
The King of Anneleon

The War has come to Anneleon Kingdom. It knocks at every door and window in the land. And when King Richard learns that King Eeron of Havania has kidnapped Royal Princess Mandalin in a crime to bring Anneleon to its knees, Richard knows it is up to him to embark on a daring rescue mission.

Fukiba00 · Book&Literature
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23 Chs


Kevin sat on my left in the throne room hall, and Mandalin was on my right. Beside them at the wide table were Albus and Kristoph, and also Joven, who was supposedly there to help represent the regents. In truth, he had been with me since I had taken the crown, and I wanted his advice. Beyond that, I didn't want anyone else here. Not until we had decided on a firm course of action.

because of the war has started hundred town has vanished and people dead and..

At my request, Kevin leaned forward to begin. "Havania has moved in from the east and will have thousands of armed men at their call. They will fight hard and without mercy, and because of that, they are the greatest danger to Anneleon. Our two spies also tell us there is movement from the soldiers of Magenna. We must stop them from overtaking our eastern border. The horse-soldier-Hoopyan can help us hold them back."

"If Hoopyan comes," Mandalin said.

"My country will answer, but only if we find a way to tell them what's happening here."

[Yes.. And we must also consider Meyadenval,] Kristoph asked.

"They have yet to attack, but our two spies are certain King Reagan has ordered his armies into our Anneleon to attack the innocent people."

I hadn't expected Meyadenval to be a part of the attack. Of the three countries surrounding us, Meyadenval was the most civilized, least aggressive, and had the longest tradition of diplomatic relations with Anneleon. King Reagan and I had a bit of a sour history, however — I had cut his leg a years ago after challenging him to a man-duel. But that was hardly reason to go to war. Besides, he'd deserved it.

Kevin was probably taking this news harder than anyone. He and Reagan had seen a lot together over their years and almost could have been considered friends.

Having Havania as an enemy was bad enough, but Meyadenval worried me as much. Anneleon could not withstand the full force of Meyadenval against us, even if they were the only aggressor we faced.

I pressed my lips together and looked at Kevin.

"Why Meyadenval? Is it because my late father lied to them? or there's something more?"

[I have sent him letters of apology and explanation,] Kevin answered. 

"All have been ignored."

"We can't afford to have them as an enemy. Meyadenval's armies are four times the size of Havania's."

[But they can be reasoned with,] Joven said. 

"They're not bloodthirsty like Havania, or hungry for our Platinum, like Magenna."

Hm..Perhaps so, but something had drawn them into this war, and I didn't know what. I turned back to Kevin. 

"hrm..Can you get King Reagan to come here?"

"How?.. If he won't answer my letters.."

"You'll have to travel to Meyadenval and remind him of your friendship."

I hated to ask so much. It was a long journey and we seemed to be enemies now. 

"It'll be risky."

For some reason that prompted a smile from him. 

[If I've learned anything from you, sir, it's how to take a risk.]

"Hm..Thank you, Kevin." With that settled, I turned to Kristoph. "You and I must attempt a rescue of Doranna. We'll find the camp near Eldham where they're holding her, then..."

[—I'm not allowed it, It's no.]

I did a double take. 


He didn't flinch. [No, Your Majesty. I will attempt a rescue. I will go there alone, or accompanied by an entire horse-men of your soldiers if you prefer. But you will not be anywhere near the Neleon camp.]

[Yes,I understand, I will!] I often wondered if Kristoph had made it his life's mission to oppose me. If so, he should feel very good about his success. I suspected if I chose something as unimportant as wearing a black coat for supper rather than a yellow one, he'd find a reason to argue about that too.

[They're expecting you to rescue her,] he said. 

"We know this is a trap."

"Do you think I haven't considered that?"

"I think you've escaped some tight situations in the past and believe you can do it again this time. But it's different now. They know you and they'll prepare for your tricks. If you enter that Neleon-camp, you will not leave it alive."

I stood, shaking my head ferociously. "If they're watching for me, then you're not safer going in there."

[Even...It's a risk I'm willing to take.]

"But I'm not!" I yelled. 

