

"After the oathed that they had made"

Butler "* Young master.....Butler Zion is here..

Zhong "* state your bussiness..!

Zion "* Young master will you mind if i may borrow your Brother..?

Zhong "* is it okay for you.. Junior Brother..?

Cleon "* it's okay..

Zhong "* make it quick my Junior Brother is tired.

Zion "* it will be quick just a few words.

* outside at the door *

Zion "* Prime Minister wants to give this present as a Junior Brother of our young master. and in exhange Prime minister hoped that Junior Brother will considered it,

Cleon "* Anything as long as it's not against my will.

Zion "* Prime Minister only wants the safety of his son so his Prime Minister want you too look after young Master, if it is okay with you..?

Cleon "* Senior Zhong is my Elder Brother of course i'm willing to do anything to protect and help my Elder Brother even if it kills me.

Zion "* Thank you, you're so very considerate his Prime Minister will be at ease, ohh.! this is the present that the Prime Minister wants to give, he said that even if you conceal your level you can't conceal your aura if any high level martial artist sees you they will know your level in an instant.. this is the book of 'Suppression Aura' if you have any difficulties just see me and i'll guide you.

Cleon "* No need to show grattitude please help me pass the message to his excellency that no need to trouble himself, i Cleon swear to the Heaven&Earth that i will protect his son Zhong Guo as my Elder Brother, and thank you for the present i don't have really valuable in me so i did not prepared any gift for his Excellency pass my grattitude and my sincere apologies.

Zion "* as you wish take care Cleon and also we hope you'll stick to your words.

"Cleon Begun to Cultivate the 'Suppression Aura' Martial arts book and several hours later he already mastered it"

Cleon "* since Brother is still sleeping i guess i'll head out for some fresh air and also i want to enhance my swords skill but this time i will not use my Azure Dragon Sword.

"And so Cleon went outside to find the Butler named 'Zion' to borrow some ordinary sword to practice"

Cleon "* excuse me mister did you see Butler Zion ?

Guards "* yes he is with the Prime Minister

"So Cleon went inside to look for the Butler Zion"

Zion "* ohhh... cleon you're here..! what can i do for you Cleon??

Cleon "* your excellency .. * Showed some respect* i am here looking for Butler Zion if it is okay ..?

Minister Guo "* it's fine... Speak my friend..

Cleon "* Butler Zion i am here because i want to borrow a normal sword for me to enhance my skill.

Zion "* ohhh... i see guard take Cleon to the Treasure room and let him pick whatever weapon he want..!

Guard "* yes.. *bowed*

"And so the guards take Cleon to the Treasure Room"

( while the Prime minister and Butler Guo was having their chit-chat )

Minister Guo "* *Stunned*

Zion "* what is it Prime minister ??

Minister Guo "* did Cleon already mastered the martial arts book that i have gave..!? his aura was change and i can't even feel his aura anymore.

Zion "* indeed your excellency, Cleon did already mastered the martial arts book with in a few hour he's a genius, our young master has a good eye sight for choosing an excellent friend.

'After a while Cleon begun to practice his swords man skill and later on he realize that it wasn't gonna work so he seek for an advice or experience like his Grandpa Khang so he decided to take some pointers from butler Zion'

Zion "* watch every move you make or every move the foe to make in a real battle you must be cautious brave and smart, Prepare yourself ..!

Cleon "* please don't go easy on me.

( and so the defensive array was activated inorder to avoid any casualties )

" Zion take the initiative to attack first"

Zion "* Cleon i'll only use my hand i won't use my sword, take this..!! 'Heavenly move Shattering mountain'

"And a big 'Bang' was heared like a bomb was exploded and the area was full smoke because of the dust"

( Zion was an Earth level Peak layer while Cleon was at Spirit Saint Level middle Layer they only know that cleon was at warrior middle level because of the Suppression technique that Grandpa Khang gave )

Zion "* hey kid...! are you okay?? ohh gosh..!! i have overpowered him i forgot that he is only at warrior level.

Cleon "* yeah im totally fine..! let continue..

"After a normal sparing match without using any technique"

Zion "* Cleon how did you manage to withstand my skill? without even a scratch

Cleon "* ahhh....!! that ive used the teleportation technique here let me demonstrate it to you.

( And suddenly Cleon went behind the back of Zion and everybody was stunned )

Zion "* that....! that..! technique is for complete assasination i don't have time to react, in the first place you have the upper hand even if i unleashed my full strenght still it will be my lost.

"In the next day Cleon&Zhong went to the Dragon Sect to Perform the trials"

( the trials consist of 5th level to pass,

"1st level" is for 'Unlocking the Element' by unlocking the element that he/she possessed by lightening up the stones.

"2nd level" is the 'Power Control', which they will test on you, on how far will you go by controling your own power.

"3rd level" is for Survival, they will send the Competitors to the 'Forest of Doom' for 1 week and those Competitors that has an Animals Core or a Monster Core will pass the 3rd level.

"4th level" is about the 'Skills of Knowledge' like setting up an Array, making a Pills or making a Herbs, but the 4th level is like for testing the other abilitities of the Competitors.

and lastly the "5th level" which is the 'Tournament' the winner will take the reward and they will be automatically an Outer desciple, they will only Choose 20 people every year those who won at the 1st&2nd place will have an abundant rewards. )

"Cleon,Zhong and other Competitors are gathered in gathering area"


Zue Yei"*Today i Zue one of the master of th Dragon Sect will now Announce that the Trials are officially started, now get your Number Card and make a line of 2 infront of these desk to start the first Trial called 'Unlocking the Element'.

