
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Charliman Selon, the eldest son of the Selon family, and the older brother of Lotharma Selon.

In the original history, it is uncertain whether such a person existed, but Charliman spent a considerable period of his early life in a bewildered and dazed state. From childhood until ten years ago, he lived in a state of soul fusion, seen by others as truly mentally challenged. However, despite the disappointment of his parents regarding his intellectual capabilities, they still cared for him diligently as he grew up.

The birth of Lotharma brought great joy to the entire family, and even Charliman, who was not fully aware of his surroundings at the time, instinctively expressed happiness at his brother's birth.

The Selon family, much like the Windrunner family, has been a lineage of rangers for generations. Rangers, a unique combat unit with the characteristics of the High Elves, was established thousands of years ago during the Troll Wars. The first Ranger General was none other than the ancestor of the Windrunner family, Talanas Windrunner.

In the magic-rich High Elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas, rangers were overshadowed by the mages who harnessed arcane magic. Thanks to the existence of the Sunwell, High Elven mages had an easier time advancing in their magical studies than their counterparts, such as humans.

Since the upper-class elves, originally nobles of the Night Elves, settled in the Everbloom Forest and established the kingdom of Quel'Thalas, their violet skin gradually faded due to the influence of the Sunwell. Their eyes shifted from a golden hue to a striking blue color. Under the nurturing radiance of the Sunwell, the High Elven civilization thrived. Nevertheless, mages wielding arcane magic remained more highly esteemed by both the common people and the nobility.

Although rangers had contributed significantly over the centuries, the preference for mages persisted in Quel'Thalas due to the power of the Sunwell. Since the First Sun King, Dath'Remar Sunstrider, led the upper-class elves to flee Kalimdor, crossing the Great Sea to establish Quel'Thalas, over 6,000 years had passed.

As a member of the Selon family, an ancient lineage of rangers loyal to Quel'Thalas, Charliman was naturally expected to step forward during times of crisis to defend their homeland.

"Orellia... Please watch over us."

Charliman retrieved a finely crafted necklace from the deep neckline of his chest, gazing at the small inscription etched upon it as he silently prayed.

Weakness was not a trait fitting for a ranger, so after he finished his prayer, he raised his head firmly to lead his fellow elves.

"Raise your bows, target the undead in the front lines!"

"But, General, those are our own people!"

A young elf at the front, still with a trace of youthful innocence on his face, hesitated. He clearly remembered the unsteady undead figure at the forefront, a childhood friend from his village.

"Don't hesitate! They are no longer the brethren you knew. Be ready, rangers! For Quel'Thalas!" Charliman sternly admonished.

"Yes! For Quel'Thalas!" The young elf straightened up, prepared for action.

The female general drew her bow and gave the order to the rangers.

"Prepare to fire in unison! Loose arrows!"

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

With determined gazes, the rangers followed the general's command, releasing their arrows. The slow-moving undead in the front lines had no chance to evade, and they fell one by one.

Charliman, leading by example, moved swiftly in the forest. He released his arrows at a speed that ordinary humans would find difficult to track, quickly taking down the spellcasters in the back ranks of the Scourge.

In the rear of the Scourge, a silver-haired man in heavy plate armor let out a sinister chuckle. He pointed his ice-cold longsword towards the elven position.

"Continue to send reinforcements and break through their lines! The Scourge is unstoppable! For the Lich King!"

The legion of undead surged forward like a tidal wave, gradually overwhelming the High Elves' defenses. Despite their vigorous resistance, the overwhelming difference in numbers took its toll.

In the end, the High Elves were defeated, and Charliman too was gasping for breath, knocked down.

"Ha... ha... Traitor! If it weren't for you, Quel'Thalas' defenses wouldn't have fallen so easily!"

The weakened Ranger General glared disdainfully at the well-dressed male elf behind the silver-haired man.


The man maintained an elegant smile and bowed, saying, "General Windrunner, you can say what you like, but in the end, I have gained immortality, while you will die a miserable death here."

"Hmph! It's not that simple."

