

"This is the first day of Cleon's training and the General guardian will personally trained Cleon because they actually dont know how to boost his ability and where is he capable of ."

General "* this your first day of training cleon so do your best dont let your father down and also you can call me 'Don'.

( Don mean instructor or teacher )

Cleon "* yes sir don.

"And Don begun to instruct him on what to do he'd given the list of task to cleon on what will he do every day until the Don will satisfied and see the result of his training."

*Cleon read the task one by one*

Cleon "* Climbing the mountain 50 times, push-up only 1 finger 1k times, fetch some water 10 jar and Learning some basic martial arts.

( fetching water are the hardest part because 1 pail consist of 10000 kg each so every time he fetch he will be carrying around 20k kg and he will walk 20 kilometers to get in the river and he need to fill all the 10 jars within the time the jar size is 15 feet and he needs to fill it with the time )

*Cleon begun his training *

"although Cleon reach warrior level in the middle stage but he will exhaust himself so cleon was challenged later on in the middle of the forest cleon feels exhausted"

*huff..! huff..! huff..! huff*

Cleon "* It's harder than i thought but still a mere challenge can't stop me it's almost time i need to hurry.

"Cleon did not know that he's been secretly protected by some guardians and the Guardians concealed their pressence inorder to avoid from letting young master Cleon know."

Cleon "* at last im done refilling the jar it's time for the martial arts training.

Don "* Cleon you're here at last not bad for the first time i had thought that you have given up

Cleon "* No sir Don i won't give up no matter what and im ready for the martial arts training

Don "* Good..! that's the spirit that i want to see.. well what do you want first the knowledge or the experience ??

Cleon "* i prefer the both sir Don.

Don "* then so be it... prepare in the actual battle i won't be going with you so be careful be smart and don't rush if you dont have the confidence to defeat it its okay to back down and remember your life is the most important i command you to stay alive as well as you guardians protect the young master with all your life and let him explore the world dismissed.

Cleon&Guardians "* yes General..!

"They let Cleon to pick his equipement for the hunt and some armor to protect himself but instead cleon pick a normal sword and they ask him"

Guardians "* cleon why didn't you picked the black iron sword and other high grade swords instead you've pick the normal sword and even did not choose some armor to protect yourself.

Cleon "* sorry but inorder for me to step-up i wont need those high grade material me myself is enough to deal the enemy and also i have the most defensive armor..! you guys.!! are my armor.


Guardians "* we will protect you young master with all our might

"and so they start traveling to Dark forest"

( they called it Dark forest because it has tall trees that you can't even see what's ahead of you and perfect for a monster to hunt its prey. and Don only send 3 of the guardian because he is confident about the skills of his fellow guardians. )

Guardian#1 "* we have arrived be on your guard protect the young master.

Cleon "* are we charging in?? why don't we use the tree to avoid from being ambush ? and so we can study our prey from above.

Guardian#2 "* that's a good idea young master lets move out.

"And so they begun to search for a prey but unfortunately they did not find any monster lurking in the forest so they begun moving forward they even across the river and they stopped at the rocky mountain"

( Rocky mountain is a mountain that full of rock wherever you go you can't see a single plants or a tree and usually where a stampede take place )

Cleon "* wait ... i heard something ..wait is it..!???

Guardian#1 "* ohhhhhhh... the heck it's a stampede....!!!!

Guardian#2 "* what are we gonna do.!??run..!!! protect young master..

Guardian#3 "* oh... men.. it's too late to run lets fight it out...

Guardian#1 "* we can't fight that big horde of monster .

Guardian#2 "* No matter what even if it takes our life protect the young master

Guardian#1 "* where is the young master..!!?

Guardian#3 "* lets just blow up this whole thing and we're good

Guardian#2 "* are you out of your mind..!!?

"while the guardians are fighting a way in to find their young master, cleon was actually hit by the tail of the 'ankylosaurus' causing him to thrown away and ended up in lake"

( ankylosaurus is like a dinasour with a stone tail)

Cleon "* if i had not protected my body with my inner strenght im afraid that my body will turn into a mud. but where.... is this place....?

