
Old man

After 5 years 'Cleon' grown up in such a kind and joyful kid with a pure heart and Kaizel was worried about him because despite in his age he's just completed the first level stage of cultivation.

his father and the whole kingdom has a high hope in him that he will surpass all the genius in the Heaven Realm.

Kaizel gathered all the Angels, Prophet and the Priest to held some meeting

Priests "* Pay respect to the King and to the Queen.

Angels "* Pay respect to the King and to the Queen.

Prophet "*Pay respect to the King and to the Queen.

Kaizel "* Arise my fellow trustworthy men i have gathered you all because i need your opinion on what will we do about my son 'Cleon' about the upcoming crisis that we will be soon facing on how to overcome the crisis and to how will we train the hero that will save the 3 Realm and maintain the balance of the whole world if you have some splendid suggestion say it now i the king will sure to considered your opinion

'Priest "* my lord i have some suggestion since none of us know what is his real strenght and what knowledge we can give and provide why dont we just send him out to exlpore the world in order for the cub ( baby tiger ) grow stronger let him hunt for its prey and remember the words of the 'Creator' we are on our own even if we use the law of the jungle in order to survive and grow strong we will just let the destiny decide

Angels "* my lord please reconsidered my lord we cant let our young master go out without proper training how about giving him some 1 years of training before sending him out and lets just observe weither he can survive or not its up to him

'Kaizel "* anybody got something better.?

( everybody bow their head meaning no one disagree )

'Kaizel "* since no one got the better one then i the king will give my approval to the 'Elite Angel' to train my son in 1 year after that we will send him out in the world though we dont have that much time and we dont have to rely really on my son we will also upgrade our defense and train our fellow brave 'Soldier'

( Refering to Angels ) Dismissed.

'Priest, Prophets, and Angels "* thank you my lord we wish you a good health and strive for the success and peace.

( the King stand and stomp his staff and the light wave goes out to the heaven country which means that the king give them some blessing throughout the heaven kingdom by giving them the energy, enery that they won't get tired without resting )

( loud noise from the staff )

' Crowd "* this..i..is.. the king's blessing


"* Hail to the king.!!!. Hail to the Queen..!!

Kaizel "* where is my little hero my dear .?

Aurora "* i dont know my dear, maybe he's wondering around in the kingdom you know our son is only 5 years old.

Kaizel "* that's why i was worried his future is unlimited he is our little hero but his cultivation is that im more concerned. *sight*

Aurora "* but don't forget that he's our son he needs our help our guidance.

Kaizel "* i hope you're right..! we can't protect him forever afterall he's our son our little hero

in the market........

while 'Cleon' was wondering around the capital Cleon saw an old man beggar asking for money to buy some food.

because of Cleon pure heart he went to store to buy some bread and drinks.

*Cleon approach the old man*

'Cleon "* here is your food grandpa and also ill give you some money so that you wont starve again.

'* Cleon give some coins and he also give his cloaked so that the old wont fell the cold due to the weather*

Old man "* kid what's your name ..?

Cleon answered.

"* im Cleon grandpa nice to meet you

( with a post of greetings)

Old man "* such a pure kind hearted kid i dont have something valuable with me kid but i just want to tell you something about your Guardians.

Cleon "* you dont have to bothered grandpa im more than willing to help those people who needs my help, and what do you mean by 'Guardian' Grandpa.?

Old man "* ohh.... never mind kid but do remember this. if you see some white horse that look like a donkey and have a bell in its neck try your best to ride it dont forget that kid.

Cleon "* its getting late grandpa ill take my leave my father and mother is worried sick about me bye bye grandpa take care of yourself and i wont forget that grandpa see you tommorow..

( cleon weaving his hands while running away)

And the Old man disappeared without a trace

in the Demon Realm ( Hell )

Demons "* the preperation is almost complete my lord we will await your order

Demon King"* let them have their last day wait for my command to execute the invasion

call the Seven Prodigies.

*Seven Prodigies is like a demon witch craft that their cultivation is all about sealing power and summoning a wild Demon and you can't see their faces they always wear a cloak that you'll only see their nose.

in Netherworld Realm..

Ghost Soldier "* my lord a news from our assasin patrol said ' though we cant see what the 2 Realm are planning but we are sure that the demon are moving towards..

Grim Reaper "* let them fight and in any years from now one the seal that the creator made and the rules also will soon be broken on that time prepared our soldiers for an all out war

Ghost Soldier "* my lord another bad news our assasin that we send in demon Realm are all died but they sent some usefull informations said' that the 7 Prodigies and the demons and teaming up inorder to bring us down together with the heaven Realm

Grim "* how dare they looked down on us let them be , they killed my brothers then i will make them.pay 100 fold back prepare our men and bring out the Death bell but before that we need to find the Drum of Hell inorder to stop their dog 'ceberus'

*Death bell is.like a big bell of the ancient it is used to suppress the 9 headed Dragon of the heaven Realm The '9 headed Dragon' is the guard of the Heavenly Realm and by the taunt of the dragon the Angel's armor will go ten times tougher While the Demon or Hell Realm got the 'Ceberus' the 3 headed dog which is their trump card which can inhance the power of demon to ten times and lastly the Nether Realm which they got the 'Twin Headed Soul Snake' that can instantly killed a person without harming them.