
ability discovery

about 10 years ago people got abilities fire earth water and rare abilities like making swords appear out of thin air at the same time animals were mutating in to monsters guns had no effect only the new only the new Newfound abilities would do damage those creatures that only had a taste for human flesh. soon the Government put in a power ranking systems 1 to 100 any one with an ability rank above 10 was put in the army to fight in the war human race were losing to the monsters all the country came together to form the United country of earth with research the humans found out that there were five ranks of monsters rank one would attack anything that moves ranked two would travel in packs Rank three became self-aware rank four was very smart rank five could use abilities. hello my name reks I live alone in a government funded apartment because my parents died in the war I and I don't have an ability the hardest part is School I can't fight back against people with abilities without an ability no matter how hard I try the worst one of them all was Henry his power ranking is only thirteen but it is more than my one his ability is Earth he doesn't even need to touch me the rocks do everything for him I did have to friends mark and Ashley they were also low ranks Mark is seven fire Ashley was six air they helped me out when they could but they weren't always there. me Ashley and Mark went to the monster graveyard it is wear thay put monster bodies at while I was there I I had a weird felling when I got close to a monster Mark and Ashley went to look at some of the really weird looking monsters so I followed them at one point I said stand to a body as a joke an it stood up when it actually started to stand up we ran screamed we all we all thought the a monster head come to life monsters was alive when he went to check it out the monster was back down on the ground I thought that it was it was weld it stood when I seed stand up so I tried it again and it stood up Mark and Ashley were amazed that my ability was moving the dead so I was wondering what type of monsters it was then a screen popped up I asked Mark and Ashley were they seeing the screen or is it just me they said what screen on the screen it said rank one monster name mwitu type wolf attack bite level one Ashley asked what was on screen it told me that the monsters name is mega mwitu the attack is bite it is also talking about a level one do you know what that means it is like a video game Mark said ya it is but finally I have an ability

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