"You will not fall into a trap meant for me! You will not die for me!" There hadn't been a word from Rudy since I'd sent him away five weeks earlier. For all I knew, he was gone. And now, perhaps Doranna too. The thought of something happening to another of my friends terrified me. If he really understood that, then he would stop arguing and let me have my way.

In the face of my frustration, Kristoph managed to remain calm. He licked his lips and said, [My first duty is to you, Richard, and I will gladly go in your place. But your first duty is to this country. Not to her.]

That only made me angrier. "Do not lecture me about duty I know what I'm going todo! What else have I done in life but my duty? I disappeared in the name of duty and returned for the same reason, and I will fight this war because it is my duty to do so. No matter how I wished to do otherwise, each time duty presented itself, I answered. But not this time. I am coming with you!"

Silence fell in the room. From the corner of my eye, I saw Mandalin lower her head, and I immediately regretted my words. My betrothal to her was a duty as well.

Tobias cleared his throat to get our attention, and then said,

[Kristoph is right. Richard, you should call Rudy to come back. Send him to Anneleon instead.]

At the mention of Rudy's name, everyone grew quiet again. Ever since our argument, I had refused to have any public discussion of Rudy. Tonight would be no different.

"Rudy can have no part in Doranna's rescue," I said stiffly.

That should have been the end of it, but Joven pressed further. 

[Whatever fight the two of you had, he's still the captain of your guard. If we're at war, you've got to call him back.]

Thankfully, Kristoph intervened for me. 

[If Rudy were ready to lead, he would never have left us. Let Richard be.]

I took a deep breath before continuing. "The last question is how to protect the princess. They took Doranna because she was easy prey. We will not risk Mandalin."

Her eyes widened as if she had not considered that she was in personal danger too. She glanced over at Joven, who gave her a grim smile, then her attention returned to me.

"I want to keep the fighting away from Ordmond," I said.

[But if they know you're here, this royal castle will become their top priority. You must leave to someplace safer.]

[She could go to Black Hollow,] Joven suggested. "We could hide her in the secret passages if necessary."

"I'd rather go home to my family in Aramoor," Mandalin said.

"Someone needs to bring their armies to the border of Khario to fight. They will listen to me better than anyone else."

"But you can't get to Aramoor without crossing through either Khario or Havania," I said.

Neither was a safe route.

Without flinching, she answered, "I must go. The fastest route is through Havania, where I could get a ship from Droppus. Perhaps with an escort of soldiers, I can sneak through safely."

I smiled at her. She was braver than I had given her credit for, and she was right, Aramoor would answer her call without hesitation.

[Any escort strong enough to protect you is sure to draw attention,] Kevin warned. [And once you're in Havania, you'll stand out even further.]

"I agree." Kristoph leaned forward and clasped his hands.

[Unfortunately, my lady, you'll be safer with the quietest possible escort.]

"Well, that's me." Joven said it matter off actly, as if he had finally accepted what everyone already knew, that he would never be a warrior. Then he added, [Nobody would believe I was all you sent to protect a royal princess. Richard, we could use the escape carriage.]

at a late night, when we were both too tired for any rational thought, Joven and I had begun a discussion. 

It was born out of a joke for how I might day slip back to Havania for an afternoon on the seaside , and at best was completely ridiculous.

"What's the escape carriage?" Mandalin asked.

[It's designed to look like a church four-wheel bringing charity for the sick and poor,] Joven said. 

"It will appear to be carrying only food and supplies, but there's a hidden compartment below it where we can hide, if necessary."

I shook my head. "It was a joke, not an actual plan for escape. It's not safe enough."

"There are higher priorities than safety," Mandalin said.

"Not for you," I said indignantly.

"When has your safety ever been a priority in protecting Anneleon?" she countered.

"Am I fit for nothing but decoration on your hand? We must get word to Aramoor, and I am the best one to deliver it."

"You and Joven? Alone in Havania?" That was suicide.

[The carriage isn't a joke,] Joven said.

"I designed it, and I built it."

I turned to him. "When?"

[While your hand recovered. I wanted to prove it was possible.] Joven leaned forward.

[Nobody could look at it from the outside and know it has a false floor. It will protect her. I will protect her.]