"suddenly a cleon felt a monstrous energy an energy that feels terrifying and a 'Tigrous' appeared a A class monster"

( monster are rate from weakest to strongest monster E Class monster is compared to a practioners, D Class is considered as Warrior first layer, C Class considered also as warrior in the peak layer, B Class as earth level first layer, A Class as Spirit Saint Level and lastly is that an S Class considered as master, SS class Grand master and lastly the SSS class which is at Nirvana level at middle layer or even at the peak layer,

'Tigrous' is an white tiger with a big violet diamond stone on its chest and a bull horn on its head also it has a 2 sharp claw and the tail has a poisonous thorn that can instantly paralize its prey )

"instead cleon fearing it clean became furious and eager to kill it and test his skill he forgot what the Don told him if encountering a foe or a monster he begun to attack it with his all might but it not even a scratch can land on its skin and the tiger wiggle on his tale to release the poisonous thorn"

Cleon "* this ....is ..bad ...i'll have to think a way to survive ...

"Cleon used his 13th form buddhism to block the poisonous thorn and the Golden statue of his inner strenght begun to form a hand of palm to block the thorn he completely block all the poisonous thorn but unfortunately it his last ki or energy"

Cleon "* urghh... i guess this is the last....i don't have any strenght.. left and i can't summon the hero and the guardians are not here... no....!!. i can't give up.yet.!.

Tigrous "* foolish.. kid stop its futile and you dont have energy left, let me eat you..!! i had never eaten up yet..!!!

Cleon "* *laugh* so you can speak..!? you're right i don't have any energy with me but i do have my will to fight till the very end.

"and cleon begun to run towards tigrous but tigrous got him first tigrous pierced the chest of cleon with his long sharp claw and cleon died just like that"

" but for some reason the whole body of Cleon emits a black smoke Cleon was born with a dark aura which nobody know what is it but the actually the truth is that it's from a little dagger that is placed in his chest and the dagger which sealed the Ghou "

( note* the ghoul form of cleon will only appear after he died or destroyed the seal or dagger but after the dagger will destroyed it will automatically repaired itself and the more ghoul use it's power the longer will be the repairing process will be and the first ghoul form of cleon which is a chain on its mouth a claw and a spike on its backbone and a pale skin naturally like a demon second form of ghoul is like he has a black diamond in his chest and his left eye has a cross-shaped pupil while the other is the golden eye also a wings that look like a bat wings and a green long sword and a tail that has a chain and finally the 3rd form which is his perfect form he's got an full helmet armor as well as body armor and the black diamond on his chest will turn into red diamond and also got 4 black wings and a long long green thin sword )

" the body of cleon suddenly stand up as if nothing has happened but he has been possessed by the Ghoul and Tigrous felt anxious as he felt a terrifying aura surging out of cleon's body instead of running he begun to attack and he release a white fire breath together with the poisonous thorn as he swing his tail, but suddenly cleon cleared it in an instant tigrous did'nt even see how did he do it, as the ghoul take a step forward tigrous begun to lose his mind "

Tigrous "* you punny human ...what are you..!!??? i'll kill you....!!! you..youu better runnn... or else... i'll eat you..!!!

( then cleon talk like a demon )

Cleon "* a mere insect dare to eat me..!? *laugh* come here and be my food it is your honor to be my food

"Tigrous can't take it anymore so he decided to attack with all his might but unexpected things happen before he can land a hit to cleons body his hands were gone and when he look at his body the green sword hit his body "

Tigrous "* you punny little human..! you're bragging!! it doesn't even hurt. how dare you.. say that me as your food..!?

Cleon "* Come....!!!!!! let me show you my world....

( his left eye with a crossed shaped eye suddenly glow As Tigrous soul began to leave its body straight down to cleon's eye cleaon's eye devoured the soul of Tigrous.)

"As cleon woke up he thought that everything was a bad dream but."

cleon "* hmmm... ohhh that's was all a dream thank goodness...!!! wew..! .....wait t..thhaaattt'ss.....a..a..a TIGROUS.....!!!!? but its dead since its an A class monster Then there should be a core

( then cleon start digging in the body of A class monster but he did not even noticed that he again broke through to the Earth level first layer and the ability of Tigrous that he adopt due to the ghoul devouring technique )

"Cleon went again to the mountain rock to find his fellow guardians and he did not fail the guardian looks so down that they been lost to a battle"

Cleon "*my fellow brothers what's with that long face??? cheer up..!!

Guardian#1 "* look it's young master...!!!

Guardian#2 "*...ohhh... God.... thank you he's alive

Guardian#3 "* young master ...what ...is that...?

Cleon "* ahhh this..!? this is a Tigrous an A class monster Ive found it dead lying on the ground so ive taken an action to take it and dig its core

Guardian#2 "* Congratulation young master you have made another breakthrough again in such a short time you are now a Earth Level first layer.

Cleon "* let's go back together

Guardians "* as you wish young master ..