
Encounter with Darkness

Braum returned to the Sun and Moon Inn who was owned by the nice middle-aged man named Danny. Previously, on his journey back, the city started to be enveloped in a snowstorm. The sky has also started to go dark and in such medieval society where electricity hasn't been invented yet, the city is completely pitched black and the only source of light is the occasional magical blue lights in the form of crystals which are only visible outside of wealthy people's houses. The street can be seen completely empty but some poor, homeless people can be seen hugging their legs and trying to stay warm. But Braum didn't see this sight because he was too focused on getting back home, he would've tried to help them if he saw those poor people. Luckily, the exo suit's weather resistant feature coupled with the hood over his head helped to not feel any of the cold snow.

"Phew, finally here, "Braum said while opening the door of the inn.

"Hmmm? Ah, you've return lad. Your friends are on the third floor and your room number is 15." Danny noticed Braum's arrival while he's sitting at the inn's receptionist desk reading a book.

"Thanks, Danny. Good Night" Braum said to Danny and went his way upstairs.

(Knock Knock)

Braum knocked on the door of his room, seeing that he doesn't have any keys, that means someone is already inside.


The wooden door opens with a screech and Niko came to greet him.

"It's you." Niko simply said with a flat face.

"Yes, it's me your favorite person in the world. Call the others I'm going to explain things" Braum ordered Niko to call the others who were in the other rooms.


"You sure this is related to the previous incidents?" Kelvin said with a skeptical tone after hearing Braum's retelling of what happened today.

"My senses are telling me that yes. The only other evidence is the small black cloth which is in the hands of Searcher Grant. Here's what I found," Braum turned on his ARIM device and the others did the same with theirs. The device then shows a record of what it found before.

"Unknown material. Not much to go about there. But the device was taken in 20-60 minutes before your time investigating the room...That should give us a good lead if the culprit was just there." Niko gave his analysis.

"...I have a bad feeling about this. If this is the same mysterious order, don't you guys remember when they managed to spy on us without being detected? What if they're doing the same thing to us now?" Urada gave her opinion with a worried face.

"But we didn't wear our ARIM device at the time because we thought it wasn't needed. Fuck. I should've been several steps ahead. If we wore the device back then and used the mana signature detection perhaps we could've detected the culprit who was watching us." Kelvin said with a regretful tone.

Braum puts his hands together and brings it to the bridge between his nose.

"That's why from this point on, we will split up and do our own investigation" Braum muttered.

"What? why?" Kelvin asked.

"Because...1. We will be able to gain more evidence if we search the whole town and 2. The enemy will have a harder time trying to keep track of each and one of us if we split up. You and Niko should split up throughout the city. I'll have to bring Urada because I promised to bring more manpower for Grant tomorrow. " Braum replied.

"That's a good point. Then let's do that. But try to keep yourself safe alright Zed? Everyone agrees?" Kelvin asked the others.



In a dark alley somewhere in Lancester. In the terrifying darkness which envelopes the entire area with feelings of danger always present, an individual is seen, or rather barely seen, resting his or her body on the alley's gross wall while crossing his or her arms, as if waiting for something. After a while, another dark humanoid lump of darkness arrives without any sort of noise. This humanoid figure has no distinguishing figure other than the overall layout of its body.

"Right on time. As usual," The individual said to the newly arrived thing.

"Hahaha. I am known for my punctuality amongst our peers. The plan is going extremely well. We have gathered the necessary amount of tributes. With this, the day of N'yoleh will arrive sooner than we expected. " The humanoid thing replied. Its sinister, gender-ambiguous voice can put a chill on any adult that hears it.

"But I've heard that you found a new disturbance?" The humanoid thing asked the individual.

"Yes. A boy from the mercenary guild it seems. He wears strange armor and a hood over his head so I couldn't get a close look on his face. I managed to retrieve the fallen doll before they noticed. " The individual replied.

"Hmmm....his description matched the strange group of annoyance who raided one of our bandit's base near the border. I had offered them a chance to join our cause but alas they unfortunately refused. Their ability was no joke...but as fragile as a human is, everyone has a weakness...I want you...to keep an eye on them and the investigation. Be wary not to be noticed by them. I have a feeling that they won't make the same mistake as last time..." The humanoid thing said.

"Don't worry, they're a small hindrance. Once we gathered enough, we'll disappear before they even managed to catch our trails." The individual replied.

"I see....may you receive the blessing of (unintelligible)." The humanoid thing said before disappearing in a flurry of black feathers, which then ceased to exist as well.