"Cleon&Zhong picked-up their numbers."

Zhong "* what number did you picked Junior Brother ..?

Cleon "* i have picked a #007 and you Brother Guo.?

Zhong "* #017 i hope that we will be on the same team.

( The maximum Number card are 500 as well as the Competitors, The line will based on their Number Cards from 001-250 for the 1st line in the 2nd line it will be 250-500 and the Competitors will only have 2 minutes to light up the stone if the stone will not show any light the Competitors will automatically disqualified. )

Trainer#1 "* next #007 please come foward and concentrate on the stone pour your inner strenght on the stone.

( Since cleon was Told by Grandpa Khang and also the Promises they made that he won't light up all the Elements Cleon knows how to control his inner strenght so he only pour little of his inner strenght so he only lighten 2 Color. )

Trainer#1 "* Fire&Wind Element next...

Cleon "* thank you ..!


Leader of the Dragon Sect "* that kid was Familiar and i think his not that simple.

Zue "* that Kid is not bad for having a dual essence you want to take him as your first desciple???

Leader "* nah...! no one Qualified to be my Desciple but i think im starting to like him its just that he's lacking of something let's wait if he passed the test.

"in the Meantime"

Trainer#1 "* next #017 come forward and pour your inner strenght on the stone

*After 2 minutes*

Zhong "* pheww..! i barely made it.

Trainer#1 "* Electricity&water Element next.

Trainer#2 "* Ahhh...!!! she is a Multi Essence user you've got the Light,Ice and Fire Element.

Competitors "* what...!!? what a rare Genius who is she ?

Zue "* so ..... aren't you insterested at that girl ?

Leader "* yeah it's rare indeed but still i'm looking forward to this child, called Cleon.

Zue "* hmmm... how did you know his name ?

Leader "* i have met him somewhere around at the Capital and he has a monstrous Aura but now you see he's barely releasing his Aura and it means that he learned the Suppression Aura within 2 days.

Zue "* hm... in that case that child is more rare than a multi Essence but still won't you considered that girl Leadee Caesar??

Leader Caesar "* well let's look for now.

"The first Trials has ended and 200 of the Competitors are out."

Zue "* Now for the 2nd Test of the Trials called 'Power Control' you'll just have to defeat the dummy monster that we've created and you will be forming a team of 5 and defeat the 100 dummies and the rules are no harming your teammates now form a group of 5.

Competitors "* what!? only 5 Team members... !? wasn't it a suicide !?

Zue "* This Rules has been set up by the Leader if you have any complain plsssss Go back to where you from.

Zhong "* Junior Brothee here..! you and i will be at the same team

Cleon "* okay brother... so we only need 3 more to compete at the 2nd level Trials.... hmmm.... look brother that girl has been surrounded by everyone.

Zhong "* of course Junior Brother they will seek a strong Companion to fight the 100 dummies, they say that the dummies level is at the Warrior Level first Layer.

Cleon "* ahhh...! so what will we do?? to form a group of 5?

Wei Brothers "* heyyy...! can i join at your team?? i'm Luo Wei and this is my Brother Zhou Wei and may i know the name of these 2 youngster??

Cleon "* i'm cleon and this is my Brother Guo

Zhong "* so we only need 1 more to compete the 2nd test.

"And suddenly in a blink of an eye the a girl suddenly came in and ask"

Ying "* Hi...? uhmmmm..... can i join to your team..? *Blushed* i'm Li Xiu Ying

People "* what..!???? we have been pursuing her about an hour and yet he joined another team!? and who's that guy? making our Goddess Blushed!!?

Cleon "* hi..! i'm cleon and this is my Brother Zhong and these two are Luo Wei & Zhou Wei.

Ying "* so is that a yes??.

Zhong "* you're a genius why would you choose a team like ours??? they're so many strong Team out there that can assure you to win the trials and also they can protect you ?

Ying "* i don't like people like them they only know how to approach the strong ones to use them as a shield and also i like a team that was smart. please have me at your team...

Zhong "* Well if you insist them so be it...

Zue "* the 2nd trials will start in 1 munite to those Competitors that hasn't form a team will be disqualified.

"After 1 minutes have passed"

Zue "* So 60 teams are created and i will add some mechanics of the Trial to make it more excited..! want to hear it???

Competitors "* what!!!???? they are adding another Mechanics of the Trial..!? this is insane ...!!!

Zue "* Keep it down please ...! i only repeat it once so you better listen catefully... so we will add a time of 60 minutes to defeat the dummy monster to those team who defeated the dummy in a very short time will recieve a reward, a reward that can be used at the 3rd level of the Trials, and to those team who can't defeat the Dummy in 60 minutes will be disqualified.

Zhou "* This is getting interesting...!

Ying "* so what's the plan?? who's the leader??

Zhong "* i won't recommend myself

Luo "* How about Ying you will be our leader..?

Ying "* hmmm... no but..! how about we will make cleon our leader???

Wei "* *both* sounds good..!

Cleon "* me..??? but why me..???

Zhong "* no buts..! Junior Brother go for it..

Cleon "* ehmmm.....

Ying "* come on ...!!! cheer up...! are you a man or not ?? *Hmpf* it's not what you think even if you are the leader it doesn't mean that you'll have the full responsibilities but of course we will also try our best to help you, you'll just have to take over and control the team from falling apart.

Zue "* Goodluck everyone...!! do your best ..! and have fun...!!!

"And a defensive barrier was activated."