The silver-haired man in plate armor raised his runed sword and aimed it at Charliman's heart.

"General of the High Elves, you possess great power, and that power will serve me. Feel the curse of eternity!"

"What have you done? You... you monster!"

Charliman screamed in agony, yet he could still feel his soul being forcibly drawn from his body into the runed sword.

"Orellia, Vereesa... I'm sorry..."

In his final moments, the elf whispered the names of his sisters in his heart.


With a loud cry, everything happening before his eyes seemed to be wiped away as if by magic.

"Ha! Ha!"

A male elf with a muscular build sat up on the grass with a hearty laugh.

"Is it that dream again... It feels so real!"

The silver-haired male elf still looked bewildered as he gazed upon the forest radiating magical brilliance.

This was the area near Windrunner Village in the southern part of the Everbloom Forest. In the nightmare he had experienced, this place had long been overrun, and afterwards, the entire forest, extending all the way to Silvermoon City, had borne a permanent scar—the Scar of Death.

In later times, this place would be known as the Ghostlands.

"Charliman, did you have that nightmare again?"

A graceful woman with a concerned expression gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The female elf's appearance bore an eighty-percent resemblance to Aleria, though her temperament differed.

Aleria was confident, her gaze unwavering, while the female elf before him exhibited a gentle and tender demeanor.

"I see... How could it not look like her? After all, they are sisters." Charliman thought with a wry smile.

He then took the woman's hand, a smile on his face.

"I'm fine... Thank you, Aleria."

This female elf was none other than Sylvanas Windrunner, the elder sister of Aleria Windrunner, and Charliman's future lover.

In later times, Sylvanas had disappeared during a major conflict, only reappearing many years later, alongside her husband, Turalyon.

"Hehe, Turalyon, I'm sorry for your sake, but Aleria is not meant to be with you."

As a time traveler, Charliman was aware of the hardships that Quel'Thalas, the High Elves, and all of Azeroth would endure in the future. Now that he had been reborn as a High Elf, he was determined not to let the tragic fate of the Blood Elves repeat itself.

He needed to grow stronger, build his own power, and survive in these perilous times. The Orcish Wars, the Plague of Undeath, the Old Gods, and the Burning Legion—the thought of these imminent threats made him wish he could split every moment in two for his training.

Over the past few years, Aleria had witnessed the miraculous transformation of the once mentally challenged High Elf into a formidable ranger. In a mere few years of training, he was on the verge of catching up to her, who had spent centuries in Ranger training.

This incredible progress, which he had achieved in such a short time, simultaneously filled her with awe and a competitive spirit. Aleria was one of those rare High Elves who strayed from the leisurely nature of her long-lived kin. She had gone so far as to seek additional training from her mother, despite already being a member of the High Elven Rangers, showing a level of dedication and determination that her mother, Sylvanas, appreciated greatly.

In contrast to her strong and mature second sister, Sylvanas, and her youngest sister, the just-coming-of-age Vereesa, Aleria, the rebellious elder sister, had always been a source of worry for their mother, Sylvanas Windrunner. Aleria even decided to abandon her rightful role as a Ranger General to become a Farstrider. The Farstriders, another organization made up of rangers, were dedicated to the protection of all Upper Elves in Azeroth, not just Quel'Thalas. Many of the Farstriders spent long periods of time traveling far and wide.

The rebelliousness of the eldest daughter had been a constant source of distress for Sylvanas. She had even decided that she would pass the position of Ranger General to her second daughter, Sylvanas, who was stronger and more responsible.

However, deep down, as a mother, Sylvanas had always been concerned for her daughter's future. Now, seeing the eager Charliman inspiring Aleria to seek further training, Sylvanas felt nothing but happiness. Therefore, she allowed their relationship to develop, knowing that Charliman's industrious and determined nature was something she admired greatly. Sylvanas simply turned a blind eye, allowing the two to foster their relationship.

Nevertheless... at some point, Charliman began to have the same recurring nightmare, a nightmare that depicted the fall of Quel'Thalas, which had actually occurred in history.

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