The individual also entered deeper inside the dark alley, his or her figure then disappearing.


Meanwhile, Grant has also arrived back in the Searcher guild. The place is almost empty as everyone has already gone home for the day. Grant then goes straight to the guild's grand spiraling staircase to go to the third floor, where he then finds a particular room.

(Knock Knock)

"Lisa, you there?" Grant called out on whoever is inside the room.

"Y-yes! Come in Grant!" A panicked voice belonging to a woman can be heard.


The door opens and a woman in her mid-20s with blonde curly hair, wears glasses, and blemishes visible on her skin peaks out of the door.

"What do you need at this time, Grant?" Lisa asked with traces of red on her face.

"I need you to analyze this piece of evidence I just got," Grant replied and hands Lisa the black cloth from before.

"What's this?"

"Just analyze it and tell me the results later," Grant replied.

"A-ah! I see! I-I'll get right to it! Please return tomorrow for the result!" Lisa said while panicking.


Lisa closed the door in a rush. Lisa is one of the identification experts in the searcher's guild. They are scientists hired by the searcher guild who can help identify pieces of evidence that searchers bring in.

'She's an odd one. Why does she always react like that whenever I'm around? *sigh* ' Grant thought.

Grant, as intelligent and a high-class detective as he is, is still truly dense when it comes to love.

Grant then proceeds to return to the first floor and goes back to the bar where Braum previously found him sleeping in. He finds a seat right across the bartender, who was surprisingly still there. The bar though is empty tonight, probably due to the snowstorm outside.

"Jeff. One Black Flower on the rocks." Grant told the bartender his order.

"*sigh* you should really get sober Grant." The bartender replied with a worried face but brings out Grant's order anyway.

"Shut the fuck up Jeff and bring me my drink. I work better when I'm drunk" Grant barked.

This is going to be another normal night for Grant.


The next morning, Braum and Urada arrive in the orphanage. There, Rudy and his squad of knights have already arrived earlier. The city is currently filled with a mysterious white fog which limits visibility.

"Good morning, Rudy. Where's Grant?" Braum asked.

" *sigh* he must have fallen asleep on the searcher guild's bar again. I'll get one of my men to call him" Rudy replied.

"Hahaha, I see. That guy is a drunkard but I gotta say he does his job pretty well." Braum said while smiling.

"I agree. Oh, who's this young maiden next to you? My you look quite beautiful under that hood, " Rudy asked while flashing a charismatic smile.

"My name is Stef. I am Zed's teammate and will be helping with the case." Urada replied while also flashing a smile. She seems not perturbed by Rudy's enchanting charisma.

"Oh? Where're the other two people in your group?" Rudy asked but loses a little of his smile. He probably thought he would also win the heart of Urada and is disappointed that she didn't react much.

"Actually, they are busy with another urgent request so we have decided to split our duties. I and Urada are the ones who are going to help with this case." Braum replied with an annoyed face. He didn't like how Rudy is trying to flirt with Urada.

"I-I see. Well, let's just investigate the church first while we wait for Grant." Rudy said.

"Let's." Braum gave a short reply.


Braum and Urada proceed to do a search on the entire church while wearing the ARIM device. After searching the children's dorms, the church's main hall, and other rooms, they did not find even one more evidence left behind. Whoever was behind these kidnappings are not amateurs. Incidentally, the children have currently been evacuated temporarily to another orphanage to stay there until the investigation is over. The ones who are still here are the priests and nuns.

'I think we were extremely lucky to find evidence before. Grant was even more skilled in finding that small black cloth' Braum thought.

"Zed. I think we should do a search on the priests." Urada whispered.

"You're right. Let's call all of them to one room." Braum replied.

Braum and Urada then proceed to call the priests and nuns to the church's main hall. They are then told to line up in a horizontal straight line for a search.

"W-why are we being searched?" A nun said.

"We can't possibly be the culprit!" A priest also said.

"Relax. We are trying to prove that point as well. Just let us do a search now." Braum said to everyone.

Braum and Urada then use their ARIM device to search everyone in the room for either traces of black mana or other suspicious items.

'Hmm? What's this?'

DNA Traces Located

Small traces of sperm and saliva


Sperm detected to be from an adult male (40-60 years old)

Saliva detected to be from a child (10-15 years old)

'What the actual fuck did I just see' Braum thought.

The ARIM detected those things on the lower body part of a middle-aged priest.

"You! Come with me!" Braum barked.

"W-what did I do? I didn't do anything wrong!" The priest said.

