
The King of Anneleon

The War has come to Anneleon Kingdom. It knocks at every door and window in the land. And when King Richard learns that King Eeron of Havania has kidnapped Royal Princess Mandalin in a crime to bring Anneleon to its knees, Richard knows it is up to him to embark on a daring rescue mission.

Fukiba00 · Book&Literature
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I grabbed the shoe and leapt to my feet, hoping for any sign of her, or at least some clue as to where she might be now. Nothing indicated how long the shoe had been here or what direction she had traveled. Was it possible she had passed through as a captive of Martino's army?

I cut the leaves, then ran back to Joven. Kristoph was already there with him and stood vigil, listening and watching for anyone's approach while Joven continued washing Martino's ankle. I pushed past him and thrust the shoe in Martino's face. "Do you know where this came from?"

Martino's eyes widened, though it wasn't clear whether he recognized the shoe, or because he was surprised to see a woman's shoe of that quality in a place like this.

"I asked you a question!" I yelled. "Now answer me!"

"You're not Havanian," he replied coolly. "That was easy enough to figure out. You lost your accent just now and these two others with you have the accent of Anneleon. You are the youngest of them all. Why do you give the orders?" His eyes brushed over me, resting briefly on my forearm with the mark of the pirates, the bruises that were still visible on my face, and the sword in my hand. "I know who you are

.... Richard.

So Martino was not as stupid as I had thought. Either that, or I was less clever than I wanted to believe. Neither improved my opinion of myself, or boosted my hopes to pass through this area unnoticed.

In his protective way, Kristoph walked toward us, but I didn't think Martino was in a position to harm me. I knelt beside him with the shoe still in one hand and the plant he so desperately needed in my other.

"Help me," I said. "Then I will help you."

His eyes remained focused on the plant. "I see. Either I tell you what I know about that shoe, or you will let me die. Is that right? Anneleon are no better than Havanians."

"You dare say that, after we rescued you, knowing who you are? You are on my soil. You attacked us!"

Martino turned away. "I follow my orders without question, as a good soldier would. You ask the same from your soldiers."

"No, I ask them to be good people. That way, if they follow my orders, I will know I am doing the right thing." Joven extended his hand, and I thrust the plant leaves at him. "Do what you must for this boy and let's be on our way." But Joven only gripped the leaves tighter. "If he knows about Mandalin."

"He wants to play games with us. We'd do better to just pick up her trail while it's still fresh. So wrap his leg and we'll go."

Joven stripped open the leaves to reveal a sticky yellow gel. He ran his fingers through it and then applied the gel to Martino's leg. Martino arched his back as it stung the wound, but the worst of the pain seemed to pass once Joven wrapped it with a rag from Kristoph's saddlebag.

Joven handed the boy the remaining leaves. "You need to check that wound often and keep this gel on it until you're entirely healed. It might not stop the infection entirely, but if you do as I say, it should keep you out of danger."

With that, Joven stood and we hurried to our horses. Kristoph even lifted his saddlebag and found a spare roll, which he tossed to the boy to eat. "You are in our debt now," Kristoph said. "Remember that."

"I'm the lowest soldier of Havania," Martino said. "I cannot repay anything to a king."

"You'll find a way," I said.

"Let's leave." Joven started away with his horse. "We must hurry."

Kristoph and I followed, but before we had gone far, Martino called after us, saying, "We saw the girl who wore that shoe and chased after her, but she got away. I don't know where she is now, but she's not with my army."

I met his eyes and nodded in gratitude. Then without a word, I turned and hurried after Kristoph and Joven, already on their way to find the princess.