
The Guide

"The guardians and Cleon are preparing for a trip to the training ground and Cleon was excited because it his first time to get some experience and travel far from capital"

*guardian shout*

guardians "* Young master the carriage is ready..!

( the escort consist 10 carriages 100 Cavaliers and 50 guardians "guardians is an angel with white armor and their equipment are bows&spears they have a wings so that they can scout what's ahead and refrain from incoming ambush although they are in Heavenly Realm not all the Species in Heavenly Realm has a wings like Guardian" )

Cleon "* i'll see you father&mother i'll get going..

Kaizel "* we will miss you our son eventhough we dont want you to go but you need to. go strive always for the success and the do your best my son..! and always remember the strongest person always using both heart and brain.

Aurora "* take care my child always remember 'Never Give up' if you have any difficulties just remember the word 'Never Give up' use you abilities to the extent that no body in this Realm can stop you.

Cleon "* Don't worry father&mother i'll be alright.

"then Cleon bid farewell to his parents even if his parent don't want cleon to be apart from them but he needs to learn something he need some experience he needs to know his responsibilities"

" 5 days of traveling they have arrived at 'Misty Forest' and Cleon want to take some rest because he feels that the cordon seems tired after traveling nonstop"

( 'Misty Forest' is a forest that full of 'Fog' and monsters )

Cleon "* lets stop here..!

*horse whining*

guardian "* my lord reporting there is a village nearby lets stop there and take some rest so that we can assure your safety.

Cleon "* carry on my order and lets go down to the neariest village and take some rest before we depart tomorrow.

"And then the coach man steer the carriage"

Coach man "* yahh...!! yaaahhh...!!

*horse whining*

" in the inn Cleon was sleeping and he's dreaming about some words about mantra and he remembered it all and suddenly woke up but before he woke up there's someone's voice that keep telling him "that use that spell..! memorize... it use it..! use it.. to tame that thing..!!! and a name suddenly came up ARES it keeps on going until he's awake"

" Cleon was walking around because he can't fall asleep and suddenly he sees some firefly and he tried to catch it but its seems that he can't keep up and when he suddenly look around he figured it out that he's lost, he tried to find the way back but he can't find it until he saw a little horse that look like a donkey with a bell on its neck and suddenly he remember the old man saying that no matter what you need to try your best to ride it "

when Cleon approach the little horse it seems that he can't get close to it. like some barrier is stoping him and the little horse and he tried a method that you can call out an horse"

( He suddenly remember the name 'ARES')

Cleon "* ARES..!!!! come here.....

"but it does not work and he's wondering why and later on he came up with idea again"

Cleon "* ill call you by your name and ill use the mantra which i have memorized in my dream here i go 'ARES'

( Cleon begun to spit out the word of mantra and at the end of mantra he shout out the name of..)

Cleon "* "ssiheihawaauuu" AREESSSS...!!!!!!!!!

"And suddenly the barrier is broken and the little horse is coming up to his way and he begun to ride it but when he said the word yahhh..."

Cleon "* lets go home little baby yaaaahhh.....

" a big explosion of light suddenly appear in his front then after the exlposion he's shock when he open his eyes and see the wonderful environment and someone is approaching"

Aug "*come with me brother father wants to have a word with you..

Cleon "* wait.....wh..who..are you..? where.. am ..i..!? i just want to home ....please bring me home.......

*teary eyed*

Aug "* i am augustine the Leader of all Angels&Guardians and this is where the 1st heavenly Realm is and where the Creator lives and from now on you are my brother to those who'd harm my brother will go through me we will share the same blood and flesh lets oath later.

( cleon followed aug because for cleon aug is not a bad guy )

Aug "* father your son is paying a respect

( while kneeling his 1 leg and making a fist in his hands then bow down his heads also cleon did the same as aug. to pay some respect though he can't see the face of man that sitting on the throne but he feels so great he feels like he can't help himself but to smile because of joy )

Cleon "* Cleon is paying respect to his great father ..

"and then a big loud noise has created but its still a charming and warm that nobody will frightened a big voice spoke up from the throne"

( aug. told cleon to call the creator a father and do what will he gonna do )

Creator "* well done my child arise...!!!! Cleon since this is your first time what do you want my child .?

Cleon "* thank you father but i can't demand for a thing and also i really don't know what i want

Creator "* then.. so be it... let me lend you a hand to open you eyes...!

(and then the light beam is going on straight to his forehead and his body is filled with aura and suddenly in his head a form of crown as sign of Royalty and a 3rd eye and his aura has fully turn into gold his shinning like a Gold man and a wings of white and got a belt of gold )

Creator "* how do you feel...? my son...

Cleon "* im so grateful father i can't.... i don't know what to say father.... thank you so much father.

Creator "* in addition ill give this my spacial ring and a 12 keys do you want me to continue?

Cleon "* anything father ... i'll do everything for my father...

Creator "* Good in addition ill give you this thing but...!!! you'll take care of my favorite species 'human' you'll go in the human world and protect them with all your lives even if human wants to kill you, you thy not kill human ill give you 3 years to prepare before descending down the human Realm.

Cleon "* Yes father thank you for everything father ...but what are these keys for..?

Creator "* let me show you directly

( and a beam of light once again going straight to his forehead )

"the 12 keys signify the 12 hero you can summon them but it depends on cleon's level"

( he just need to call their name upon summoning while twitching the key like opening a big big door )

" 12 hero are

Ianuarius, Achilles, Adelram, Aprilo, Povi, Iunius, Julio, Aegeus, Augustine, Adonias, Adrian, Alaric "