"You are under arrest. Not for the kidnapping of the kids, but for the molestation of a minor." Braum replied with a very, very furious face.

"W-what! You have no jurisdiction to arrest me! Wait until the pope hears about this mercenary's treatment on a priest!" The priest replied.

"Shut the fuck up scum. Come with me" Braum said and then restrained the movements of the priest.

"Can I crush his balls now?" Urada whispered to Braum.

"You know...I would actually like that to happen but we should get him arrested first." Braum replied with an angry face.

Braum and Urada then bring out the priest to the front of the church, where Rudy and his squad of knights are also searching the area for evidence.

"Zed? Is that priest the culprit?" Rudy asked.

"Not exactly...we found him doing another crime. He sexually molested an orphan. One of your men should bring him to jail." Braum replied.

"T-that's... I'm sorry Braum but we don't have jurisdiction to do that." Rudy replied back with a sad face.

"WHAT! Rudy I'll fucking kick your ass if you don't arrest this man." Braum snapped and shouted.

"I-I'm sorry! The church is too powerful for us to mess with! Please release this man right now or I'll have to use force!" Rudy replied with a panicked face.

"...I'm disappointed in you, Rudy. Fine." Braum said and released the priest.

"Ugh! I'll report this to the pope! Wait till he hears about this!" The priest said and went back inside the church.

"Zed. Are you going to let him go like that?" Urada whispered. Her voice has traces of anger in it.

"These lands are more barbaric than I thought...We'll get him next time. Out of the eyes of the authorities." Braum replied.

While saying that, Braum has not turned off his ARIM device yet. On the opposite end of the street, in a foggy alleyway, traces of dark mana can be seen belonging to a black figure who is peeking from a corner of a wall to spy on the investigation team.

"HEY! That's!" Braum shouted and starts to dash towards the dark figure.

"Zed! What's wrong?" Urada shouted behind Braum as he is running.

"Stay there and keep an eye out! I'll return later!" Braum shouted back and proceeded to give chase again.

The dark figure noticed Braum is making his way towards him and also starts to run.

"You fucker! Get back here!" Braum barked.

The foggy and narrow alleyway is not the ideal place for a chase at all. The street is still quite slippery from the snow and visibility is reduced greatly. Braum gives chase until he corners the figure on a dead end.

"I fucking got you now!" Braum shouted and activated his vibrosword.


Golden light can be seen from the vibrosword and Braum starts to charge. Braum doesn't seem to be holding back at all like usual. Currently, he is fully focused on taking down this mysterious figure.

After moving a certain distance closer, the figure's appearance comes into view. The figure is wearing a mysterious black uniform and a mask that looks like a person constantly frowning.


Braum slashed towards the man but finds that the vibrosword goes straight through the figure's body without hurting it.


The masked figure then starts to charge up dark mana in his hands and forms it into a black sword. The black sword is basically just black mana shaped into a sword with black fog surrounding it. The masked figure starts to do a motion with his hand that says 'come here' to Braum.


Braum charged again, this time using his battle force. Braum can be seen disappearing and reappearing and clashed swords with the masked figure at an incredible speed.


Countless clashes between their swords happened.

'His sword is not breaking from the vibrosword's strength...' Braum thought.

"You! Who are you? Why are you kidnapping the children?" Braum asked the figure while in the middle of a battle.

The masked figure didn't reply and continue his attack. Braum and the masked figure seems to be evenly matched with no sides looking to be on the winning side. Finally, after a while, the dark figure retreated back to the dead end's wall.

"You're strong. But this is enough" For the first time, the dark figure spoke in an androgynous voice. After saying that, the figure starts to disappear in a flurry of black feathers.

"Wait! Come back here you fucking-" Braum shouted seeing the figure disappears.

But it was too late. The masked figure disappeared. However, he left something on the ground where he disappeared.

'The small statue...It matches the traces in the church' Braum though and puts the small statue inside his pocket.

'I must go back and report this to everyone.'


Braum returns to the church and finds that everyone was waiting for him, including Grant.

"Grant? You're here." Braum greeted.

"Zed! Where did you run off to? Did you find something?" Rudy asked with a worried face.

"I'll explain later. Why does everyone seem off?" Braum replied.

Everyone looks to be ready to go somewhere else. Even Grant, who is usually snooping around the crime scene, can be found just standing there.

"We were waiting for you to come back. There has been another incident..."Grant replied with a gloomy face.

I also have a second novel if you want to check it out:


VividDreamercreators' thoughts