Liandis could offer little relief. For now, they could only alleviate their pain; they needed to withdraw from the front lines for proper recovery.

"I've suggested to them that they should return to Silvermoon City for treatment, but they're a stubborn lot. They insist on staying until the reinforcements arrive. Ah..."

Skelan, who had joined the conversation after his exchange with Sylvanas, shook his head with a mix of pride and frustration.

Arwen added, "Some of them believe they need to wait for the reinforcements, even if it means enduring the pain."

Having temporarily relieved himself of his worries, Skelan turned his gaze to his surroundings. "Oh, and what about Lady Alleria? Did she not join this battle? I see she isn't present."

Arwen interjected, "The Lady, as part of the envoy, accompanied Prince Kael'thas to congratulate the birth of the Prince of Stormwind in Silvermoon City. She is currently not in Quel'Thalas."

Although Arwen suspected the general's intentions, she chose not to reveal that Alleria was acting as a diplomat's guard, as she was an outsider. Instead, she provided a plausible reason for Alleria's absence.

Fortunately, Skelan didn't inquire further. With a hearty laugh, he exclaimed, "Ah, I see! Well then, once she returns, we can discuss with Charles here who should succeed the position of Commander. At least I can finally retire and enjoy my twilight years."

Arwen chimed in, "Why even bother with discussions? They're practically a couple already."

In the presence of their old friends, Charles and Arwen, Skelan, who was usually dignified and composed, allowed a rare, playful smile to surface.

"Oh? What's going on? Tell me!" Skelan's interest was piqued by this juicy gossip, and he excitedly pulled Arwen closer. The two old friends exchanged hushed, scandalous whispers and even shared a few lewd chuckles.

Frustrated by the scene of camaraderie and the awkwardness of being the outsider, Sylvanas couldn't help but snort disapprovingly.