Everything in me fought against their suggestion. But in the end, I knew that our options were narrowing, and none of them were particularly good. If Havania could get at Doranna, who was supposed to be unconnected to me now, then I didn't dare think of the lengths they'd go to for our future royal queen. If she could get home to Aramoor, she would be safe there, no matter what the outcome of this war.

Reluctantly, I gave my permission and said, "Get it ready for the morning.

 I want you to bring Bronn." Bronn was an Havania boy who returned with me from the free-booter. He asked too many questions, paid attention to nothing for more than a few minutes, and seemed intent on crowding multiple sentences into each breath he took. But as far as I was concerned, he was family now, and I had to be sure he was safe as well.

With some apparent reluctance, Joven agreed, and then I retreated to my seat to address the entire group. "Everything must be done with the greatest of speed. Our armies are strong and we never defeat , but so are theirs. Every day this war goes on, the enemy digs deeper into our lands and terrorizes more of our people. With three countries against us, we cannot outlast them. I want a war measured in weeks, not months."

Heads nodded back at me, though none of them had any more of an idea than I did for how we might accomplish that. I only knew that we had to find a way.

[Is there nothing you want from me?] Albus asked. It was the first time he'd spoken in this royal meeting.

I turned to him, but drew in a slow breath before speaking. "Your assignment may be the most difficult of all. Word must be sent throughout the kingdom, especially to the homes outside the cities. Invite anyone who wishes to come to Ordmond. Here we will offer them sanctuary within the safety of our walls. In exchange, all able-bodied men must prepare to fight in defense of the capital. Those who cannot fight shall help in injured body and heal them any other way you ask of them."

Albus dipped his head at me, then said, [The regents suggested we offer release to any prisoner willing to fight for Anneleon.]

"What about Aldwin?" Even if he were Anneleon's last hope, I wouldn't dare put a sword in that man's hand. Aldwin would likely protest to his dying day that he was still a patriot, but I'd never be convinced he wouldn't use that sword

against our own armed men, and find a way to justify it in the name of patriotism.

"We wouldn't release him, of course. Especially not now." Albus cleared his throat, as if the words about to pass his lips made him uncomfortable. "We just learned he's been sending information beyond our wall borders, to someone unknown."

My eyes narrowed. "What it is, information?"

[The message we intercepted describes the details of your fight with Captain Rudy. There were likely others before it.]

"Let it be" I said. "And follow it. I want to know who Aldwin is talking to."

[As you command,] Albus said. 

[My king, Ordmond will stand until your safe return."]

To which I only lowered my eyes. When I raised them again, Mandalin was staring at me with her brows pressed together in concern. She opened her mouth to say something, but Kevin spoke first.

[Your Majesty, I won't bother with protesting about the risks you're taking,] he said tiredly. 

[I know it never does any good. But if you intend to do this, then there is something we must discuss. We'll do everything we can to protect you, but..]

"I know It's a trap for me, I know."

Kevin leaned forward. [After your family's deaths, Annet nearly fell into civil war. You cannot leave without naming an heir.]

Nodding at the royal princess, I said, "It should be Mandalin, naturally."

But she shook her head. "A Anneleon must be named as successor. Not me."

"That's ridiculous. You might not have been born here, but you're as Anneleon as I am."

"I'm here to seal the treaty between our countries, nothing more," she said softly. 

"Your people will accept me as the wife of their king, but not as their sole ruler."

"Though you are both young, there is another possibility." Kevin's tone was cautious now, careful not to push too hard. "If you were to marry, should anything happen to the king, Mandalin would automatically retain the throne as royal queen. Nobody could question her rule then."

Mandalin and I looked at each other, startled by a suggestion neither of us had considered and certainly weren't prepared to answer. There had been other royals who had married at even younger ages than we were now, and usually at desperate times like those we now faced. But this was so sudden. I knew I had to say something, and say it quickly. And yet the words were stuck in my throat.

By then I had hesitated too long and Mandalin spoke first. "None of that will be necessary because Richard will come back from this."

"Maybe I won't." It was foolish to pretend otherwise. And Anneleon needed a ruler. "We should marry," I said to Mandalin. Tonight. To maintain your dominance.